Testing 214: New Player Experience

The indicators to guide you through the tutorials in Build 214 are great. Just enough without being naggy.

When I completed the Objective to “Your Journey Begins” I had no pinned objectives. So I had a “what now?” moment.

To move people into the next phase more smoothly could they be shown how to pin an objective, if they haven’t pinned one before, and if they have none pinned. Or maybe do it sooner? Or maybe a message telling them there are many more Journal Objectives and Feats, but they are free to do as they please, or something? Just something to ensure transition into the wider sandbox.


Crafting an Atlas could be part of the tutorial; including unlocking a region and using it for finding a resource. Maybe Atlases weren’t around when the tutorial was created?


There already a pinned objective to create an atlas and discover a region.

The most helpful things for a noob would be quests to find the yellow dot on the map and hop through a portal. You’re not really playing Boundless until this happens. Also a Warp Home quest if they’re making home warps free or something. It’s all a step in the right direction either way.


I agree. They are objectives but not part of the ones that makes up the tutorial part. Same with the Atlas and many useful crafting ones.

You do have to make a warp to go back to your beacon as part of the tutorial.

The trouble with insisting players go to the portal hub at a capital too soon, is they may be a long way from it! You don’t want a player’s early experience to be a (slow) running simulator :slight_smile:

Very hard to strike a balance between showing people the basic mechanics and showing them everything the game has to offer. I mean, for example, until your first meteorite encounter you kinda don’t see what all the fuss is about.

Maybe if the Devs get time they can add new tutorial objectives like this. Prioritisation. It’s great there’s been some time spent on a step change in getting new players over the initial hump, and help with growing the player base, but there’s loads more we’d like to see too :wink:

Reminds me of that old EVE Online learning curve - I wonder what the BL one would look like LOL


i would say the eve one in the pic would fit boundless just replace gaming skill with “time spent reading wiki’s”


There is no (useful) wiki for Boundless… if there was it would help.

Instead, it’s time spent searching google until you find out that forum.playboundless.com is where the information is (plenty of people probably never get this far). Then it’s time spent searching the forum for stuff. Since it’s a forum not a wiki, it’s impossible to find anything. When you do find something, it’s 3 year old info that is no longer accurate.

That was my experience as a newbie, anyway.


I suppose I was spoiled, being accustomed to the amount of detail on minecraft’s wiki.

Same. When I start a new MMORPG, I always make the wiki my BFF :heart: for about 2 weeks lol

I saw that some people were saying some people quit and couldn’t even get out of the sanctum. I am naturally a curious person with everything, so I was able to figure it out quickly. I am doing it again on the test server and I can see how some people might get frustrated. There’s no big pop-up that says “welcome, come take your totem and warp augment…”. There’s nothing that says “come over to these blocks, interact, select a location, and warp…”. Once you get into the world, while doing the tutorial, I think there should be larger pop-ups, that guide people. The beginner tasks/quests should probably be sticky on the right side for them to click on.

Also, I don’t see the point in giving total noobs the ability to start on anything besides a lush lvl1 planet.


I think the only planet start options are Tier 1 or Tier 2. So, basically, baby Spitters? I watched a YouTuber start on a Tier 2 and he quite enjoyed being harrassed, but I got the impression he was a seasoned fighter.



This can be valid for brand new players or long time veterans that want to create a new alt.
also not trying to yell, just caps so the devs can see it easily :wink:

anyways when you are creating a new character and you select a name, I think it should tell you that the name has been taken immediately when you hit enter, not after creating the entire character.

Because I just went to make a new alt, chose a name because that is the most important to me, so I want to confirm if the name is available. Once I know I can use that name, I would like to customize how the character looks based on the name. I spent a good 15-20 minutes cycling through the colour combinations and the head styles and then when I finally got them the way i wanted them to look, I hit accept, and nope. someone already used that name.

I don’t want to have to use the default look to quickly check if the name is taken by confirming and getting stuck with the default body and only learning that i can use that name but i have to buy an appearance change for no reason.

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Do they still allow the option to start on a planet your steam friend is on? Is a nice thought but doesn’t work out so well if your friend is on a high level planet and you start with just a totem and get killed by cuttletrunks before you can find your friend…

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Ouch! I’d question your friendship :wink: … unless they didn’t know you were on the way ofc

I don’t think I was logged on at the time.

Ok. So for noobs that are quitting before they get out of the sanctum…through the eyes of a total noob:
When you go in you see something that looks like an NPC, but you can’t reach him, he doesn’t talk to you, nothing. Weird. Ok. Then there are two items on tables that go away when I walk past them. Where did they go? What are these two block things on the sides? What do I do now?? Meh, this stinks. Bye.

There should be a large window/pop-up that tells the player to take the items, look in their inventory, combine the augments with the totem, point it at the planet above the NPC’s head to select a starting location. Then go to the portal on the left, interact with it, go to your locations, select one…and then once they have gone through the portal, there should be much larger pop-up guides.


Haha if this is how a new player reacts to the Sanctum they are definitely not gonna start having fun when they go thru the portal. Boundless’ has zero theme park ride content. It’s BYOF.

IMO these kinds of players would never have purchased the game if the trailer was more honest.

I had no idea some ppl weren’t even making out of the sanctum until I read it.

I’m over 600 hours and I still feel like a noob. I know how to play the game now but I can still see this game from a new players perspective.

The sanctum forces the steps onto you it forces the totem and warp augment into your inventory it gives you an npc that you can’t interact with and tells you to pick a place on the map to warp too.

For such a massively detailed oriented game it gives players a very small place to start. Sanctum should be upgraded to a bigger place with multiple npcs that walk you through each starting step of the game. From picking up a totem off the pedestal to crafting your first warp augment. And if you miss what is said you can click on the npc and it will give you multiple dialogue options ranging from history of boundless to what your next step is. Npcs could give players the option to hear why meteors rain down on planets and why oortians harvest oortstone from them.


The achievements haven’t been around for too awful long in the grand scheme of things, so a lot of those folks who haven’t made it out of the sanctum are probably early access testers that stopped playing before the achievements released. I’m sure more people played over the course of EA than we have had total since launch.