[Tanthul] --[T4 - Inhospitable Lush Color-Cycling Exoworld]-- [Active]

Colors to me are just collectables… I mean, i can make plenty of what I want with only a handful, and each of those can be a range of shades…

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This might explain the differing levels of frustration between players over the color scarcity. Some players view them as essential materials they cannot get, and others view them as basically a list of achievements.


i see them as collectables i just want to sarchieve having - getting by myself, not buying :stuck_out_tongue:

farming colors is my fav things to do in Boundless :smiley: especially non tinted raw decorative blocks as mud, tangles thorns, foliage, wildflowers, groowth, mould :smiley:

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I don’t see them as collectibles at all. I see them as building materials, and when I cannot get the color I need to make a build look the way I want because the colors I need are impossible to get I find it rage inducing. Rip the whole build down and never build in the spot it used to be ever again rage inducing.

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I agree wholeheartedly! The colour scarcity and the planet atmospheres that alter the look of colours are, in my opinion, two of the biggest missteps of the old team. I just can’t get behind the logic of rendering one of the biggest features of your game (255 colours) sort of useless (granted, it was even worse before sovereign planets). :unamused:

Don’t get me wrong though, I am an avid collector myself! I just think they should’ve implement specialized collectible items to scratch that itch. Maybe even with special blocks to show off your collection? I guess there’s a lot of potential for Monumental… :wink:


To me it’s a mix of both. I collect one of each purple color but I build with lavenders. I got some stark lavender for the collecting stuff but never could nail getting extras for decorating (plants and fungus) of the rarer ones, esp since …correct me if I’m wrong, plants don’t come back. I went looking for spine flowers today with no luck.
Put in some time with ice glacier and gleam. Wow the Gray’s lol

Yeah, unfortunately natural regen is disabled on exos, so plants don’t come back.

I may have some of those colors. Give me until tomorrow afternoon to finish organizing what I have.

Z - Trior Lightbringer

im trying to get any lavender for you at this color-cycling exo but no luck, no gleam, no lush, no waxy, no exotic, no gladeflowers, no sand, no sponge, no tangles not even soil… did they locked lavender in cycles? or it just appearing while im going back to empty inventory…

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Iirc, I saw lavender foliage.

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I was there for hours on several days and never saw #22 Shadow Red in soil, rocks, wood or leaves. Not saying it did not happen when I was looking another item but never saw it when I was looking at that item.

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IT was a big question for me so maybe it Will help someone :

You can craft treillis with foliage and paint it after. :grin:

well ill be just farming, ill sort it out after it expire :slight_smile:

you CANT paint foliage trellis :smiley:

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Anyone got vivid mustard gleam?

If they locked a block type to a super rare only thing (like titan flesh), and titans spawned once, then never again. I would see that as restriction of building materials since only like 2 or 3 active players might still have them. a shade of purple or red gleam though? nah, I still have several shades of each color available, and gleam is still available.

I empathize with your frustration, I just think rare colors are neat collectables though, I do wish more things could be “sprayed” to change colors, I feel like that is the balance, since the goo farming thing is its own achievement in and of itself. I think that would be the “happy medium” between rarity/collectable and just having no rarity at all .

if color rarity wasn’t a thing, a color changing Exo wouldn’t be exciting to me in the least bit, or even exo planets outside of lucent gems, it would kill multiple systems that already are sources of fun for me.

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Oh! You right! I remember! I wanted to use foliage trellis for my spiders and i switch to wood because of that!

Sorry for the false information. :heart:

I don’t have too much of a problem with color rarity. I guess plants were the only thing because they don’t respawn and can get harvested out before a person has a chance

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Would be great if you could combine two separate colors for the foliage trellis…I would love to have black wood and shadow red foliage.


I think black wood is easy. If not, i will be happy to give it to you. I have alot