Testing 236: Holiday Stability!

It’s not as fast but you can drop things straight from the storage to the floor then do that same thing (as the dropping items from storage bug was fixed)


yes please


Yeah, but it still would be better to have the option to turn this off and on.

Seems like it would be an easy enough addition, so those that are affected by the issue can protect themselves, and those that will not be affected can choose to have it as it was.

It can even be defaulted to how it is now, so that you have to choose to turn it off, and a little warning comes up.

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Here’s the issue.

Say you have 9 large closed storage each filled with 40 full smart stacks. This totals 9 x 40 x 9 x 100 = 324,000 items. With a few blows of a fast tool you can dump 324,000 items into the world.

Say you surround yourself with a cube of this structure, and then dump 6x this amount into the world. You’ve generated 324,000 x 6 = 1,944,000 pickups into the world.

To what degree should the game scale to this? How much engineering do we need to implement to protect the game against this scale of drops. Can we just instantly delete all pickups over 10k? So delete 1,944,000 - 10,000 = 1,934,000 items?

The current requirement to manually empty storage means that this scale of drops can’t be reached very quickly.


If you are able to do this could we have an option not to break blocks in a beacon at all (toggled at beacon) so many times i have put ps4 pad down at smashed a heavily chiselled 3x3 area


Wow didn’t think it like that, good idea locking the boxes with items in then!

Edit - Found previous post on breaking blocks in own beacon toggle:

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So this is implemented as a performance related fix?

It just seemed it was a response to this:

Which is why I would prefer it as an option.

But, if it has the potential to crash the server, then I guess that’s the way it’s gotta be!


good idea and it should be real easy to make this, add the beacon owner to the permissions list on the beacon, than he can set the block dmg on/off, and the dev has not so much work

on pc you have a other problem, sometimes if you want open the steam overlay or want go into windows you trigger a auto attack… if you have at this a 3x3 t6 one shot hammer in your hand you know what happens…or a forged bomb…
last time it was a bomb… still need to repair my stairs…

if it would possible i will put off all block dmg perms on me to prevent this accident XD


I don’t understand why don’t those people that keep breaking storage and spamming the world with the items in the storage or the ones that keep destroying their builds with aoe hammers just stop keeping super powerful hammers in their hands.

The issue isn’t the game it is people and their choice to carry 1 shot hammers. It is very easy to un-equip stuff when not in use.

You’re playing, the door bell rings, you put controller down next to you on couch and due to the unevenness of the couch cushion one of the trigger buttons is accidentally pressed…

You have no idea how often this has happened to me in the past, now I make it a habit to put it down on a flat surface.


This permission setting has other uses! If I make a say clay farm it would be nice to set it to unbreakable as well so I don’t accidentally break the farm itself while zoning out.

Or should I just not zone out? :wink:


Ugh, and wonky trigger on tools might be viable if this were an option too…


It’s easy to say just dont mistakes but I mean, that’s why they’re called mistakes. Even the most diligent people make them. Preventative measures only work in a perfect world with perfect people.


It’s because you are PC. When you put a PS4 controller down, unless you do so carefully, the L2 and R2 triggers get hit.

But yes, many of us run around with double grapples for this reason.


I did break 9 shop stands full of rocks by mistake (thought they were empty). Game was lagging so much i couldn’t retrieve them so lost them. I was unable to move at all in the region were the drops was. IMO its a good fix.


I have also put my xbox/pc controller down wrong or dropped it and bad things happen lol.

Sometimes it will randomly trigger and I have to jump around or ctrl+alt+del out of the game for it to stop. I’ve destroyed some fancy/chiseled areas because of this.

I haven’t had the storage block issue, but I understand how that would cause serious issues — all those blocks floating/activated at the same time :open_mouth:

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Does the closed storage fix apply to shop stands too?

Doesn’t appear to, just let me do damage to one with stuff inside.

Before you put it down either go to the sanctum or select another item like grapples so this isn’t an issue.

In other words – play and equip your players responsibly when going AFK.

Mistakes happen but mistakes that result in people trying to change the game play aspect of something is either just laziness or a lack of responsibility on their part in making sure they don’t make mistakes. Carelessness is another word.

The storage break update that was done was smart on the Dev side because of how it effected things. I just don’t see how a “lock” on a beacon solves it. It is a management layer that is being added to an already complex system just because people can’t select another tool before they go AFK? Makes no sense.

This is a responsible player action! You get a golden tallow piece once they are released.


I’m sorry, I saw this, and I had to call BS.

To re-use Aenea’s situation example, when the door bell rings, I don’t care who you are, the priority should not be “oh, let me change my equipped tools and get to the Sanctum”, but rather “oh woah, who’s at the door, I gotta go see right now, forget the game!”
THAT’s the responsible thing to do.

I won’t ask for these changes myself because when I make such a mistake, I generally own it, but I wouldn’t be against the change either. I get where people are coming from, and I won’t call them “lazy” or “careless”. :confused:


I could be wrong, but I think the change came about because of the auto use bug thread here… though it has been discussed previously as well.

So while not changing tools before putting the controller down / going AFK is one cause, it is not the only cause for inadvertent destruction that “might” be prevented by the option to turn off damage in a beacon.