Testing 194: Epic Skills, Skill Sets and the Exchange!

Is there a way to see what buffs and debuffs influencing you do?
In case you don’t know the icon.

If not, consider this a suggestion! :smile:


I don’t understand how restricting player choice and enjoyment with fewer skills helps stimulate the economy. Could you explain?

My instinct was it just means a greater time investment up front in more alts then the same economic circumstances as now would return. (e.g. it makes progression take longer but after a certain amount of time the market returns to the same state as now)


I always get confused about what’s applied, for how long, any stacking, etc. too - I’d love to see this (or find out where it is).

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I started a new character and he has 2 buffs once entering the world.
One is “well fed”, the other i would like to find out through ingame means. :smile:

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Seems the usual place to reset skills is gone, so it’s the Exchange only. That seems a bit harsh given the cost - on a L50 I have 0 available, 0 cubits and it’s 800 cubits. I’ll be interested to see how many cubits we get for a L51+ level, given 2 plots is 60 cubits.

Mostly it feels so far like increasing costs (again, after the last major grindy overhaul). A cynic might say you were drawing out progression to increase £ spent on microtransactions.

I really don’t understand gating skill resets that much. Playability features, being able to correct your mistakes and enjoy the game… they don’t seem like rewards so much as necessities if you want to keep your player base happy.


As you said, it takes more time, schasm. Time is worth something in any economy, and it’s no different in Boundless. That extra time puts extra value on goods. If everyone could do all crafting and gathering easily, things would be cheap or worthless.


I thought we would get cubits for our 50+ characters so we could play away with it a bit and testing getting plots and specs etc.


Isn’t there also a danger of making everything too long to make or restrictive in terms of being blinkered by skill restrictions so that eventually it all becomes pretty tedious rather than fun …especially for those that don’t have the luxury of being able to spend hours every day playing. Hopefully with everyone’s input a good balance will be reached before 1.0

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Of course, there is, GreyArt. I personally have trouble believing that this change will make things too tedious or take too long for your average crafter/leveler or small shop owner. However, the more one scales up, the more they will feel the effects. But shouldn’t a dedicated player with a huge shop or massive city be required to grind more than than average player?


This is in caps. For reasons.




When i first saw this, i thought it meant unused skill points / total skill points.

But after spending the skill point it turned out to be unused skill points / spend points.

I’m not sure if that’s very intuitive. :sweat_smile:


It seems like that would only have an effect whilst people ground out enough levels on enough alts to be able to resource gather at the same rate? So it’d temper the starting economy, temporarily I think, but at great, permanent cost to player progression rate / build freedom. Seems like a bad design choice.


Just tried to spec out a L49 gatherer. Again, nowhere near enough skill points. Get some tool mastery, some grapple to get away from the monsters you can no longer fight or defend against (because no skills) and you don’t have skill points for -threat, +protection, any crafting, light source, etc. etc.

As it is now it feels like I’d need about nine characters just to cover actively playing the game. Even if I wanted to dedicate that much time to it, who wants to swap around so much just to do the thing that is the game anyway. This cost/time balance makes what should be the selling point of your game - the creativity, freedom, etc. - too long a journey. I dunno, even though I know you all want us to enjoy and play the game these decisions seem contrary to that aim.

I realise the skills needed a refresh and new UI but massive thumbs down from me on the proposed changes. Edit: and allowing on-the-fly skill set swaps is all well and good but as far as I can see you have to earn enough points for those sets, then also earn stuff to unlock them, then spend them. About ~3 “lives” worth of levelling? To max out at less power and less generous skills than we have now? I have a main with plenty of levels past 50 and they a) couldn’t access, b) still didn’t have enough points for 3 sets, just to cover what we’ve lost in terms of ability/flexibility. That’s over 700 hours in. Waaaaay too much cost to be able to play the game in an enjoyable way.

I’ll be honest, if the balance doesn’t change from this first draft I doubt I’ll stick around for 1.0. A few weeks ago I was thinking of which tier to upgrade to, now I’m just deflated. :confused:


Got confused over this to…
It need to tell how many used.

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Blockquote Defeated penalty changes
Your items are no longer damaged when you are defeated and return to the sanctum.
Instead you will lose a portion of the XP earned to the next level.
Reviving ignores the XP penalty. It is applied when returning directly to the sanctum from defeat.
Once your next level progress is reduced to zero there are no further penalties. You cannot lose levels through defeats.
A hunger penalty is now applied on defeat.

-1000 BAD change!!!


Blockquote I’m loving most of it, but:@olliepurkiss We will need 5 skill sets to craft everything with max efficiency with the new skill tree. With the 3 skill sets per character limit this will force me to use 1.67 characters as crafters. Would be really nice to be able to do max crafting on one character - or can you at least confirm more than 3 character slots so that I can still have a decent gatherer & hunter alt (or will I be forced to buy another account for one of them :frowning: )?

You should NOT be able to do everything on one character… I wish they would limit this even more would be a great way to fix many issues in the game…

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Lets just make the game tailored to omni. Again making these changes are just going to make the entire game simple to do with one character… Which is bad game mechanics nobody should be able to craft and do everything in the game… Not superman and Not Omni…

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A) Alts should Not be a thing…
B) All common skills everyone feels they must have should NOT Be SKILLS…
Examples Jump Height, Inventory Space, Run Speed…
C) Actual skills that correlate with actual jobs like



Should be limited to every character… Maybe 1 Gather Skills Maybe 2 Crafting skills or 1 if you choose a Forgeing skill…

So for example.

Sulfur is a
Who can craft Tools
and chose to be able to Forge Tools

He now cannot craft weapons, blocks, brews, food and if he needs these things he has to buy them!

But of course people will need his forged weapons so he has something to sell…

Its not a hard concept but this concept loses its ability when you allow… Multiple characters, or multiple skill sets you can simple change out at a beacon…

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I don’t like it either. Everyone already knew I didn’t like the idea of eliminating any reason to have alts. As it was you only really needed one alt, but, I had two making it where everyone did a little crafting and nobody did it all. Building was one and a hunter was one. All needed for hunting if smart is iron weapons and any higher makes it ultra easy. Gathering I never bothered making anything designed for it as the improvements mainly consisted of more speed it seemed and I don’t like going fast. So, not necessary. Hunting I even did the brews and food crafting with. I never made it past level 40 without deleting characters. Was bored by then.

I deleted all my characters and started one and I’ll see if one is all I need. It’s silly to me to get rid of professions, but, thats what the squeaky wheels wanted. I’m mostly playing games that alts serve a purpose and I have six or seven characters by necessity to solo.

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Once again the devs get a thumbs up from me.

I like the fact stuff in these patch notes help support and promote how people want to play the game the way they want. :slight_smile:

Like the balance stuff to. :smiley:

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