Testing 241: Beacon Reclaims!

That’ll be 5000 cubits please :joy:


Poo is right… shrimp flavor yuck

They’re actually really good, don’t knock it till you try it :blush: they’re like shrimp flavored Cheetos

They are one of my daughter’s favorites. I am not a fan, but I don’t really like shrimp.

? Does the Spark item Glow be Awesome light switch for @Ovis new invention

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It is not a block.

It’s just an item, not a block, but could pop it in a shop stand to indicate where the switch is :smile:

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I meant in a Shop stand like gleam glows in a Shop stand still


They would not be good for me I do not like any type of seafood even the smell of it makes me sick.

Oooh that’s a cool idea, will definitely check that out :slight_smile:

Updated OP with details of 241.5. The main change is the addition of a new set of emojis that can also be used on Signs. Oh, and Glass Pane signs. So you can write on windows.

Note: If you want to test the emojis on Testing you need Gleam Club. If you PM me I will gift you GC on Testing. GC on Testing is not linked to GC on Live.


Cool stuff about the glass pane sign!


A big cake…


Is the release planned for this week ?

I believe the answer will be it is planned for when it is ready, standard situation :wink:

As long as the coding isn’t :poop: I bet they want it released soon… :slight_smile:

So as i can see we can make a giant :poop: emote ingame now.


Wait… isn’t the cake a lie? Maybe there really will be cake…? :thinking: Cheese too! (And not just the Swiss Cheese we made of Jand Fels) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Yeah, this will really bring out my inner 12 year old… :smiling_imp:


The :timer_clock: since the last release has been :poop: and, quite honestly, I’m really close to quitting the :video_game:.

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D: were the Big :cookie: