Testing 218: Exoworlds, Blink, Rift and Umbris!

It hurts all players if the game encourages boring and repetitive activities as the main way to gain XP, which I think results in much more fatigue and people getting tired of the game. Not to mention if it affects the bottom line for the developers if players can pretty much bypass a huge part of their business model, which is of course only an assumption and it would be hard to proof “lost sales” etc., but I do think overall it can be a healthy change for the game.


@Pfiffel was kind enough to post the entire list in the Boundless discord under Questions.

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Across the board, base prestige is way lower, though signs and doors are finally getting some love. The big bump upwards will mostly be the changes to the bonuses for total prestige I think.

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You know what I will kind of agree with you. Mining is boring for me. . the fun activity is building, but the game does not permit me to do that full time. It requires some grind. I would argue each player will define grind as the activities they find repetitive and/or unappealing.

I have to have a way to acquire the blocks I need to build. Mining while boring is the most efficient way to get the blocks I needed to make/craft other materials and the xp I needed for the skills to build and the levels to gain plots. If they want to increase drops or make it easier to use unforged tools to gather materials, I am all for it.

If you want to reduce fatigue then add activities to the game and content. Adding time to leveling does not seem like a good way to retain players. It seems to me it will do the opposite.

I think to your last point, I find that somewhat disturbing. If the developers are trying to restrict player leveling to increase cubit purchases for plots then I will have to seriously rethink making any purchases of cubits in the future. I have bought cubits and exchanged any I earned in game for more plots (full disclosure I also did get two alts with cubits). If I really felt this was true, I am not sure I would even buy gleam club anymore.


Wait? You guys they should remove this?

Jokes aside, I still stand by my words that it’s unfair towards new players, who are already at a huge disadvantage compared to people who played since launch.

But we do what we can, better masscraft and mine as much as we can in the next days/weeks to stock up on cubits and plots. Besides, someone said it isn’t fun, but it is if you watch Joe Rogan podcast or listen to DeGrasse Tyson book :ok_hand:


If that was the case they could’ve easily fixed this months ago by stopping teaching pies retaining duration when logged out.


Pretty sure he didn’t mean that the pies stop running out but the process of just abusing it to masscraft stuff over and over without having to use several pies.

I have no idea what’s going on in your mind! With the alleged improvements (Nerfs) you drive away only new players!

the game is hard enough for beginners! damn it - even Minecraft is friendlier beginner ?! The game is supposed to be fun and not a game for hardcore survival players - then you can play Dark Souls too ?!

And if the AOE effect really gets worse, it will be the last time I’ve invested Gleam Club or Euros in this game because it makes no more fun and ist so damn senseless! Is this game designed for school kidz, students and unemployed who can spend 24/7 H / D in this game? For people who have work it will only be harder = less interesting!

and sorry - please do not fool us! The stone nerf is just there for even more people to spend real money to have plots! Of course, I can understand this - but I, for example, I’ve earned by building with my 140 lvl … My wife does not like building, but She love crafting! For her, the mainexp source would be completely closed! Then reduce it or make it so that as with the wood, the stones are right there! then it will be more refined!

I dont like the new way!

You’re making the game harder, chasing away new players and hoping at the same time, if you set the Stones to 0 xp - than spend more of the old players real money, but then they are angry and frustrated!?..

You guys know Charles Darwin? …


The teaching pie should just give a flat amount XP when consumed, like the cheat leaf on the test server (but, obviously, much less).

… You, uh… got any stones left? I never did this, and now I feel like I’m about to miss the bus.


I’m pretty sure that is using the xp cheat loaf on the test server!

But it’s an exaggerated example of what does happen.

If you have been happily playing the game without using the rock-stone xp gain, nothing is gonna change for you, so don’t worry about it!


I like the way the teaching pies work, the fact they double xp for a certain amount of time means you have to think a little more strategically about using them.

A simple consume for 20k xp would lead to people just baking and consuming pies in the one spot. A bit like why the rock to stone xp is being removed. You would just be swapping one slice of cheese for another.

Please - this change has nothing to do with getting players to buy more Cubits.

The aim was to restrict:

The aim of XP is that all players can efficiently gain it at a consistent rate. But with the current configuration of XP on Rock → Stone players can get an alt and take them up 40+ levels spending almost zero time playing with that alt. You shouldn’t be able to give XP to an alt like this.

All activities should reward XP. Ideally we would give XP for all craft actions and all actions in general.

