[STATUS] Post Release 242 hotfixes and issues

Hmm troll now thanks…but yea I rather chat about it on discord than be misunderstood on forums

Ahhh now I get it…I havnt used the minter for long term money ever…so I guess I never think about it

There’s also an issue with reclaiming items from a beacon. Every time I press trigger (PS4 obviously) to move items in my inventory, instead of dragging and dropping, it opens the search bar and keyboard. The trigger I’m pressing is the one set to open the search menu, the R2 button. Alternately, L2 opens the category menu. Kind of a hassle.

This morning I had a look into the forum overview and could not resist to write this message to you @James:

As you will notice, there are on this first page 3 msgs which are - looks like they are official notifications from you / devs - which have a timestamp in the header. Is it possible that you decide to use ONE time zone for all such messages (I propose UTC) as this will help us to map the coming event more easily. Thank you very much in advance :slight_smile:


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Hmmm, almost 2 hours now, something might have gone wrong, they lost Biitula! :joy:


Did someone reclaim the Portal Seeker hub there…?

or is that too soon? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

getting a bit worried now…

Nah ! They want to repair the economy but today they could not find it at all! Must have been lost with one of the previous releases :slight_smile: Hehehe…

Come on guys, it’s Friday, I’m home, I have wifi, I have some pizza, it was all planned to finish another wing on my factory :frowning:

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What kinda pizza?

Cold now :slight_smile:

Srsly now, Hawaiian (no hate please, I just like it).


It’s good stuff :woman_shrugging: Lol

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game back online XD for real this time

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Yeah uh huh. I believe you this time…


Oh damn, they are


i’m not always joking, just 80% of the time


You see, this is why you don’t joke about this stuff :smiley: Nobody is going to believe you when they’re actually back.

edit: Oh they really are back, lol


back on soch I