Testing 234: Chiselable Glass!

@Havok40k @Stretchious @Leahlemoncakes Perhaps this thread could be split & added to the original topic that was posted months ago… since this is getting off topic?

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Glass panes and glass blocks are crafted out of glass. Sand isn’t; even in those recipes.

They take a transparent item, and a colored item. The colored item determines the output color.

Then the suggestion to take it to PM was probably a good one for you. I have my days too but this whole tirade is pretty petulant. Every game with a crafting/customizing system has some form of color or material scarcity.


Yes. I know this. You are ONLY RESTATING THE OBVIOUS. That does NOT answer as to WHY the original design choice was to use REFINED GLEAM as the color-choosing choice. It’s SO very limiting. Especially when as other people said, there;s only TWENTY NINE different available colors on the what, 50 permanent worlds we have currently? Why is that such a low number? Anyways, that fact is way off topic as to the REASONING behind WHY the devs chose REFINED GLEAM To be the color-defining choice here.

I do not condone the angry tone in Sephiroth’s messages, or the way he talked to other members in this thread, as if their opinion and answers had no value, but I kinda get where he’s coming from.

He asked why gleam was used for the panes and blocks, and James gave him an answer that was off by about 24 blinksecs, saying “people told us not to change the recipes so we kept the recipes of the glass panes for the glass blocks”. That was indeed not the question. :wink:

HOWEVER, I think he got a legit answer from a community member who said that the devs used gleam as a component for these recipes because it’s a higher-tier ressource, more rare on a given world compared to sand.
That makes sense to me.
If @james can confirm this explanation, then it should be the end of that tangent.


That’s the thing, I don’t want COMMUNITY opinion on this. I want the reason FROM the developers. Why did they make this design choice to begin with?

Then send the devs a direct PM.


I’m reminded of a goblin-something player in Creativerse. I wouldnt be surprised if you were the same.
But anyways, you point out some of what I feel too. I feel I am out of luck, unless I can get access to industrial qualities of Black tinted glass.

Also, about the Exo stuff, it rubs me the wrong way. I am a player who has to be very careful what she engages in, I refuse to do limited time stuff, and stuff that makes me breathe harder. i have some health and mental states where I will not go to exo worlds, and have to be super mindful anytime I go to a planet with an atmosphere I have to add stats to be able to join. I dont go to Gleambow, it will hurt me, physically. I have to avoid competitive things and many other things that most players consider “Exciting” is like a heart attack waiting to happen. No thanks. Adrenaline hurts me, so I avoid it as much as possible, and that means missing out on Exo worlds. I tried it, and I did not have fun, I had more frustration than fun, making them not worth my time. And every new patch with exo exclusives just bothers me more and more, but at least the option to buy from a shop is there. If only they had enough stock of the amount I want to use.

There are so many adrenaline-pumping games out there, and so few where I can build calmly, and with little consumption of my PC’s resources. When Exo Worlds was added, it kinda felt like there was a shift in the direction this game was going, opposite of what I am looking for in a game.

I have plenty of fun without the Exo worlds, I just wish my kind of player was considered in some of these choices.

Creativerse is an alternative, but it is so much more different than Boundless, and Boundless performs far better… and doesnt kick me every 15 mins of idling, that’s one of the big awesome things I love about Boundless. I can get distracted so easily, and hop right back into Boundless without having to wait. Boundless has the most variety of blocks and shapes than any other blocky game I know of!

I just wish the options for glass color were more… numerous and plentiful. I’m here to help ask for more colors for these Glass blocks, but it seems far too many are fixated on having that limited amount of gleam colors be the determining factor on glass colors.

I just was hoping my voice would have some effect.
But with so many against my wishes in here, so focused on stuff that is derailing what I would like to see in the game (I would like more color options for glass, primarily I want black)… well foo. Does the limited coloring for glass really have to be fixed to such a small amount of colors like that… I’d hope not.
Feels like this game is trying to be more like the big boys, shoving more of it’s options away from this being a building game, towards catering to those who like playing PubG or other competitive, adrenaline pumping games.

