Suggestion: invisibility blocks to hide hunt platforms and secrets

could be useful. I’d make them visible from a short distance tho. some kind of fog or force field


Good point, visible from couple of blocks distance would make it work nicely.


Like a cloaking device… I actually really like the idea


Excellent idea indeed!


Nice idea, have these type blocks in modded minecraft! I has the code somewheres how todo it. Well kinda just really renders the background sky . I suppose u could fix it with doing a cam snap and then texture plaint other block side. Of a build. But hard figture out the other side of builds can be done but needs lots of server cpu for re calculating. For now just get sky block background textures :wink:

I’m voting ‘no’, but for several reasons.

How do you define where is the outside and where is the inside of the block? How would it work? Could the devs even actually do it?

I think this is taking the problem in the wrong direction.
The question we must first answer is 'why was this type of build made in the first place? What functionality does floating hunting platforms have? How to make them un-needed?

Hunting platforms have (to my eyes) two purposes :
• They mark the frontier between two regions, which we cross in mass to trigger the biggest meteors.
• They are high-up so we can jump and grapple quicker to nearby meteors.

So I’d say the best way to fix the problem would be not to try to put a cloaking field around hunting platforms, but to find better solutions to these issues.

Just throwing that out-there, but why not have a warp-conduit option to open a warp to the nearest meteor?
I also already suggested something about a meteor-magnet, which could be re-thought to simply be the way we trigger a meteor to land nearby.

On that point, I would rather suggest to copy what Creativerse did with their Phaser Block, which would accomplish what you said better.

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The main reason they are high up is for visibility of meteors. @Goblinounours

People have suggested forever that the devs make meteors more visible, especially to PS4 players who cannot mod.

If meteors were made more visible, hunting platforms wouldn’t be necessary.

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I mean, I don’t mod, and the only thing I find indeed hard to see would be the beam of light they emit to the sky. It’s often phasing out for some reason. Indeed, that needs a good upgrade!

Still, fixing that wouldn’t make floating platforms un-necessary on its own.
The platforms are also very much used for the frontier-crossing thing to trigger them.
It’s a primitive and player-unfriendly way to make this meteor feature work, IMHO.

Now the meteor-tractor-magnet thing, that would allow us to summon meteors from wherever we want, not just from structures built at frontiers.


It might be a good idea to hide certain constructions, but I have a doubt:

Wouldn’t planets be filled with invisible walls everywhere?

For example, the neighbor has a construction that we do not like because of its aesthetics and we put an invisible wall on the edge of my plot, orienting the invisibility blocks so as not to see their construction from the windows of our construction.


Wouldn’t this be a good thing?

Remember the backlash on the emoji debate when someone suggested we just had an option to not show emojis, and how people who would rely a lot on them were pissed, like “what’s the point of even adding them if people can hide them, who’s going to use them, then!” ?

Imagine if they build a place, and a troll is like “gonna plot next to them and make an invisibility wall to hide their stuff from people coming from my side of their build, ha!”.


Ok that’s a solid abuse scenario.
Maybe invisibility blocks only affect things in the same plot

Yes, of course, it would be good for someone who wants to hide a construction, but I don’t think it’s good for the game. As I ask before, wouldn’t this cause the planets to fill with invisible walls? Could the planets look like mazes full of invisible walls? Is that a good thing for the game? Now when you move around a planet, you can at least see what constructions are on your way, but if everything is filled with invisible walls … I don’t know, I don’t like what I’m imagining could happen …

Edit: Only the invisibility blocks by themselves seem to me to give more tools for trolls than real utility in game, but the situation could change if we also had a mini-map and all the constructions were shown on the mini-map, including the invisible blocks . This combination would reduce the tension of having to go around all the planets assuming that at any moment I can find an invisible wall with a pool of lava behind …

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Invisible walls was actually one of the reasons why they didn’t add frameless glass into the game for so long. You could create invisible obstructions to trap players - which many would find frustrating.

I’m a solid no on this one I’m afraid, for the sole reason is that it would be player unfriendly - especially new players.


How about a block that does not appear if you are outside of render distance? You know how from 10 plots away a giant Mona Lisa statue ends up looking like Shrek’s big toe? Maybe you could have these blocks just not render at all.


The way builds turn in to low detail versions far away would be very hard to accommodate this, I have no idea how they’re really doing it, but I’d imagine it’s somehow averaging out nearby blocks and turning them in to a bigger average version. You’d have to build a pretty thick invisible wall so that none of them gets lost when this averaging is done. The aggressiveness of the algorithm also depends on graphical settings, so it’d be hard to make sure it’s really hidden on all different settings.

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I assume you’re talking about the lava wall on Raxxa?

Many people would still want to use platforms even if meteors were more visible. Also don’t really feel they are eyesores.


Yeah, BTW, can we talk about that? Anybody know what it is about? I can see it from miles away in LOD.

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Love this idea!!!