Prevent Block Damage Inside Beacon Toggle

I have been scouring the forums, and have thus far not seen anything similar to my topic.

I may be the only one, but I have an issue where sometimes I accidentally click with a hammer or axe inside my beacon, and break stuff that I don’t mean to break. There are times I don’t, and the games kind of goes crazy on me and starts hammering away until I actually click the button and it stops. It is especially an irritant when I break a chiseled block on a character that does not normally carry them, thus leaving the spot out of place (or road block on ramp), until I change characters to run or wherever to fetch a chisel.

I think it would be nice to have a beacon option to enable/disable all damage to blocks within the beacon. This would be something we could enable once a project is done, or taking a break from breaking down/building. Below I have an example. I think I hammered it while running through the portal and had not noticed… Death trap coming through from the other side!

Not a huge irritant for me, but certainly a QOL I would not mind seeing in our future :slight_smile:.


Just a few :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I also would like to have this, some beacons I have access without knowing and I just like using hammer or totem to check blocks :slight_smile: most I am afraid that smash some very well chiseled art piece down or storage explodes.

I like if there would be few options like this for this beacon protecting, like you these you suggest and time based permission, like I would give 1 hour build permission to myself that I wouldn’t need to click this on/off often :slight_smile:. Option could be available when clicking current beacon box on places window and having right to build inside on beaconed area.

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Thanks! I tried a few different ways to type it, and mostly found damage falling inside beacons lol

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Bomb Problems