SUPER CRAZY IDEA : Sanctum Re-Worked as Official Portal Hub

Is this not already somewhat of the concept already in place? PS has a hub to the planet and then players open portals in the PS hub to their builds or shops on the planet. The difference being players might have portals at each of the hubs for the planetary networks. There is duplication but that is a result of the multiple planetary networks.

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Yeah but I meant, currently, you want to go to a specific build on, say, Norkyna, which happens to have a portal in the Portal Seeker Hub of Norkyna, but is not the TNT MegaHub Norkyna location.
Say you’re on Raxxa.
So you must travel through the PS Network until you get from Raxxa to Norkyna, which involves loading and crossing a lot of portals :
Raxxa > Alder > Biitula > Circapous > Besevrona > Cardass > Shedu Tier > Alcyon > McRib > Houchus > Norkyna.
Or you hope the TNT MegaHub location on Nork has a portal to the place you want to go to.
These are the two options.

With what I’m saying, the main difference would be “you’re on Raxxa, you go to the PS hub of Raxxa, you cross a portal leading to the TNT Megahub, you cross its portal to Norkyna which sends you to the PS hub of Norkyna, you take the portal from the PS hub to the build you want to go to”.

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If the universe ever goes through a growth spurt, we may see different hubs covering different sections of it. Maybe even planets that are not really connected to hubs directly around the fringes.

With that being said, I am not for the idea of a WS created portal hub. Let the players build the universe’s infrastructure.


I’d be more in favor of changing portal distance costs somehow to give more planets the advantages of circapous delta and till

Not just because I own hubs haha. But also it would drastically change the character of the game. Maybe for the better, who knows.

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Yeah, I’d be also fine with such a solution, because I keep hearing all the time that Oortstones are hard to come by.
Or made them far more easier to get, or rather less of a chore.

Sure it would work but i think TNT is already like that kinda. If i remember correctly their portals goes to a hub where players can make portal to it.

Yeah, their hub is technically on Circapous, which makes it similar to the PS Circapous hub.

On the surface, I am not in favor of this idea. However, I still remember plotting free ground near a new portal hub and being in the way of an ‘important player’s’ plan to monopolize the hub. I remember being blocked in by plots. And I remember another player who also plotted free ground and who also got in the way being forced encouraged to re-locate further out. So, if it means this kind of stuff stops. I am all in.

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I’m less in favor of the Sanctum being reworked into a portal hub, and more in favor of a different “pocket dimension” with a single, unified portal hub. I would enjoy the game more if there was one unique portal hub that everyone in the game used.

I know that other players want to run their own portal hubs, and I get that. I just think one portal hub would be nice.

“The Nexus”.

I know it’s a total coincidence, but that was the name of my server-spawn-point build on Creativerse, and it almost was the name of my place on Raxxa before I went with Raxxian Sanctuary, so that made me go “Ooooh yeaaaaah I like that”.

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I love the name. XD An old Minecraft server that had run for years which I miss dearly had a central portal hub—called the Nexus—using the Multiverse plugin where people could buy portals to the Nexus from their builds with in-game currency. It was a ton of fun and a great server.

Not sure limiting player’s building options is good. I already do not like the compactness update though it was probably necessary <<<<As in, a couple of players are jerks and abused the plotting system so everyone must be affected by new rules>>>> What about letting players still build hubs or whatever they want but have an official Wonderstruck Hub?

I wasn’t truly suggesting it for this game. It’s just something I would personally enjoy. :slight_smile:

and I think Compactness is terrible for the game as a whole, and it is highly unfortunate how other players have abused the system to bring it to this point.

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Ï think it is great how it is right now. The reason why people make hubs is because it’s a cool project and really a triumph if it’s finished.

Of you make an instant travel option the world turn so much smaller. Plus the exploration walking is part of the game.
Making one hub for each planet gives a huge advantage for the person that plotted there the first. Even with a safe distance. That spot will be occupied be the same person since its so valuable. With multiple hubs that’s far less.

You mention two different hubs and they both have different views of how the network should work.

TNT is clearly straight down to the planet. Shortest route and most effective. You go to circ and there to to the planet.

But I followed how the elders of PS shaped their network. They wanted a loop. The reason is that not everyone play smooth on all the server. Plus the way the network is make is Oort cost efficient.


We would, of course, jump from our ship and use our Archwing to glide to where we want to go!

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I feel being ignored with Ultima Portal Network…
:frowning: not even mentioned :frowning:

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Sorry! Couldn’t resist. Love you ultima folks!

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I featured your network in my last vid (since it’s on a low tier planet & has everything under a T4 in one place) :blush:


yeah i saw :slight_smile: . Thanks @majorvex here a cookie for u :cookie:


To be clear I’m not trying to stomp on this idea.

If there was only one hub, it would have hundreds of portals. How would it be organized? Who would decide when portal slots become available and when to resell them?

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