Suggestion - Flowering Hedge Block

I saw another thread mentioning this when I searched, but decided not to necro it as it was more about evolving blocks than having just a plain block like what I’m thinking here.

Sometimes my sleeping brain is more creative than my waking one. Actually, more more like usually than sometimes! Mentioned in another thread dreaming of some new block types. If I had any art skills I’d draw what I saw in my dream, but dreamed of flowering hedge blocks - and I think it could really work well! :slight_smile: Maybe craft with foliage and flowers, and occur naturally too even perhaps. Some pics for general idea, but could be a nice landscaping thing I thought? Could even be chiseled into interesting shapes.

hedge1 hedge2


A thousand times yes!

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Yes please!

The second to last picture is perfect

What would determine the colors though?

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Thanks!! :smiley: Ideally color of both foliage and flower, but that might be too much? (Like, azure foliage + magenta gladeflower) Like with trellis, might have to default to one, which would sort of color-coordinate the other. Edit: Actually, the way the gladeflower looks now, put onto a square block, is pretty close, could really go with that, keep the gladeflower colors and use that as the flower in the recipe.

The other block type I dreamed about, had trouble finding a similar image - sort of a wood block wrapped in flowering vines. I’ll throw that one here too - kind of like this, I guess if they melded together like ornate glass it could work?


We need this ! I wanted something exactly like this to put around my gardens.

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If DEV HQ give us these in sticker format,
then we can put them on any block we like :+1::+1:


I LOVED the sticker idea they posted! So many possibilities!


Sticker? Wut

That could bring up some neat possibilities - like putting it just on top of wood or brick, for fencing. :slight_smile:

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I think they mean an overlay we put on blocks.


This could solve the color issue - make the hedge block a plain foliage block, color from foliage. Then the flowers as stickers. Then you could do all sorts of stuff - mix colors, put them just on certain spots, ect.! :smiley:

Edit: Vines could also be a sticker then too. :slight_smile:


Way to go @Trickyy90
This is the post i was searching for
you beat me to it :grinning::+1:


I’m having a very productive day at work as you can tell…


This is a wonderful idea !!


YES! Please and thank you!

Like recipe could be timber, nails, and the color of grass seed or top soil deco plant could determine flower color.