If someone can come up with an alternative fix we’d happily implement an alternative.

Any cunning ideas that allow us to limit the 11m+ XP gain whilst allowing XP for all actions??


This is the problem with exploits. Players who don’t know about them or don’t use them can feel cheated and forced to use the exploit.


I’m not really sure I would want a teaching pie nerf, but not all of us use the combo. I rarely use the teaching pie for anything… it isn’t the easiest thing to make.

So for me I would be fine that stone conversion and a lot of other XP gains do not work at all with a teaching pie. At the end of the day beginner and just casual players aren’t worried about fast XP gains… so they don’t need the link.

Can we have a ‘max craft’ button now then?


I have an idea that relates to the second quote below. So Bare with me…

If they don’t know about them, how can they use them? Nvm, that’s besides the point.

How about in that case - “Tell everyone about them”. Stop calling them exploits and let everyone know. Level the playing field! Stop nerfing these things like XP and turn the game back into an Enjoyable & Rewarding experience.

You see, from a player’s perspective, Nerfs take away the sense of Reward away from the player and in turn make the game feel less Enjoyable. Psychology 101. From a player’s perspective, a less rewarding & enjoyable experience eventually leads to an unhappy player. Unhappy players are less likely to stick around. They’re also less likely to recommend a game to their friends. And they’re less likely to write good reviews on Steam, for example.

Players hate nerfs. It’s a plain and simple fact. So instead of nerfing, level the playing field by turning the exploit into a feature and tell the whole player base about it. Sure, some exploits are OP. But a player with an OP feeling in their bones come back for more of that feeling and why do they do that? Because a feeling of power is sometimes WHY WE PLAY GAMES!

Take it from this player’s perspective… The fun is about to be sucked out of the game for me if I cannot afford the plots I need for the build I spoke about earlier. And I wasn’t even using the “Exploit/Feature”. I still get punished and therefore, not really a happy player at the end of the day.

Announcement time. - I’m getting back into Game Development. It’s been too long since I picked up Unreal Engine and made stuff. Time I think for me to make some OP, Nerf free games!

EDIT: Forgot to mention… Just thought I’d mention it but I never used the ‘Exploit’ before. But I’m using it now. If I’m to stand any chance of making this planned build of mine a reality, I need every bit of help I can get before these Nerfs hit. Because I know anyway that it doesn’t matter what I or anyone else says, these nerfs are going to happen.


This, times 1 million. Probably the most important quality of life change that should have happened anyways.


Maybe you shouldn’t be looking at the fact we are getting tons of xp for crafting and more about why we are doing it. I don’t know anyone who enjoys going through and adding 11m worth of rocks into tables. But its currently the only way to gain enough plots to do a large build without giving you thousands of dollars.

Maybe its time you took a step back and reevaluated the time you wanted people to level. Easing up the xp faucet across the board will allow normal players to be more creative. Currently the amount of built in waste time is just ruining creativity. If Minecraft can hold people for a decade without all the built in time sinks, maybe its just people’s creativity that is keeping them there.

Hell, maybe my rl gaming buddies would come back if we stopped making the game an hour of chore for 5 minutes of building.


Let’s be clear that most portals run longer than 2 weeks unless you are jumping large distances. So provide a solution for specific cases not all cases.

If a player is going on a 2 week vacation then they shouldn’t need their portal open because they are not using it. If they want the portal open that means they have a shop, hub, or some other type of business or community function. It is a business or something like that and needs to be run like that - guild or partners or employees.

If they are doing that then the “work” could be something like finding a person that will be willing to fulfill the duty to refuel the portal for a cut of the foot fall. Work is contextual… so put work into creating a partnership instead of just only solo solutions. And if compact Oort is what is decided then it should require increased work to create it.

I would be glad to fill any portal in the game for any person for 25-30% of the footfall especially if they are going on a vacation.

The casual player can already play the game and was not the largest group demanding this solution. The group demanding it is the ACTIVE player. The group that has large portals.

It would be interesting to actually see the metrics. How many of those people have large portals from T5/T6 versus large portals trying to span T2-T3 regions.

Yes at some point a person might need a larger portal of 8 conduit. But, most of the universe can be easily reached with smaller portals. So if the larger blinksec jumps are the problem them provide a solution only for that. Compact Oort should only affect T5-T6 and T6-T7 (when available) portals. That is a targeted solution and much better than a wide solution that changes the game on many levels.