Spark Generator,Spark Limit? 8 Million spark disappeared as well

Guess I just paid 100,000c roughly for this my math at 145c per compact hard coal. Think 15000 spark per block. 533 compact hard coal down the drain???

Except we were just told about 16mil is max regardless of size.

like I said I donā€™t know how it behaves at max

There should not be a max at all. If I want 100 million spark I should be able toā€¦ ā€œboundlessā€ and all right

Was just meaning you saying 4mil doesnā€™t matter because supposedly 1 generator can hold 16m which is also max amount 9 can hold. So thereā€™s nothing to lose when removing one

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I would rather see a max per, with a larger cap at 16

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yes, there absolutely is, as I explained if you break a generator that leaves 2 or more that are separated then you lose the percentage of spark that would have been in the generator you broke. leaving a small amount in the single one and the rest in the remaining cluster or if theres 3 in a row and you break the middle one, you are left with one third in one generator, one third in the other and one third vaporize into thin air.

I simply used 4 mil for simple mathā€¦

And Iā€™m going off what a dev said. That the only way the spark is lost is if the whole group is destroyed. Nothing is stored in a single generator again according to a dev

lol. Iā€™m going by pure experience, not just an isolated comment by a dev.
I am not saying heā€™s wrong, iā€™m saying he didnā€™t say anything about this.

I am hoping a Dev will step in with this sometime. Because I feel this is something that shouldnā€™t have happened. This to me is no different than if a shop stand stole coin from a player during a purchase or a machine causing materials to disappear.

How is this not commenting on this situation? Lol

It is in this post

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this has happened many times before, and they havenā€™t done anything about itā€¦ they have before but that was ONLY in pre-release.
I will agree that the max a generator can have may be poorly explained and it is very unfortunate that you were at the maxā€¦ but the absolute worst thing you can do is start breaking generators :S

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I really have to be this specific eh?
the dev did not mention anything about breaking a generator in the middle of a string, which I am saying does in fact delete spark. if you donā€™t believe me, go and test it yourself. I know this to be true so I donā€™t have to test it. I have lost spark this way myself. thatā€™s why Iā€™m even here in this thread, to shine some light on what may have actually happened.

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Youā€™re also assuming ratchel had them in a string. And from the looks of the small portion of screen shot thatā€™s pretty unlikely.

Donā€™t have to test dev tested it

I understand what you are saying. But with breaking hundreds of generators over the course of time Iā€™ve played and this has never happened. You can see why Iā€™m pretty irritated about it. Plus 8 million spark how many people can say that. Donā€™t think that amount has happened many times before.

That is not true, I even just confirmed it in-game. 3 generators containing (as a whole) 300 spark, break the middle one, and the two remaining generators have 150 spark each.

now i am assuming? please stop putting words in my mouth. I was explaining what happens if you break a generator in the middle of a string.

well thatā€™s good to know! maybe itā€™s possible he broke a string and then broke the remaining one that had some spark in it

How is this not assuming what happened to ratchel? No words put in your mouth

stop. just stop.