T7ish hammers

What is the most popular hammer and forge people use? Do you strength brew lower gems or fast brew heavy gems?

You have to str brew with a diamond AoE forged to +10 dmg.

So it’s str brew with basically any gem, which is why so many people look for speed hammers.

I personally run +35 +40 speed hammer and starberry pie and mega fast on my lucent runs. Some say it’s a waste but I enjoy it specially listening to techno



Does it 3 hit seams or 4?

maxed out stats for my miner tab. I think its 3 but never counted. Editted… I mainly use my blink drill hammers for the actual Lucent though. And I mass clear mines no rows. Everything must go lol

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I prefer topaz or sapphire speed hammers

I’ve always used speed hammers even before exo were a thing :wink:

:mantelpiece_clock: = :moneybag:


I’ve been using sapphire hammers with strength brew. Sapphire is already fast and maxed mining spec makes if even faster. So was curious.

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You in the dome now I’ll burn your area down. Fire begets fire!!! :rofl::rofl:

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It’s okay I have my hidden areas safe from fires :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I have a certain set of skills I will find it and I will burn it!!! Lava cares about nothing!!! :joy:

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See I won’t use sapphire. I’m at work so can’t show which one I really like. But generally +40/45 and the speed quirk when at full health on either diamond or emerald as to not waste dura. And i don’t like having to stop so I pair it with that juicy starberry pie

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Yeah that’s another topic/area. Do you forge for quirks to make tools better or forge easier tools. Get ■■■■ ( c r a p )quirk or ■■■■ defect you may lose mats. If It takes 10-15 runs of deco 3 before a quirk or defect ok with is it worth it?

I’ve been using diamond with speed brews and strength bombs recently. And starberry pies of course, Can’t stand that pause!


I buy those and they cost me just as much as any other one would. I don’t know how to forge with quirks lol. I only know how to forge quirkless and defectless lol

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Sure lots of people did. But on t6 and below there are switch-up options. I prefer dura tools plus speed brew most of the time, that’s just not an option on t7.

Sometimes I actually run dura tools plus strength brew on t7 but it’s soo slow I only do it because I have them stockpiled.

I never looked for speed hammers before t7, and now I sometimes do. :man_shrugging:

Can topaz 1-hit t7 with mega strength?

No topaz t7 cannot, even lvl 10 dmg with max strength brew, cannot t7 http://www.pfiffel.com/bl/dmg/#1,4,4,10,9,1,5,1,5,0,0,0,9,0,0 great site keep it up awesome job

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I use rift w/speed , starberry pie, mega speed brews

Or what I think is better (no energy loss) Diamond hammers with day/ night quirk. Starberry pie and mega speed brew.

So many people don’t do this. Or at least talk about it. It works great. I use bombs for everything.

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Not a fan of that speed brew price so won’t use slow hammers(even tho I have at least 300 mega speed :sweat_smile:)