I hope my words have some weight here, but I feel like I am talking to a brick wall.
At least I tried.

Edit to add: This topic got heated while I was still typing. Glad I wasnt looking

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I do not see what you mean.
Creati-whaaaa? Never heard of that.
< cough >

I certainly never played on any Playfulverse server or made a pixel-art picture of a dev.
Neither did I built the place that was (and might still be used) as the spawn-point of the
world devs would come to during livestream.

But whoever did that is certainly a nice fellow who has a lot of great ideas and is rarely wrong.
Also I’m sure he has a great and fluffy

All fun aside, I may bash the devs from time to time about certain things, but I respect the work they do.
CV has A LOT of things I wish Boundless had, and I often say “you know, CV has that, would be real nice if Boundless could have it too wink-wink nudge-nudge”,
but what makes me stay, really, is how well the game plays. There’s hardly any lag. It’s really beautiful. There’s virtually no loading time. And there’s regular updates. Like, I’ve been playing for ONE year, and there’s been 26 updates! Dayum devs!

Meanwhile, on populated worlds, CV is slug-ish, and it had one update adding 5 seasonal Halloween props in the past 5 months.
Granted, they’re busy re-working pretty much ALL their blocks one-by-one for the painting update.
They have to rework every single block texture to separate them in two masks, because they want players to be able to freely paint them with two colors per block.

Once that’s done, though, in terms of customization of builds, you’ll be able to change the color of any block without having to spend money or to craft an expensive tool. It’s gonna be an update available immediately to all players. That will make CV better than Boundless in that specific regard, because Boundless requires the players to go to incredible lengths to get some colors.
See how I circled back to the color issue?
Yeah. I impress myself.


Please remember that some of the community have been around for years. One of the moderators is game purchase 11. So some of the response can actually be the “reasons” you are trying to get because they were there or heard the reason when it was created.


Whiiiiiiiich brings us riiiight back to “if you don’t give a fudge about non-dev input, don’t post here at all, and instead, contact a dev via private message”.
Or do you really want us to try again? Because there’s nothing more to say on that subject, really. :unamused:


How do I DM a dev?

Most fourms dont have DMing a dev as an option. I’m quite suprised.

P.S.I’m concerned that someone maybe absuing the report button in this very thread, and I would like to contact someone about that as well, are such querys sent in another avenue or the same one?


click “new message”
type “james” in the “to” box

(sorry james)

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Full disclosure, I’m the one who flagged the latest Sephiroth post, as the “Sorry, try again” seemed too much of a troll move for me. In retrospect, it was too harsh, but seriously, he seem to have nothing constructive to bring anymore. Seph needs to calm down a bit.


A single user shouldn’t be able to hide a post. It should always take a minimum of three IMO, no matter how trusted a flagger is.

FWIW I somewhat agree - try to tone it down a bit sephiroth, we all agree that a dev reply would be better, but we’re all just trying to help. I disagree with flagging, but agree that “being nice is lots of fun”


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You got hidden for being unnecessarily and unconstructively hostile, not for your point of view.
If you’d said it politely it wouldn’t have gotten flagged and hidden.

That said, I disagree with flagging, I don’t think it should be a thing.


Agreed. That’s actually how I thought it worked for the longest time.
In this case, it was impulsive of me, and as soon as I flagged it, I reconsidered, but I couldn’t find an “unflag” button, otherwise I would’ve removed it.

@GreenRoc You can also click on a forum member’s avatar left of his username, and in the pop-up window, you’ll have a “Message” button. :wink:
Some members have their profile hidden, because reasons.
Devs don’t. You can PM James like that.

Also, yeah, like DK said, sorry James. :rofl:

Here’s an example of how you might say the same point:

Yes, these replies seem reasonable, but I really want an official reply as to why this decision was made - this is all speculation, and a dev reply could clear all this right up!


@SephirothWS @GreenRoc

Click here to directly PM a dev, then click on their name to PM one.

This comment section has gotten very off topic.

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Can’t wait for these new items :blush::+1:t3: Especially the metal boxes and glass blocks

