Testing 224 - Farming Earthyams and Bulb return ratio from harvest

Which were spent is almost total secrety.
As far as I can tell, you only ever consulted the community about balance issues with how long crops should take to mature.
I can personally tell you that time for crops to grow wasn’t a concern for me.
So NOW that you release something to testing where players are unhappy with some core design concepts, you’re all like “but we spent weeks/months on that!” and you’re surprised when we tell you that we don’t want Mud farming to go away and other such things. You’re surprised when people aren’t happy with goo being locked on exo-worlds.

As a reminder, I’ve said times and times again that there was a real problem with how you guys communicate. How you have features which for us are only at the concept art stage, and can at any time jump to testing.

You people need MORE communication with your community.

Again, and I get it if people are sick of me making comparison with them, but Creativerse works by inviting willing players on Discord to chat about every thing, and they can then play on testing servers that are open 90% of the time to check out new features at any stage of development, and it works fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. I’ve seen CV features in their alpha stage months ago, they’re no-where near finished. Still allowed players to talk about it and give early feedback. But people aren’t throwing fire arrows at them. I wonder whyyyyyy…


Two things.

  1. Do people want Mud farming, or do they want easy access to gathering resources?

Do people really enjoy standing in one spot with an AOE shovel, holding left click, then throwing a regen bomb for an hour? Is it that much more fun than exploring a world and gathering plants as you see them, battling enemies, meteors, and grabbing anything else along the way?

I think not. This isn’t about mud farming. It’s about the grind.

  1. Creativerse has definitely had huge surprise updates with almost zero Steam community feedback. Your comparison is incorrect.
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I mentioned mud farming to relate to the concept of alternatives, of options, of choices. And yes, maybe it’s not the funniest gameplay ever, but it’s simple enough, simpler than what’s going to replace it. Already said it all above : Testing 224 - Farming Earthyams and Bulb return ratio from harvest
(btw, maybe don’t frame my quote to make it look like I said “we don’t want mud farming” when I added “to go away” ^^’ )

As for CV, SURE, sometimes, they do release things out of no-where, that happens, but that’s besides the point and it doesn’t negate what I’m saying.
Point is, I’ve still also been able to play around with features that are still no-where near ready (and might not get to live until a few more months), and some features that might never actually make it to live for X or Y reasons. Been able to give feedback on that, which I can tell is taken into consideration by the devs.

Can’t say the same for Boundless, where some of us are compared to firing squads and such, where features are being worked on behind the scenes for years and we have no idea at what stage they are, because there’s a lack of communication.
But when they read this message, devs are either going to gloss over it or they’ll be all like “nah, you’re wrong, we’re right!”.

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Thank you for the clarification

Maybe this is what I am experiencing. If true then it will decrease the yield as I am unlikely to go through and determine plant by plant what is ready to be harvested and what will not. I will harvest everything dropping the yield not matter that everything is within the range of water and other materials that boost the yield.

As you can see, after two days I still have spots in my Kranuts that have not matured.


I think these testing notes should include some clear list what developers want players mainly to test and give feedback. At least when it is big patch like this.

It shouldn’t be surprise that most of us players will first concentrate how much we can get easiest and fastest possible way, all numbers are important :smiley:

I think in past to me some numbers have been crazy, for example cooking is real material and time sink with many refining and collecting phases. Overwhelming amount of subphases/crafting stages with many components.

Now farming will make it kind of longer, well I think players just want few certain items that seem to be removed from drops, which is not bad but I would like to see still those as option in game. Just make farming work so that players feel that it is efficient and faster those block-regen-zones :slight_smile:

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here are my results from my first harvest. Each was planted across 84 blocks.

Oortia Grain - 162 Grain 43 Seeds
Chaggeatarin Grain - 161 Grain 38 Seeds
Exotic Earthyams - 160 Yams 36 seeds
Waxy Earthyams - 159 Yams 39 seeds
Raw Earthyams - 160 Yams 37 Seeds

I did not plant rice until yesterday so I want to give it time. Same with the in organics
I am waiting on the Kranuts to see if they ever all mature.

