Testing 232: Closed Storage and Decorative Blocks!

Wouldn’t the sand make a difference to the colour?
Just a thought :thought_balloon:

Can someone tell me if decorative gravel recipe will change?

Compared to current Live or current Testing?

Yes compared to current live universe. I don’t want to craft it now if it’s going to be easier next update :thinking:

I want to grow my combination farm

It’s Gravel and Bonding Agent now.


So I was reading another thread and it sent me back over here:

I see this thread is full of the same atm.

I’ve typed up a bunch of posts for this thread and deleted them as I see I’m in the minority on this. The changes to existing block recipes make me unhappy. I also think that the more decorative forms of a block should consume the block, which many people spoke out against.

IDK there’s a lot of vocal people here that want everything flattened and simplified when looking at items individually and not the ecosystem overall. I can’t be bothered to point by point a bunch of it at this stage, especially as it seems we’re getting close to the release of these blocks and some of the new storage.

I’ve been a bit listless and as more of the game depends on farming which I’m not into and raw materials/flat crafting trees, I’m less interested in playing overall. Which is probably fine since i’ve found over time that I’m less interested in placing things (blocks/seeds/whatever) than breaking them.

IDK not sure why I’m bothering to post at this stage just, feeling “meh” about the whole thing and the endless stream of complaints too. Even though it’s not “my thing” I’m glad to see people adjusting to how the farming component will, in the end, actually reduce the investment into the concrete, as was requested.

I’m looking forward to the lighting changes and the coil repair change has me wanting to make a new workshop finally, when i can get the interest and motivation together to actually build something. Knowing that the more capable storage forms are still “out there” somewhere will leave me hanging for a while as I don’t care to invest a bunch of time and materials into intermediate forms with that on the horizon.

In the meantime I just sit on tens of thousands of blocks and a ton of SEBA and ingredients that are about to become devalued in terms of price and possibly prestige, and continue to wait for the changes I’m more interested in.

I hope that the large reduction in essence requirements for what were the high end blocks is offset by the increased forms using the lower level bonding agents. Since there hasn’t been a large market for regen farming the low level orbs required I wonder if there won’t be a general price increase on those recipes, though, while people catch up and some new orb farms get built.

Mehhh. I don’t need coins anyways so I’ll probably just sit on the glue I have until the requirements for the final storages are given. IDK.

Despite a couple things that I really want being in here i’m not very excited about the update overall as it’s mainly content I don’t have a bunch of use for, changes to my comfort zone, and the particular new items I was mostly interested in sit out on an unknown horizon along with the feature i’ve hoped for more than anything since James mentioned it as a possibility

Sorry to ramble and be depressing but as we get to the phase where things are basically in a holding pattern with people waiting for the new release I just felt the need for some catharsis.

I’m not sure if I should make a bunch of marble right now to use the SEBA I have before the recipe changes or sit on it and see if there’s demand for the few recipes that will still require it since there will be, presumably, fewer producers. Though TBH not many people have been making it in bulk anyways.

If the marble would be required in the decorative marble recipes at least that would make more sense.After the update it will be literally harder for me to make since I have a huge backlog of shadow orbs and the glut on pulsating orbs is about to be crazy.

blahhhhhhhhh :exploding_head: I probably shouldn’t even post this as it probably doesn’t make a lot of sense but, whatever. It’s more confusion than complaining, I guess.


You ll need your Puls orbs and for the new marble and gravel you ll need your Seba If i m informed correct.

Yeah, I know there are still uses for SEBA, though i haven’t taken the time to memorize all the new recipes I’ve skimmed over the pics.

There’s going to be a mad glut on pulsating orbs I think and for those that won’t gather it seems like for a minute the bonding agent is likely to be pretty pricey for those that prefer buying to gathering. It depends on how many people are willing to meet the demand. Those orbs already have decent demand for their use in food and forging ingredients.

At the beginning all the complaining about SEBA revolved around the shadows but I think people got over that pretty quick and now it’s about not wanting to mine or buy the essence. The reason that I’m wondering about just making a bunch of marble right now is because I have thousands of shadows on hand and nothing for pulsating. So even after the market value (and possibly prestige) change I might rather have used them for the marble, leaving me open to sell pulsating if I decide to start farming some, instead of feeling pushed to harvest them for personal use if I suddenly get clear on what/how i want to build my new workshop with the coil changes.

I’ve been stumped over storage for a while and that’s going to stay on the back burner, it looks like.

@james are you willing to tell us if auto-queuing crafting machines is a real thing, on the ‘roadmap’ any time soon? If not, at least i know i better start looking for another processing person if I want to revive that aspect of my gameplay.

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Finally central heating


I mean the whole block will be the same colour, compared to patterned non-bordered blocks like the stones or wood at the moment. Right now I’m using sand for areas where i want a single colour, but it still has wavey lines on it and looks a tad odd in walls :yum:

Honestly, I can appreciate why they’ve made new blocks in a flat structure and not a tree one… on the face of it there seems to have been a number of people complaining about unnecessary complexity and too many steps to do things. Unfortunately, without doing the same to other blocks it feels a little messy and incongruent.

That, and there seems to be a notable overlap between the people asking for flatter crafting and those saying it’s good that even simple new blocks have heavy crafting costs so that it gives end-game players content, except that that’s exactly what the more involved crafting was doing.

This may well end up being an attempt to appease the implacable :man_shrugging:

Update come live next week?

Yes there’s a lot of contention about that here and as i mentioned, I know I’m sort of in the minority on that which is a big part of why i’ve kept quiet on it, especially since it’s over block recipes and I’m not really an avid builder.

I do want to point out that as a trend there are people that do appreciate a complex and even challenging crafting system though.

I like a lot of parts of the game that seem to generate significant parts of the forum complaining as well. So there’s that :slight_smile:

The changes regarding the orbs and the kindling and all that will settle out. I’m mostly eager for the lighting changes from this build, and happy to get the coil repair changed,.too. For me so many new blocks will just lead to more head scratching lol.

I had fun building some small stuff while I learned about voxel building and chiseling and all that in the beginning, sorting out prestige and settlements. But now I need some larger stuff and I get bogged down in the design phase badly enough that I haven’t actually finished anything in quite a while.

I saw the forum notification and came to see what got posted but now it’s time for a break from two plus hours of harvesting exo gleam. Grind grind grind I guess, and the rest will follow. For me, at least.


Lets hope before that because we need that spanner fix xD


With the change to how repair works now can we get the aoe boon removed from spanners @james


Can we get this to drop today, so I can fix my storage for my birthday instead of having responsibilities? :partying_face:


Happy birthday!


If the AOE boon was fixed it could open up the possibility of repairing multiple machines with coils at once with the right layout. But if it isn’t going to be enabled I agree, please remove it from the spanner boon pool.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Personally I don’t see how a new block is really end-game players content just because it is behind a higher cost. It would be new content for them even if it was simple to make. Since I’m mostly against the prestige stuff I lean towards a whole block revamp. I do believe there should be progression in blocks that do make sense and don’t mind harder ones. I’m not sure concrete should have been at the top, though. Since many just prestige spam, I am ok with it being hard to make.

Unless we take the time to really map our all the blocks into the structure we want and the recipe we want, I don’t foresee the Devs changing anything. They don’t have the time to revamp it themselves and the benefit on their side is low. I believe the community could help, but probably too many people would argue about it or make the recipes too simple. It is hard to balance those that just want to build with those that want high prestige or some other structure of block progression.