Talk about your boundless dreams here!

Tana already is United :blush: best planet evar

But yeah tell me more about this tana United idea

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Nope sorry project Tana United is top secret :smile:.

Plus the bigger settlements that are close enough would have to agree for tana United to work and not everyone would like it or accept it.

I’m the owner of New Thraxxia. My build has a lot of prestige but it’s just me building over there. I’ve been kind of wanting some co-op of sorts here lately.


I once had a dream boundless got a hunting update. It was an amazing dream. We had shields, titans, and even lances. But now I can plant stuff make new stuff so… yay

I have hypnopompic hallucinations – hallucinations when I’m waking up and still lingering in that twilight mode that’s not quite awake, not really asleep. So my eyes are open and I’m looking around the room. Normally, I hallucinate giant spiders, bouquets of balloons bouncing on the ceiling, or weird hieroglyphic-style writing on the walls. Or ants, lots of ants. But since I started playing Boundless, I hallucinate in blocks! I will wake up and as the room comes into focus it’s a wall of weary teal deco gravel, or patterned concrete, or sometimes different combinations that I should probably write down because they look really cool. It’s kind of a soothing way to wake up (and much better than spiders or ants).


i dreamed that me as a non GC member could dance but then the dream went sour and james on a spitter came from the distance and he shouted i curse you
from now on you can only mexican wave at partys like a sad person
then he ride off into the distance but came back to grab my cool hat