Spaceships and Travel Overhaul

I just don’t see us ever getting something like space travel or spaceships in any sort of real good meaningful way. As much as I’d like it along with dozens of other ideas of mine that I don’t share with anyone, I just don’t see them really doing any of them because all of them require large changes to the way the game is played. The last two biggest changes was forging being introduced and bomb mining going away. Farming has to some point for certain items but it ultimately didn’t do much to change gameplay that much.

It would be pretty cool to see enemy NPC spaceships that you could attack, disable, board, kill the crew, loot/salvage to put in your ship’s cargo bay. I just think it would be really cool.

The other thing I understand is that Boundless needs to stay Boundless and not a hatchet job of various features from other games. It would lose it’s uniqueness if that happened.

Not every feature or content piece is going to appeal to everyone. Not releasing one because it might not be liked by everyone is a horrible reason to release it if it’s ready for release. If the Wraith hasn’t been polished then the people working on it need to have a “talk” about getting it done. IMO, it’s over due on release and that isn’t necessarily pure opinion either from what I’ve been told privately.

PvP is only going to work in Boundless if there’s a large enough player population. That’s just a fact. If this game is going to stay small like it is for years to come (which is realistically very possible) then we’re going to be for a much slower burn in growth than the developers probably were planning on. At some point they need to promote this game instead of being in this cycle they currently are in. They’re going to have to take that leap because not doing so is horrible business sense. Anyways, I want to stay on topic.

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Yeah, I get you. I’m ok with the idea that we’ll likely never get this or anything like this. But that’s not under my control nor my job. It’s my job to play and have fun and come up with fun things that I’d like to see and try to communicate them in a way that will most increase the odds of them being adopted!

I feel like the team does a good job listening to the player base, that’s why us folks who have been playing since early access are still around, some of us at least.

Hopefully they keep their eyes on us and keep us engaged through whatever they do!

I hope I’m not coming off like I’m trying to shut you down! I think we’re doing a good job with this idea! I just don’t want to get disheartened when it comes to talking about these ideas!

I feel like us Early Access backers are a dying breed now days. I am mostly burned out with the game of having very little interesting things for me to do. Zero motivation. I think when new players buy the game and start playing they get that new car smell in their head and then it starts to fade for the majority of them after a few months but that perception could be skewed incorrectly or not since the game hasn’t been growing in player population. Hard to tell now with Boundless Ninja gone.

I have a lot of vehicle ideas I’d like to see in this game. Some of them are military-inspired vehicles, such as a grav tank that visually looks like a hybrid of different modern day military tanks. In fact, I’d like all vehicles to be fully customizable from the designing stages, to the crafting stages, to the fabrication machine that builds it.

It would be really cool to see people build hangers full of tanks, ships, VTOL craft, and even multi-legged and bi-pedal walkers. Likelihood of us getting this stuff? Pretty small IMO. I want firearms and energy guns in this game. I want armor and clothing that boosts a player’s stats like you get in a typical MMO. I want to be able to equip a personal shield as well.

I do think the developers listen or at least read what we have to say and maybe do a little to much of it at times. I just don’t think they’re giving us the correct pieces of content or updates that really are going to spring this game into a forward positive momentum to growing.

I don’t mind talking about other people’s ideas. I just refuse to share mine in any amount of meaningful detail. I’ve done it enough in the past to feel like either nobody cares about the idea enough to engage in a conversation or they want to argue with me about pity stuff. Like no firearms but instead give us a magical staff… :man_facepalming:


Starmade is one in steam

Looks kind of clunky to be honest. I can hold off for games like Starbase and other games to give me that kind of experience even though I think this game would do it better than what is currently out there.

Ohhhh yes star made is clunky

At this point I would like something fresh to be found in space, like guardian bases and discoverable tech. So you wouldn’t find normal critters up there, but instead more humanoid baddies that are the ones responsible for launching the meteors. This could also be a great way to introduce new block types by making them unlockable using an epic skill, or bringing one back to be analysed by a machine and then added to the build list.

Wait, the meteors are an invasion force? I guess I never thought about it that way

From what I’ve gathered, which isn’t much, the mobs are actually called guardians, which would technically make the players the invaders. We’re all the bad guys :smiling_imp::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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We are poor Bad guys since we only wear nappies. Can a rich bad guy buy us clothing?