Testing 224: Farming!

For me is: 100% / 67% / 1.04% also the max I can get.

Too bad water touching the soil from beneath doesn’t work.
But building on water can be handy to get water at the right spots when your pre building farms on live :smile:

Darn! I was hoping I could just layer it to be surface-efficient.

Crops seem to want the liked stuff to be on the same plane as the block you are planting on. The exception seems to be starberries which I have no clue how to maximize

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Starberries just 2 moulds and one other foliage block, all the rest must be free air
So in one level you can make like 4 seeds per plot.
Nevertheless you can move to next layer, slightly shift it and have like this 3 layers.

I also could not get anything better.

Now struggling with the flowing water over flat rice field… dunno how to do it yet.

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Mould is the Bonus block for Berries?

Mould and Air.

This is what I have done
Green is foliage with berry seeds
Purple is mould
rest is air
the “x” is showing are where the seed is affected (so its even overflowing the two plots)


So do you feel this would work



With air surrounding?

Maybe adding an extra foliage on each side?

I don’t mind making notes for forging, but not for farming lol. I only math when I’m paid too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ll be doing a lot more surface gathering. I enjoy doing that

You can only surface gather the basuc yam and starberry mats. You can effectively ignore optimization and get 1 to 1 yield crops to plants. This lets you avoid the maths.

Must master the art of…farming haha

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Only getting like a .57 seed and .89 yield chance with the sloped crops. The further down the slope, the lower the stats. I’ve got mud on both sides and tilled the soil. What am I doing wrong here?

Not with the highest efficiency.
In current setup each seed has
2 molds, 1 other foliage (3 occupied) and 21 empty air blocks.
Changing anything on this setup takes efficiency down. You still get some results, with one additional block changed it still good, but i your pattern the seed in the middle has more than 10 additional blocks occupied.

Roughly like this… red marked what is more than optimum and turns the efficiency down


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so after the update, someone needs to go into business being the farm optimizer! Ill pay coin for it.

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According to the data 22 empty air is optimal o.O Did you check if that’s true in practise too?

you are there currently ? can I come to see it ?

Im here, Im on Havran l

There are 24 blocks around the seed
2 moulds
1 other foliage
21 is rest

Whatever I change makes the data worse.

actually I cant get to perfect efficiency, so it can be a simple math issue in the code.

This is the best I can get, but for other seeds usually the yield chance goes over 1


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you going to be for hire, when the time comes? lol

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I’ve managed to get 0.66 / 1.025 for starberries - not max yet though.

They look like this…


Remove the 1 foliage