Should I send the crash dumps also via email, when it says the’re automatically collected because I run the game via Steam?
You would normally send the crash dumps via email. The location is described in that link. As far as the crash is concerned, it’s actually a server crash, so you won’t see the crash dump for the issue you have encountered, as we would get notifications about it.
We pushed an update that should fix this.
first machine maintenance attempt has been successful. Looks fixed indeed.
I still cant plot outside the edge of my current plotted area (see this Testing 164 - Report issues here, i only walk in the video, no button pushed).
And earlier when i walked toward 2 of my beacon (I got 10, i think), they showed empty and the when i interact they said " wild", and i could not fill them with leaves.
30 sec later when i had lost them from sight and return, they belonged to my outpost again.
I can claim the plot outside blindfolded, it looks like it is the graphic of the plotgrid that is gone.
Edit 2:
Sorry, was wrong link…
What are the coordinates of the location?
-1956, 146, 2303
When it happen the location name at the top shift from:
“My beacon name - My beacon name, Area name, Solum”
“My beacon name, Area name, Solum”.
I have 4 refineries in my basement, and I set them to mass-refine the sedimentary stone. I set three of four with two queues in each. But the fourth, I can’t set it to refine the stone, i put smart stack, with about 400 of stone, in refinery and push the button to mass-refine them and nothing hapened.
Thanks for the coordinates. There’s definitely a problem with this particular area. I’ve tried placing down a Campfire as a test and it just disappears. Then I broke a block as another test and the block flashed a few times before stopping as if nothing had happened.
So we will make a note of this area for further investigation.
What are the coordinates of the area and can you provide a screenshot of the layout?
Damn, I’m sorry, I checked, and … there just was needed a repair.
After I mined a rocks on Vulpto, I put it all into storages on Solum and went to Epsilo to get rocks from there. And when i mine on Epsilo, red icons like on Vulpto appeared all the time.
Settlement details. Total plots - bug
is it should be like this in Shop Stand - too much of “consumer”
The arrow pointing at the selected item should be more contrast. Sometimes it merges with the background and it’s hard to understand what you choose.
bug in request basket - colours switch
The torch is not where it should be when it’s placed on a chiseled block
By the way–in the last go-around, I could equip a smart-stack by dragging and dropping. Now it auto-breaks the stack and I end up with a handful of one thing only–but the “equip a smart-stack” part of that one objective sort of falls apart then. Can’t clear it. Did I miss the new trick for equipping an entire smart-stack?
Very important!!! Here’s an bug with which you can break locked blocks, even steal things of another player without permission. Only edge blocks can be broken. The reason for this in new possibilities of tools. Exceptionally for Amethyst (influence on 2 blocks) and Diamond (influence on 3 blocks).
On video i show everything.
Forgive me @Karokendo i stealed your flowers
Now they in safe
P.S. need to check if there exist an opportunity to destroy someone’s beacon.
How dare you!!! Nice bug catch @Nibuls and thanks for sharing
What are the coordinates of the location?
Thanks for reporting this, we’ll log a bug.
We have a fix for this in the next update.
It’s a valid point, so your feedback will be passed along to the designers for them to look at.
We will hopefully have this fixed in the next update.
Yes, we still need to ensure that the torches are positioned correctly on these type of blocks.
Sounds like the Smart Stack Management bug that were mentioned in earlier posts. We’ve made a note of it.
Thanks for the video. So it looks like you somehow placed a block that was outside a beacon, but when you tried mining it, you ended up striking the Storage block behind it. We’ll log a bug.
Go through the portal to Epsilo, that i placed in PG, and this is the destination point, inside that giant square mountain. But i still think that the reason for this is because i mined rocks first on Vulpto.