Spark Limit 16,775,103? It will not allow for any other spark to generate. Now 5 Million spark as well disappeared from the generator. Please help
If i remember correctly its 1.6mil limit per generator and stored in the gen itself. So do you have just 10?
Also breaking them, deleted what is stored in them.
Did you break/move any of the generators since the 5 mil disappeared?
yes I had added 3 and broke them off when it wouldn’t load anymore into them
It just happened again, just lost 50% of my spark because of this. it has never deleted spark on me before. why would it delete spark if it allowed it to load in with the 9. When it would allow more spark I added a couple more generators but it wouldn’t allow more spark to load in so I removed them. it should just delete the spar in the machines.
It would appear you’re breaking generators that are holding spark, and losing the spark as a result.
Exactly what ark just said. Each gen can only hold 1.6m. So break the gen is taking the spark with it
When you break them you lose the % they hold. Its devided evenly between each. 10mil, on 10 gens = 1mil each. So you lose 1mil per gen broke.
Its lost Spark. doesnt stay with in inventory.
and is there no way to get this lose back?
lol, probably not.
Its deleted when you break them. no way to recover.
Sry if sounding like a grump, just little frustrated with this now
It would be nice if there was something in the description saying what the max spark is on a generator and that if at max you will lose it without it going to generators next to it. @james maybe a description update on the generators?
And you are now out of compact hard coal again
I just got off too. would have got back on to save you a lil bit per.
But thank you as always
There is a limit to how much spark the cores can contain (as you saw, about 16-million, or 2^24 to be more specific), though the code (as written) should prevent any further conversion of fuel into spark if doing so would cause it to go over-max and clamp (effectively losing the fuel for nothing).
I can’t say that it will have had massive amounts of testing as it wasnt exactly expected that someone would reach such huge amounts of spark…
@FireAngelDth no worries going to be signing off anyways. Hoping a possible restock of my spark by the support team… @james ?
I have been in the process of making a factory for my shop. Been stocking up on hard coal every chance I could. My surplus is now drained and in the air basically…
I’m sure there’s a lot of people that have been to max. Two people off the top of my head would be chompers and aridhol from anvil/forgemasters. I’ve been max on two generators. I don’t craft enough to justify more