Suggestion to devs-meteorite ichor

Hey Devs,

Just curious if we could get the meteor ichor to be a flat 3x longer fueling time when crafted with oort?

Without any down sides. It would still remain rare-ish due to demand

That way there would be reason to have hunts on t7s and would help portal fuel costs as well as provide hunters with a new resource to sell.



This would also reduce player burn out, and keep hunt leaders from becoming exhausted from over hunting.

It would also prevent or nix the true need for a second oort source, unless you want that to happen, which is fine. But if it’s not original design then doing this would help


Edit: it would also give an active market for t7 bows.

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People always could choose to have less portals and not cause themselves such hassle to try to keep them going. This ultimately comes down to people causing themselves more work than is needed in my view.

The Devs have long held to the belief of risk/reward, benefit/cost type designs. The additional time people get from longer portal timers comes at a cost of more resources. It seems to be a fair and equal balance that we see in many spots of this game.


Good points for sure. But is anyone buying the ichor or the mixed oort?

I’m just wondering if this is underutilized due to the risk or cost being too high for the reward

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Nobody ever uses meteor ichor. I agree with OP


Likely because people don’t feel it is worth it. I think this was one feature where the Devs gave people what they wanted - more time - but clearly showed again that they feel the costs around portals and the time they run is fine. I personally think people were trying to get a fast one of the devs… more time - same work. But, it didn’t work out.


Yeah, so I am just suggesting a change to it, because it is under utilized or not at all.

If it’s a dead aspect of the game, then revitalizing it with a change will only improve the game and user experience.

I think the cost of gaining ichor should be the challenge of hunts on t7 and t8 planets, not that they burn faster.

They will also cost more, but in the long run save portal users money.

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yeah nobody uses it. the cost is certainly too high right now. I’m not sure what an appropriate cost is, but costing oort is not valuable for the people who could use the product. The product is not currently viable at a minimum.


Yeah. So my suggestion is to make the burn time the same as regular oort but last the 3x longer, which would be the benefit of ichor. The limiting factor is resource amounts due to t7 availability and hunt difficulty.

Which I feel is a fair trade

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The cost for group of people to exo over is what 3600 min well kinda cheap for a group but time is money and time spend on exo vs hunting on a t6. The increase time spent hunting is not worth over time spend refueling time or just huntinf on lower tier planets for more oort!

I think that is fair reasoning for the current state, but if ichor was a valid resource, then hunts would move to t7 I feel like. The devs could also tweak the meteors on t7 to give more oort per meteor, which I think would be a smart move.

A harder planet should reward more.

Jump costs can also be shared by the jumpers. Place a basket at the stage location, have people donate, then hunt leader uses the funds to jump to exo. That’s a minimal cost that can be overcome easily.

@james I hope this is a visible idea and maybe viable

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To increase the oort, they could either increase the total number of drops, or remove metal, tech fragments, and fossils from t7 and t8 meteors

I’m not sure. The portals weren’t supposed to be so crazy I don’t think. People decided to build extensive networks which put a drain on the resource itself because of player decision. Various players wanted longer lasting fuel, devs said ok but it has a price. We got amalgam. It does exactly what people wanted. Last’s long which means less portal management but at a higher price. This is a proper formula to me. If people aren’t using it, then they never really wanted fuel that lasted longer, they just wanted less work to do for the same benefit they’d gotten all along.

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I see what you are saying. I think it wasnt their intention either.

But we have had a lot of posts about alternate ways to get oort. So, if this comes in the end people will still get what they want, just not with ichor, instead with a surplus of oort.

So, in the end on the alternate side, you would have alternate ways to get oort, which would also increase the portals which would not be what the devs intended.

So instead of making it other avenues and easier to get. What if they used the mechanic of ichor and make us work for the reward, instead?

Either way. I doubt portals will continue to be limited. Either they will make other ways to get oort or they will use their dead mechanic and create more high tier initiatives.

Not sure what is right. Just brainstorming

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Maybe if ichor was changed to a seed that had to be farmed and had a guaranteed output of ichor, but you could not seed farm it, it would reduce its overall rarity. People would want to hunt meteors for the ichor seeds and then either use them to farm or use them to sell for what I imagine would have a good price.

I wasn’t trying to say no change should happen, sorry if it came out like that. You’ve got a good brainstorm going. The way I was looking at it is it is more developer time would have to go in to this and them working out math problems on how much might be generated or ways we might manipulate it, and that’s time they could be spending adding other new systems to the game. But you’re right. It’s a resource that barely gets used/sold/bought in the pubic realm so in that regard it likely warrants some attention whether it be modifying it to make it better, or potentially even just taking it out.

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or increase the ichor cost, and add some other cost, and remove the oort inefficiency. wasting oort just feels bad.


I do like this adaptation idea. It could be altered to a plantable seed, that only gives crop which increases the time requirements, but no seed is returned. So it’s not over havestable.

It would give economic viability to hunters, farmers, and portal users.

It would also give a community initiative to work together, but not forced.

Edit: this could be an inorganic crystal that produces “super dense oort” or “volatile oort”, giving the 3x fuel with no increased burn

@james please dont get tired of my links

Edit: this could be plantable in condensed oort or the deco oort block

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Or this as simoyd says. I think both ideas are viable

Although I see and understand the point, my counterargument on this would be that the people running hubs are really providing a critical community service, not just helping themselves. And if we get more planets (which I’m sure we all home for!) it will become more an issue. I keep a few portals running to hub areas, but without those hub areas, no way I could afford - either in Oort for my own portals or coin for warps - to go to a lot of places, or at least not that often. It would severely limit my play, and I’m sure that must be the case for many others as well. The game is constantly evolving, so I’d love to see a modification of this viewpoint for the portals (unless it would cause technical issues of course) and some things done to ease the burden on or reward those who keep the hubs running for the rest of us.

I dunno anyone who uses it.
Might aswell add it to some upcoming recipe to make it viable.

I have only used it once wheb i provided portal to some newbies… it sure hold pretty long but the cost was outrageous. i didnt do that for footfall just to help fellow players.