Sunken City of Love is dying now... I give up

That is exactly what we told many many times before launch, and now we have to deal with it, thank you @james… literally hundreds of Hours of work torn blocked from getting further in one night…

I will keep trying, but i am so sick and tired… I can’t let all our art die… and i hope the Devs will take a heart and maybe help us long time players instead of letting anarchy reign…

But in the Meantime i stop being nice now… and if no one respects coc i won’t either…

Why didn’t you claim all your plots to start with ? Move your area and claim all the plots to prevent this.

You’re always welcome to Chisel Town and Chisel Knights. We have more plots and materials than we can use :slight_smile: Also Chisel Town has all area around secured so well, that no griefer raided us for ages. Plus some cool megastructures, roads, lots of themed buildings…

PS Always loved your and your friends building style :smiley:


Because we don’t ■■■■ money…

And i’m already 1600 hours in, how much more does this Game want of me to be accebtable Mayors Assistant? xD


They always come with this kind of argument “Why you did not plot all?” and “The one who claimes free space did nothing wrong, because it was free space and everyone can plot it.”

Thats so lame arguments.
Because these people who argue like this always forget, that the one who do this kind of “griefing” just do it, to destroy other gamers fun.

But to be honest, even we can’t do anything against it, and even it is in the frame of rules and in this kind allowed, it doesn’t make it better.
It is a bad behaviour just to put your own ass into someones settlement, and act unsocial like hell, just because you can.
There is a huge difference to do it in a obvisious project compared to a free town.
And even then, just to ignore all kind of town sense/rules/theme and not to be able to find at least a compromise with other townmember, makes the culprit an asshole.


Possible solution could be near…


I hope they include it fast, this way it’s just madness… Everything has to be supervised or anarchy rises quick…

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Take ownership, bad planning, don’t blame game mechanics, there’s hundreds of thousands of unclaimed land on all the world’s, relocate, claim all the land use all ten alts , the solution is already here, no changes need to be made.

Still wont solve the core issue, people want unlimited expanse space with no unwanted neighbors.

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That’s not what this is about tho. Don’t be too quick to judge.

You build a settlement, people ask to settle there with you, you agree, many weeks pass and a few of those people aren’t active any more and their plots are going to be up for grabs when their beacons run out. People with less nice intentions are then swooping in and grabbing those plots with the sole purpose to block them or extort them.

Does this sound at all like what you describe? And is it something that is caused by ‘bad planning’, could’ve been solved by ‘taking ownership’, blablabla? Nope…

And if you’ve made some huge builds it is rather hard to simply relocate…


So what is your solution then?

It factually IS due to poor planning. If you are the city owner, you just have to own and maintain all the roads. People build next to your road. Simple as that.

If their plot goes wild and someone moves in, what are they going to do… build something? Add to the city? Go ahead! Thank you for building and adding to my city Mr. Troll… There’s more road space over to the west if you would like to build more

@Raziels01 I don’t **** money either, but I am sitting on a fighter that hasn’t spent many cubits. just by leveling him, I could buy 160 plots right now… free… no *****ing needed.

If you are a city owner, all of your cubits should be going to plots to further your city. Basically, more roads. or to reserve more space.

I think part of the problem is when people snap up the plots when they expire but then don’t build anything so you end up with lots of pockets of derelict land so to speak. This can then have a domino effect as people see areas around them laying dormant so they then decide to relocate to somewhere with more activity and the whole thing snowballs.


Ya, that is unfortunate, and it does happen.

Sadly those people are wrong about moving away, and don’t get it. This is going to happen in every city, everywhere, all the time. Everyone needs to get used to the idea that your neighbor is going to quit playing at some point.
Don’t be discouraged, its a game! People will buy and play other games, get bored, move on… IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO EVERYONE, lol.

But not my neighbor with the sweet castle! Yup, him too… turned to grass… then someone builds a big middle finger.

We will all regenerate back into the wild… the circle of Boundless


The solution is simple and was posted above.

Protection zones around beacons, that way any gaps in the beacons that open up should be covered by a protection zone, which can then be claimed only by the beacon owner.

This will create another issue that people might see, but at least it solves the one talked about here.

The issue I speak of is it doesn’t stop really dense settlements replace owners, as anyone nearby can grab their protected land if it comes available. However it does mean it has to be someone local who will have a protected zone over that spot, not another player moving in and just ninja claiming it all.

It should hopefully over time consolidate all land in an area however into single owners if that is what people want, its the perfect solution.

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The main thing in the arguments above is that people have different wants out of an area.

Some people wanted that specific area for a collection of friends. Whereas others are happy when anyone moves in and contributes. Others have a very specific theme in mind (I am one of these people) and I don’t really care who moves in, as long as the theme is followed. - Which is a pipe dream if its a random stranger.

The difference between a busy city and a small hamlet :D, and the growing pains any area like that has I think.

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vote yes on prop : plot protection. Too many threads with this complaint. James has a great idea vote yes. It in no way can hurt. give yourself the power to say no or yes. right now you have neither.

seems like hundreds of threads of the plot issue. It’s not really about money. I’m tired of people blaming all the problems on players ability to buy plots. Like that is the only reason people have unused plots. I have many many plots available, and not one cent spent for them.


Unfortunately I don’t think there is any easy solution as the game mechanics allow those with a large disposable income (in regards to real money) to buy as many plots as they want and then coupled with gleam club they can plot and forget. Some could be doing it with the intention of building something in the future, some to just speculate and try to sell the land and some to perhaps even to undermine a rival city.
Personally I would just stick it out and keep building, improving what you can as people will always come and go regardless. It also depends on your play style, if you’re in for the long haul and plan to be playing for a long time then definitely stick at it, if you prefer to jump from game to game then it’s all irrelevant. (Disclaimer: these are just my personal opinions and in no way represent any facts or other people :face_with_monocle:)
Edit: I also have nothing against people buying plots or the gleam club, that’s not the problem, it’s more to do with what people do with them.


Dont feed the beast. You say their doing it to extort or upset you. So just roll with it and they’ll get bored. Theyre doing it for a reaction, if you dont react they have no reason to do it. If theyre reading this for example… the price just doubled cause they know how much its worth to you.

Right, there is no real solution, because we have ingame same problems with people we would have in RL. In RL it is going more worse, if defending own rights leads into cruelity. Ingame it „just“ leads to frustration.