Testing 241: Beacon Reclaims!

Thursday is an excellent day for release, right?


Let me try some reverse psychology.

There is no possible way that a patch could be dropped on a Thursday, @james. It could never happen…

nudge nudge, wink wink


Ya, only the best devs could possibly do that…




Fuel Spark / sec Spark Damage Spark / 8000 damage Spark / SS Max Spark w/out interaction
Wood 4.3 30 8 30k 27k 27k
Stick 7 7 0.8 70k 6.3k 6.3k
Timber 5 15 4 30k 13.5k 13.5k
Compact Peat 5 500 80 50k 450k 50k
Compact Soft Coal 10 1500 80 150k 1.35M 150k
Compact Coal 15 4500 160 225k 4.05M 225k
Compact Hard Coal 30 15000 320 375k 13.5M 375k
Spark 1000 1000 0.8 10 M 900k 900k

The last column shows how many spark you can collect in a single spark generator until its durability is depleted - until it needs to be repaired. Basically how much spark you can collect in the generator during one nights sleep.

Edit: You can, obviously, not add more then 1 SSs worth of spark during the night per spark generator. I’ve added a new last column that uses whichever is fewer spark, either the amount per SS or when the durability is depleted.

So, yes, hooking up a single spark generator to a row of machines is enough. There is no longer a reason to connect all your machines to a single generator block as it’s now easy enough to move spark from one generator to another. BYE BYE STUPID 100 SPARK LINK LIMIT. YOU WILL NOT BE MISSED!

I just wish they would have come up with something elegant to solve the spark line length problem… this solution, the destroying and rebuilding of a generator, lacks the elegance I’m used to from Boundless.

Does someone know the max spark a single, lone generator can hold?


it’s an odd number somewhere around 7mil+ iirc

Edit, Nvm

looks like each generator can hold an amount each… makes since considering I use the same config on most of my generators…

Edit Edit,

i’ll have to play around with this soon ^^


I find your chart interesting since last time i tested this stuff, which was back in EA, it didn’t matter what fuel you used. X amount a spark would generate X amount of wear regardless of fuel type… i wonder when that changed :rofl:


Does Timber make more spark then wood?

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Mass crafting ^^


I’ve seen a generator hit 16,777,216 spark but it’s often a little less when it quits because it won’t convert a partial item. So most often a full generator will have slightly less than that.

The spark cap is the same whether you have single unit or any number of units linked together, but durability increases with the number of generators you link.


With mass craft, 18 trunks produce 50 timber or 100 sticks.

Fuel Spark Durability
18 Trunk 540 144
100 Sticks 700 80
50 Timber 750 200

And I noticed something else. If you remove a spark generator from a n-generator cluster, you get 1/n-th of the spark as Spark item. Not only the last generator returns Spark, but every one.

Than means if you have a 16 generator cluster and load it up with 16 million spark, you can remove 1 million at a time as Spark by temporarily removing a single generator.

And if you connect a machine to your generator, batch up some crafts, then remove the spark line and break the machine, you get back the items but not the spark. Only the generator can generate the Spark item, not machines.


If you cancel items from the crafting queue the spark is returned to the generators. But if you break the machine the spark is not returned.

This sounds like an extension of the same mechanic.


Yes, but I was curious if you now get the Spark item instead. For science!

On an expired beacon the generator could be on a different plot then the machine and could be reclaimed before the machine and the machine could still have something batched because there is no output space left. But… I really really really don’t think that matters.

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darn it, you didn’t say which specify which thursday…


Indeed I forgot, silly me :frowning:

Will be next week now I suppose, releasing on Friday is asking for overtime during the weekend so that seems doubtful…


Unlikely to even be on a Thursday. Looked at all the releases that happened last year and only 3 were on Thursday. Didn’t count the others but it looked like Wednesday had the most followed by Tuesday and then Monday.

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Well it won’t be this Thursday :wink:

That’ll be 5000 cubits please :joy:


Poo is right… shrimp flavor yuck