All had access to water within 3 blocks


so on top of the wait time we got forge style RNG if the thing even grows?


From what I understand, every day the crop rolls a die that decides if it grows or not, so yes. This chance can be increased with fertilizer, which stays on until it rolls a dice that decides it’s used up.

big oof that would mean we now got 3 rng systems (combat,farming,forgeing) just need one for mineing and building now

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I think when the initial advisement farming was going to happen for crops. It would have been nice if it was advised at that time that mud and soil wouldn’t drop the yams and foliage not dropping berries any longer (Regen farms would no longer work). If that was advised time ago, it may have been something the community could have spoke on and gave their opinion on.

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tbh if the devs really felt it needed to be removed there where many way better methods to have done it 1 for instance

you release the farming update and keep regen farms you then keep a eye on the “data” for both and see how many people switch do both or stick with regen you then release patchs to tweak farming to make it more desirable then regen (maybe create a forum thread asking why people regen farm) once you got the data and release the “magic” patch and see people shifting to farming thats when you announce that you are removeing regen

just like with bomb mining of coruse we are going to yell and complan when you just out right remove someting but if you give someone someting else and get them to play with that more then they wont even notice when the old thing is gone.


There is a chance that the fert wears off every cycle, so more RNG for your RNG.

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I think people want easy access to gathering resources more than the accomplishment of having a farm.

When the devs said that farming was coming they were very clear that it would be different. While I am completely for more transparency and discussion with developers and think they need to up that part in large amounts, I still push back hard on those that say we need the devs to work with the community when I don’t always see people taking the time to understand the devs perspective. Saying the problem is only that devs lack communication with the community is being naive because communication is a two way street… And I think many times we see that the devs can’t actually have communication with the community because much of the community doesn’t respond in a conducive format.


yea but at the same time for a game dev to say we are going to give info when we feel like it cuz the community yells at us is like farmer saying he wont milk cows cuz they wont stop mowing while he des it

not saying it shod happen or the devs deserve it but its more just a fact of life when you get in this professon and this community is 100 times more tame then most AAA community’s

This happens because the return of information doesn’t contain the value needed for the dev to solve the issues they are facing.

A perfect example is the post that Ross made about the challenges around bits and how much they can store. How many really took that to heart and understood it and changed the things they want fixed to take that issue into consideration.

I get people feel the devs don’t communicate in a great fashion (I myself think they need to improve in certain ways as well and I’ve pushed that agenda also) but people need to start understanding the full reasons behind this and take some responsibility on helping to change the culture here. It is a two way street and until people understand that and change how they respond and move the discussion forward they are going to find the devs don’t change much themselves.

It’s a common personal development tactic - if you want to change something - change yourself first.


I can’t comment on mud farming since I don’t use yams. But I can compare it to growth farming. And I will say I prefer growth farming over normal gathering for the fact that I don’t want to deal with mobs(hate hunting and dealing with them) and I have no real desire to explore the planet in search of the plants that will drop my shim orbs. Also note I have yet to fully explore one planet and I’ve been playing for over 1300 hours.

Also note the only thing I want from this update is the light and fluid changes and of course placeable water/lava. I am highly unlikely to make a farm.


That is a core issue that “crops” up, you have no choice with every crop, besides basic earthyam and basic starberry, to engage with the farming system to get these mats.

I might be really bad with maths, but my first thought was “outch!”
You allocated 84 blocks per crop (which IS an expense in terms of plots and all!) and you pretty much didn’t get 50% return on seeds, and the number of products is barely double the number of crops… I mean…
Again, mud farm, AoE shovel, speed potion, 30 minutes, 900 yams.

I’m afraid. Really afraid. :fearful:

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Just don’t. Stop hiding behind that.
Do you really think that the balance will be changed so much so that it’ll suddenly become as efficient as our current ways of collecting yams/berries?