Testing 194 - Report issues here

Added to the bug database.

Does this occur with all mined blocks near lava? If not, what are the coordinates of the location shown in the screenshot?

I’ve asked around about this and the answer is that you won’t get it with existing characters.

Did you have the option to submit a crash dump upon a game restart? Also, what are the coordinates of that particular beacon?

Is this happening on the Inventory GUI menu itself, or when interacting with Storage as explained in the following post?

Thanks for illustrating this with screenshots, I’ll add this to the bug database.

What do you mean by “max +to all stats”?

Can you illustrate this with a screenshot?

This has been reported a few times on the Release 192 forum issues topic and is currently in the database, but there’s no fix for this just yet.

This is probably left over from the previous tutorial, where you are give two plots in order to place down a Campfire, so I’ll add this to the database.

For your follow-up edit, you can only get plots by remembering to collect them from the exchange, rather than them being automatically awarded.

Was this after the skill reset message you saw after the testing branch was updated?

It’s bee added to the bug database.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll add a note to the database for someone to further balance this where necessary.

I can’t reproduce this, but you’ve provided a screenshot, so I’ll add it to the bug database anyway. Was it only occurring with that particular objective.

Is this happening with all your characters or only some of them?

Right, so the second buff is increasing, but then decreases afterwards. Could you hover the mouse pointer over the boons and buffs and list the names so that we can check it on our end?

Are you referring to this part?

In which case, the names definitely need updating, so I’ll add this to the database.

So the game shows the hammer on screen but it has the characteristics of an axe? I’m having a bit of trouble pulling this off, as shown in the screenshot below:

Using the mouse wheel, you can see that I managed to select the hammer, but the axe remains on screen. How are you getting the situation that you saw?

Hmmm. Well, it makes a sound when trying to chisel a block that cannot be chiselled any further, but other than that, you’re right, it makes no sound at all, so I’ll add it to the bug database.

It’s that long-standing issue where standing very close to something and interacting with it causes the camera to go inside the character. Nevertheless, I’ll include your report into the bug database.

The copies of the worlds on the testing branch are a little older compared to what’s on the live game. Just to check, the distribution is fine for you on live?

If you can include a screenshot, that would be great.

From comparing this to the live game, it does seem brighter, so I’ve added this to the bug database.

The majority of game functionality won’t work from within the sanctum, so you’ll have to step on onto a world for it to work.

Thanks for the reports and screenshots, I’ve added these to the bug database.

What level is your character at?

I don’t know if someone has already answered your question, but in case it hasn’t, you can add Oort Shards even if you don’t have the skill. But the skill itself is required if you need to open new portals (or reopening existing ones).

Out of interest @virresss , although you have said that you like to keep it small, is it more noticeable when you increase the Interface Scale?

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