Testing 224 - Farming Earthyams and Bulb return ratio from harvest

I do. I enjoy it. For me it’s part of progression.

I remember when I first wanted to create these awesome bricks. I’ve read somewhere that clay is found with water, I started to dive and try to grab some of it, nearly drowning. It was terrible.

Then I found @Gorillastomp 's clay farm. This awesome spot made of 2 quadrillion plots filled with clay. But my 20 something shovel char had to run quite a bit from these mean level 2 spitters… Spitter still scare me to death. How can you not be scared from a granade throwing dachshund?

Now I have a pure clay farm on Besevrona. Fully protected. You conveniently walk on bricks, fully protected from spitters. And as a bonus I even get some Waxy Earthyams to make up for the used forged shovel.

I feal “clever” for using a regen farm. It feels like I’ve “beat” the game, like I’ve “outsmarted” it. That’s why I play, that’s why we play. To beat the game. Taking that away from me and throwing me back into the wilderness feels like removing my skill point and put me back to level 20…


This comment made me do 1 plot farm test, with layout that would have gains yield 1.040 seed 0.67

I did set 72 exotic yams using 6x4 layout in 3 floors, I did wall my plot so that animals aren’t on way and did set 2 block airspace that I can walk inside my greenhouse floor (and using 4 water sources that flow to floors below)

If game allows 1 airspace farming you could achieve 128 plants per plot easily. I think it is not comfortable way to farm anyway :smiley:

I will report my 1 plot farm gains this thread after it is done and if testing don’t get wiped.


I asked if you enjoyed standing in one spot spamming left click, but what you said you enjoyed was the having all the danger and challenge removed from the game and the sense of progression it provided.

I’m curious why being level 50 wouldn’t be equal to this? A fully maxed health, armor and stealth build could very easily stand in one spot and gather clay effortlessly without worrying about enemies. This too gives the sense of progression.

For me personally i always got yams and berries from surface gathering, somedays i will go through Refgar and then Lamblis just farming desert swords, mushrooms Nox etc.

I would find just farming soil blocks or mud for yams boring since the drop rate is higher for desert swords.

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Looking at the numbers here in this page, if the ratio for yams is ~ 150-160 per seed then you would be getting more from the farming that you would from surface gathering, the very minor inconvenience of having to gather more seeds is not worth bothering about since while your out gathering seeds you could also be gathering other resources at the same time like leaves, orbs, mushrooms, bark etc.

Looking forward to trying out the new features once the update goes live on Ps4

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You get ~ 3 yams per seed. So to get a smart stack figure 400 seeds. The gather is much further apart than old surface gather and then add the time to plant/harvest not to mention the rng time to grow. Overall it is much more time intensive. I am confused where you are getting 150 per seed.

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All harvesting activities include RNG drops. Though some of them are being removed (replaced) with this update.

true but there is a big diff here old system the rng would cost you lets say 100 of x thing per 30 min this new system can add hours or even days(depending on plant) just to get that 100

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RNG for the new system, each growth cycle has a chance to fail. Additionally, after fertilizing each cycle has a chance to remove the fert and there is no way to tell that it is gone other than run around and try to fert everything again XD.

There is a visual difference between fertilized and non-fertilized crops (colour) but its currently pretty subtle…

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It is very hard to see and if you have a huge crop it will effectively be invisible may need something set it apart.

Plus side is that you cannot over-fertilise a crop, which means you can walk around with your mouse button down and it’ll only fertilise the crops that actually need it.


Practical for a small crop, impractical for a large crop. If it was more obvious you could zone in right to the crop that needs it rather than spam around.

Why is basic fertilizer not made from wildstock :poop:!
High Octane spitter :poop:!

:poop: Smile! :poop:

Shovels would be :poop:er scoopers


Here is my first report from my 1 plot farm
INPUT 72 exotic yam seeds (bulbs)
OUTPUT 44 Seeds, 162 exotic yams

I will extend my testing so that I will sow all got seeds back to same farm so there is better data about current numbers that how much yams that amount of seeds could provide :slight_smile:

My second Harvest. . Again not optimal as it is missing the earth component but has the water within range. Each was planted on a 84 block tilled area

Avena Oortiva - 147 crop 41 seed
Chaggeatarin - 159 crop 30 seed
Raw Earthyam - 163 crop 42 seed
Waxy Earthyam -156 crop 32 seed
Exotic Earthyam -161 crop 32 seed

I decided to go ahead an harvest the Kranut after 3 + days even though some of it had not matured and that probably accounts for the higher seed count since you always get a seed from harvesting an crop that has not fully matured. Also an 84 block field.

Kranut - 135 Crop 48 seeds

Edit: I should have my first harvest of a fully optimized field tomorrow.

What is the return of the crop? It would be nice to see that as well as seeds and what was planted.

That is in there before the word crop. That is the crop the field is the same for all and defined in the top part as being 84 blocks.

Avena Oortiva the CROP was 147 and 41 seeds on a field of 84 planted blocks

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so it sounds like the food yield is not too bad the seed yield tho is under 50% and that is too low

It is not really very good, but again, I need to harvest my optimized fields which I will tomorrow and they are 132 block of planted fields for 6 crops.

I do not have enough inorganic to really mean anything statistically.