Spinoff discussion: what's your opinions on PVP in Boundless?

Wonderful. :grin: Hope those prizes are juicy.
However im not really seeing where this would add anything new as far as mechanics go.
All of that would basically be somewhat of a mini game of sorts I suppose, but what new actual playable content do we get out of that, feature wise?
Can you maybe Elaborate for us?
One more thing, where would we find deserted citys?
They simply wouldn’t exist if they’ve been deserted.
Are you suggesting these citys be placed by the devs?
Like Props?

I need a brain that is functioning better, so it will have to be after I have slept some. To many ideas bouncing around and none would make sense right now. Some of what I am thinking of may not even be feasible, as I am no computer expert, so don’t know much about the mechanics of game designing.

Understood :slightly_smiling_face:

My logic here is that Boundless is mostly a community building game with an economy simulator.

So building off those concepts, how can you use PvP to enhance the core?

It needs to be something that inspires builders to build new things

Not everyone is a builder though, some people are solely shopkeepers. So, it would also be nice if it was something that can bolster the economy and sell more goods.

And this is why I always come back to player- owned Arena beacons.
Arena Beacons should be a different block than regular beacons, and have different permission types and settings i.e. free for all(anyone with pvp enabled can fight), duel(whitelisted players can fight)
This can allow the space to be used in different ways
Also, the opt-in approach (a setting that allows you to turn PvP on and off) THIS IS KEY

This route would give builders a bunch of new project possibilities, and those builders will need supplies.
The building supply shops will see an increase in profit

Gladiators are gonna need weapons, foods, and brews to fight at a high level. That’s another large chunk of the market getting a boost.

The whitelist option allows for events like pro fights or simple things like… Duels.


I think there’s perhaps a place for PvP in Boundless sometime in the future, either through private worlds, PvP flagging yourself, or a PvP beacon option for people who want to build arenas (you could have a message come up for people entering a PvP enabled beacon, such as ‘you are entering a PvP area’ with a countdown)

That said, PvE has always been the main focus of Boundless, and while the PvE content is lacking, PvP will have to sit on the shelf.


I dislike PvP and it holds zero interest for me so if it were to be introduced I would prefer that 1) it be completely separate and not something e.g. a new player could accidentally stumble into and 2) only trivial/cosmetic bragging items be linked to it so it isn’t necessary to partake for core game progression.

Edit: wow, precaffeinated phone fingers.


I can see how PvP might hold some interest for some. Definitely does not for me.

The original proposal from the devs was for PvP support on private Worlds. I can see it quite clearly: the PvP champions board dominated by the cretins who camp the portals and gank everyone who warps in with a one-shot augmented forged diamond slingbow. Once you start paying the death tax on your XP, it’s a free-for-all laser tag game. Add in an audio channel and we can hear a youthful voice giving the running description of the reproductive practices of your mother. Just like so many other games already available, except on a hot pink cartoonish planet.

Or add a trading card game. Just like pretty much every other game out there. Maybe craft your own Hearthstone deck, or mine a Gwent deck, or chop Pokemons out of trees. Yep, make the differentiating factor for this game be “it’s the same as all the other games!!!” and wait for the playing hordes.


I like all the pvp ideas… pvp planet straight bedlam… player built arenas on home world’s that you have to agree to battle in and after youre full up on blood lust swing by to place bets on the local wild stock fights… or perhaps a few games of card… even if I never did a single one I’d still be glad they’re in game… I adds depth and life to the game

The issue is, the game does not have PvP so 99% of gamers don’t play it. This leaves us the .5% who are too soft for PvP, and .5% who are waiting patiently for PvP.

Total of 292 players across 48 planets

Looks like some people have already lost hope on PvP.

I would stop playing if PvP was introduced.

The fact that there is no PvP is one of the biggest draws. It’s what separates it from most other games of this type.

There are a ton games out there with PvP already, go play them if that’s what you want.


Where was PvP advertised? I have never seen any mention of it, but that could just be me not looking.

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In some of the Early Access videos.

We even had PvP at one point, but it needed to be worked on so was taken out pre-release.

But nothing on official release of the actual game then?

Advertised, is Advertised. You PvE people are failing to keep the game alive. They will have to do something.

If they had a separate server for PvP, that did not interfere with with the game now, that may be a workable compromise?

separate planets are separate servers…Don’t want pvp? don’t go to a pvp planet.

Or want PvP, go to the PvP planet?

I’m trying to be reasonable here, I’m willing to taper back from my original statement, hoping you would come back a little too?

No point in just stating opposing views, but maybe try to discuss something that would not be somewhere between to two?

Well I mean it’s the same thing, if you want PvP go to a PvP planet. Either way PvP won’t be forced.

I was getting the impression from the discussion people wanted PvP just dropped into the game as is, with no choice to the player.

Also it seemed some people who wanted PvP had quite a low opinion of those who only wanted PvE, which rankled me a bit.

Maybe I didn’t read enough of the posts properly.

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I’ve played tons of MMORPGs and there’s always a small group that wants PVP, most seem to not though.

When they added it to ToT(Tale of Toast) they lost a ton of players.

A small group wanted it in OSRS, so the devs eventually gave them several entire servers and they were the lowest populated ones…so they removed most of them & added the wilderness instead.

People wanted it in Trove, so they added battle arenas…we ended up with just a few people standing at the PVP portals begging in chat for people to join them, but no one wanted to. Everyone wanted to take down dungeons, shadow towers, and get dragons.

Boundless seemed very sandbox, PVM, PVE to me so I opened my wallet and haven’t looked back. I love it. I can’t wait to see what they add in the future.

I don’t think adding a PVP planet to BL would harm anything, but I’ll never go there. To each their own.