Testing 234: Chiselable Glass!

Majorvex re-routing the thread with subtlety like


Hey that does kinda look like major.

I feel it maybe helpful to know I am in the same room with Sephiroth. He has explained to me that he wants to know the developer’s reason behind having gleam as the ingredient choice, and has been asking for an explination to this seemingly illogical choice. While some have said something like “It is based of previous” which isnt saying why gleam was the choice to begin with.

Any user who is not on the dev team having behind the secnes discussions and making the actual choices, is only guessing the reasons as far as Seph and I can see. Any non-devs communicating what other non-devs have said, is more of guessing from our view.

If it would help any understand where we’re coming from, the lack of black glass is so discouraging, he has decided to take a hiatus from the game because of how disapointed he is in the lack of a response to his question. His question was ignored since sepetember 11th, so he sought to post here, and that too was skipped over, at first. then many non-devs dancing around the question, not getting a straight answer from james himself (timing is quite important here), plus feeling demeaned and devaulued, I’d be pretty frustrated too, I’m even feeling the upset from him, which has persisted over a few days now. Steadily growing in agitation.

This topic here had a response from James, after Seph posted his question, and Seph’s question was not answered, but was referred back to a time, still leaving the unexplained… unexplained. It makes no sense to me or Seph, why Gleam was the color-deciding block, and wanted to know the dev’s reasons for this choice from the very beginning of whatever pattern originated this choice for this limited block to be the color decider, as well as why these glass blocks are not allowed to be dyed.

We’re both still confused, and he is so agitated, and feeling demeaned, he is shaking. Telling him to calm down is only worsening how he feels about this question he is so focused on getting an official answer for. He feels the devs have ignored him, and that makes him want to seperate himself from the game if they are going to be so dodgy like that. That’s just my view from what I have observed and verbally heard from his expressions about this question. While I have posed the question of what will he do once he does have his answer, I dont recall his answer, but it is something like… it will make sense out of what doesnt make sense.

I thank you for informing both of us ‘how’ to contact a dev directly, we both didnt know this could be done, even when told to DM a dev, I thought that was trolling us, it’s new territory for me as far as forums go.

I hope you nice folks will be rather understanding about how he may feel about this. To DM a dev will be his next choice, I hope.


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Yeah, at first I was searching for a gif of Superman saving a plane from the 90’s cartoon, as that was my first thought, but then I thought “maybe don’t compare her to a dude”.


I understand where he is coming from. I’ve been there too.

Just remember:

Ah, didnt see this until after I posted my last post (I take ages to type cough cough) Thank you.

Is that from Fringe?


Uh… yeah, I think it might be. The character’s name was Olivia Dunham, right? Wait, why do you ask? ^^

AAAAWwwwh, the gif I sent? Nah, it’s from the Supergirl TV show, which is now tied to Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and such. I think that was even from the first episode, when she basically went public.

Like @Xaldafax said, some members have been around for A LONG TIME, and you might have gotten the answer you were looking for all along already, because likely someone asked a dev the question, and then repeated that answer to you.
You can’t expect devs to repeat stuff up all the time. But there IS a the DEV button Majorvex pointed to, which shows a list of all Dev messages. Maybe look through that first.

Again, we all get that Seph might be annoyed by something. We all have our pet-peeves. But the way he talked to some of us just isn’t acceptable.

Now if he decides to go in hiatus, I mean, it’s his choice. He could also change his plans. We all have moments of frustration where we have to change our plans. I mean, if he gets like this over a color thing, wait until he gets a troll building next to him, he’s gonna have a meltdown and blow up a city. :rofl:

But wanting the devs to do something you want when you can see it wouldn’t be ok for others isn’t a good thing. The best suggestions are the ones where you manage to make a compromise.

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Then instead of acting like its true fact, please POINT me in the direction of said fact. Link me proof of one of the dev’s posts regarding the topic. Show me it isn’t just speculation and actually been posted about by the devs.

That’s what I’m getting at here. People saying they’ve been around and know what the devs are saying. Show it, don’t just say that. Show it please. I would really appreciate that.

Or maybe, search yourself?
I personally never pretended to know the truth of the matter.

But instead of ordering devs to answer you here, and instead of being rude to us mere community members peasants, basically telling us “I don’t care about what you said, I want the devs’ answer!”.
The more you get frustrated and angry about your query, the less chances you have to get your official answer. So CHILL.

We gave you options.
You know how to find all the dev messages.
You know how to send a PM to a dev.
There’s nothing else to say about this here and now.
We’re only perpetuating a loop, here.

The only thing continuing this might do is force a moderator or dev to close down this thread.
Do you want that? I don’t.


I’ll admit I’ve been annoyed before by the same issue - 50 community answers, many opinions, and no dev input.

That said it’s not feasible for devs to get to everything. There’s a lot of stuff to do, and most have agreed we’d rather they spend their time programming as opposed to 100% answer rate on forums.

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But that is not the case here.

They also had not PMd the devs and they said they didn’t want community answers.

So…who else is making glass like crazy to build giant glass domes from the new stuff?


Not gonna lie but this entire thing could have been avoided had james just confirmed what I and other community members have inferred.

Refined gleam was probably chosen to create a market for desirable goods because past dev posts have confirmed a commitment to a robust MMO player economy and in the past recipes were made also by looking at which resource people had sitting around storage.

I’m not about to spend hours searching through dev posts but I’m fairly certain the answer to refined gleam origins can be surmised from that.

But yeah. A two sentence explanation would have ended this firestorm easily.

Boundless has never been designed to be solely a creative building game. It is very much an MMO. This does conflict with people who want access to all colors.


Actually, it’s an open world sandbox mmo. And because it’s an MMO, I was able to obtain a stack of black gleam from another player, since I didn’t have very many. Awesome.

Maybe they’ll add a creative mode in the future for people that don’t want to interact with the environment or other players :woman_shrugging:t3:

A choice I still detest. Artificial scarcity behind time gated mechanics has always rubbed me the wrong way in games. Ah well, luckily gleambow is coming up so we’ll have more options to make stuff like glass panes and blocks with.

Indeed. I mean, I’d love for them to say “cool idea, we’ll add that to our to-do list” or “nah, we won’t do this because this or that” for each of my suggestions, but I know they can’t and shouldn’t.

(my “boom lawyered” gif got flagged, and I kinda wonder is that wasn’t retaliation XD )

I was about to say that, and also that I don’t think I would like using Creative Mode myself.
To me, Creative Modes feel like cheating a bit, it lessens the accomplishment of building, and I quickly lose interest.
I’m pretty sure it’s the reason why I haven’t found the desire to actually build a Sanctum edit for the Oortmas contest as of yet. It’s weird.

The way I see it, Creative Mode would be an extreme answer in the other direction.
I still believe there should/could be a middle-ground.

Yes it’s let me grind for the colors i want instead of waiting months/years for a particular color to spawn.


Can testing folks show some domes? Please and thanks : )