Testing 224: Farming! (continued)

Given it’s half past pub o’clock on a Friday we won’t blame him if he staggers back with the release notes. Doe he never take a break that guy?


We now have additionnal informations when move-overing crops. :smiley:

Also, I just saw @dave and @james rolling around @Stretchious’s place like

(but power coils and gleam still aren’t glowy :disappointed_relieved: - I ran on testing hoping that this was part of the update ^^’ )


Saw the crop information. Nice to not have to use the debug menu

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Oh and one block of the Pigment Processor machine got new art!


They did change some of what optimizes the plants so I will need to go back and make a few changes. For example Waxy Earthyam like to be near ash now and not sand.

Time to update my spreadsheets

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Updated the site as well


Please consider allowing us to get equal or slightly more seeds from harvest then we spent growing the crop, even if the requirement is fully dedicated growing skills. It feels weird that you wouldnt get enough seeds back to regrow what you planted, I know this will result in an over abundance of seeds, but just have them have an ultra low coin value, or add recipes that also eat up seeds for some things.
We dont need much more seeds then it took, maybe with maxed skills getting an average of 2-5% more seeds back, but it just feels wrong getting a lower yield of seeds back then we invested, its adding extra grind for the sake of grind.

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Updated OP with details of Testing 224.3.


Any chance of a screen shot of the hud crop info?


Farm remodel coming right up!!

… and Awesome by the way! The HUD info is just


It’ll probably be far easier to get 1:1 than you think as long as you aren’t intending to literally spend the entire game inside your base. Go out, gather, hunt, or mine, and you’ll likely get seeds that way to make up for the ~30% loss in seeds.

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The reticule crop info doesn’t match the debug info. Is that how it should be?
And both oat and wheat here have 100% produce and seed yields.

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The % on the HUD is telling you the yield you would get as a percentage of the best yield possible (this is just affected by the world so it does not include your skills/luck).

So 100% means that the crop is in a location that will produce the maximum output possible (again not including skills/luck).


Ah, so it’s telling us it’s in the best position possible, but will not tell us what that means in terms of actual returns?

I can kinda see why you would do it that way, but I think I’d prefer the actual return number, but maybe that’s just me.

And, maybe it doesn’t really matter too much.


Anyone able to show an example of this?

(sorry keep asking for pics and stuff, but, you know, ps4…)

I was curious does certain things grow on certain planets or can everything be grown on one planet

Currently you can grow everything on any planet.

Wow absolutely amazing, I cannot wait for the release on ps4… the suspense is killing me. Thank you devs for the changes you made and Thank you to Javier for creating that epic video that helps a lot. Very excited also about water being more transparent, I have many new build ideas.

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So is amber a new block?