Testing 224: Farming!

Can i get there from US test server? I am on Dand.

I’m not sure to be honest - I think there must be a way

It can be sown in/on rock. My testing showed that it works fine, the growth rate, yeilds can be maxed. However if there’s any rock in the surrounding area, then it’s growth drops to near zero.
BUT, gravel is the thing to sow them on, then you can have plants together.

My findings so far are here

I had to create an EU alt to get to some planets. Here are my coords & some portals. If you go thru Almund’s portal you can get to Havran
I have a portal to Muntel there too @Ratchel


THANK YOU! I have a portal right there in picture so will be a quick jump for me! ill check out your farms also!

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Have you tried this in multi-layer? Would this 4 plot, 2 layer proposal work?
Layer 1 being 3 blocks above ground, layer 2 being 6 blocks above ground. If it works it would allow 4 seeds per plot.

I saw this at first!


:rofl: I struggled hard trying to make that thing as easy as I could!




Like i said before, ill have to pay someone to make our berry farm.

Sorry was away and just finished dinner. Do you also have water on the side as well as on top?

I can log in and I am on Havran I also. I can show you what I did. I did get help from @Stretchious.

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Im confused. No improved or farmable oortfuel?


What are your cords?

You can see Stretchious’ place across the lake from mine and my cords are 901N 1,740E Havran I

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Incidentally you can also look them up on the wiki if you don;t have access to testing.

I am impressed someone updated the wiki for the test stuff already.


I tried it.
Didn’t work.
I had oryza planted dry next to it and it ticked but the ones in V shaped ditch with water in it didn’t.

I realised I chiselled V ditch in the existing water source blocks and…

So the ditch needs to be flooded by flowing water from water placed nearby.

Is there also something wrong with the starberry crop? It doesn’t get the “sown in” bonus, but it’s triggered when you add another foliage to the range, that in turn eats up an air block so there’s no way to get the optimal setting for them. I’d actually like it if there were more tradeoffs like this, but it looks like a bug.

Or am I understanding the condition type 2 incorrectly?


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