This update is accessible via the “Testing” release of Boundless on Steam.
Please report all issues discovered with the update to this support thread.
Please restart Steam to make sure you get the latest version of Boundless. If the update happens whilst Steam is open it’s unlikely you’ll get the latest version.
Release Notes:
- Crafting + Resources + Equipment:
- Added new beacon permission options: Builder, Worker, Engineer.
- Sanctum + Tutorial + Objectives + Progression:
- Daily and Weekly Objectives
- Daily and weekly XP bonus requirements have been reduced.
- Removed XP reward for daily and weekly logins.
- General fixes for various daily and weekly objective issues.
- Daily and Weekly Objectives
- Engine:
- Portals
- Improved smoothness whilst watching someone go through a portal that leads to the same world (may have caused you to occasionally see someone whooshing through the air at super speed from the source to destination portal due to interpolation between server-updates!).
- Fixed held items clipping badly/disappearing near portals. The held items will now just render in front of the portal.
- Fixed a crash when watching someone “flip” an open portal’s direction.
- Portals
Known Issues:
- Pressing the Enter key on the Rename Beacon box will disable game functionality. Avoid this by clicking the Confirm option instead.
- Breaking the Campfire during the initial tutorial will reset some objectives and display the ‘Build a Temporary Campfire’ objective again.
- Cannot close Inventory when Chat is used.
- Changing the Chunk Cache Size in fullscreen mode will disable game functionality.
- Choosing Return to Sanctum option briefly displays ‘wrap error’ text on screen.
- Clicking the Craft button very quickly may close the active recipe.
- Entity rendering will not always work correctly when there are multiple warps very close together, or where a warp opens up to a location very near where the entrance is.
- Game displays welcome message for a world through a portal without going through it.
- GUI rendered incorrectly on Intel HD graphics (and some AMD / GTX laptop GPUs) on Windows.
- If the game (loader) fails to start on Windows 7 and 8 you may need to install
- If you spend a skill point before the tutorial asks you to, you will be required to unlearn and relearn the skill again.
- Item placed into Request Basket will disappear when placing the same item into storage.
- Item wanted is completely different to what was placed there before on the Request Basket.
- Items will occasionally be unable to smart stack with other items that belong in the same smart stack category.
- Menus may constantly reappear on screen after closing them.
- Number of available feats is incorrect.
- Objectives & Feats - Some tasks are not being tracked correctly.
- Opening or closing doors and trapdoors when standing too close to them will restrict player movement. To get out of the situation, interact with the door or trapdoor again.
- Region names may not be displayed correctly after discovering one.
- Request Baskets (previously Buying plinths) that had wanted items set before v151 have unset them. Sorry. Going forward they will be fine.
- Skill descriptions are not final.
- Some feats are not shown on the GUI
- Some interactive blocks (crafting table, machine, beacon control) have become corrupted during the migration. This will result in at best those blocks not being able to be interacted with, at worst the game crashing when interacting with those blocks. To fix the issue the block(s) in question need to be re-placed. In the case of anything other than a beacon control the block can simply be broken, picked up, and then re-placed. In the case of a beacon control this will work, although it would result in all the plots having to be re-placed one at a time and during that process the contents being unprotected. A better workaround for a beacon control is to craft a new beacon control, place that, and then break the old one, which will keep the beacon’s plots placed throughout the process.
- Speech bubbles may still be displayed above players after going through portals.
- The recipes are not final.
- Using D3DGear crashes the game on start up.
- When Beacon fuel is nearly full, adding extra fuel will display a message saying that there are no consumable fuel items.
- When expanding a smart stack offered by another player during trading, it will be empty.
- Z-fighting with some items (workbench and other machines) when placed underwater.