Testing 236: Holiday Stability!

Oooh you best stop taking this way and doing this!!! I give you gleam and you just talk the truth how dare you @FireAngelDth??? You bold as hell!! Sorry had to just because you were waiting for it


Thanks for the gleam! Tho how did you drop it off??? I only gave @Ratchel perms and I actually don’t think any of our characters are friends :thinking:

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Your request basket in corruption in the basement buying gleam for 0c

But it should have been locked with the lock on the chest is all. So guess if it’s at 0c it doesn’t matter

Yeah maybe. I saw it and dropped it lol. Unless locks only work on chest now after patch not request baskets

From what I think I read, new chest dont work in a 3x3 pattern with advanced locks they work as a plus sign with the locks…though maybe that the scotch makin me think that.

Put the scotch tape down bob!!!


But it’s just a chest and request basket next to each other with a advanced lock on top of the chest showing it’s affecting the chest and basket



Yes exactly. For me it was an all/none discussion. Bomb mining was seen as breaking things and regen mining is basically the same thing. So either allow people to just get all the resources they want and remove this resource rarity stuff or make it the same across the board. Doing both things causes issues and makes an inconsistent game play experience. I have hard core views I guess you could say in that and think there are some mechanics in the game that just cause more problems especially the ones that just give people an “easy button” like regen farming.

That is why I was against the “plot one shot lock” stuff. It felt too easy and not taking responsibility to do things right over a useful feature. Instead of fixing it I’d prefer features that solved the whole permissions issue in beacons and something that let us put away tools or ways to make the controller safe for ALL issues. It doesn’t make sense to tweak one thing and instead make a bigger fix that solves a whole host of issues.

To me many QoL issues are because people are lazy and don’t want to go through the effort to do the original steps. There is nothing wrong with being lazy… hell I am at times too… we all are. Fundamentally, though, when that happens it usually means either the game is broken in that area and needs to be fixed at the root of the design and game play in that area is wrong and should be fixed. Yes this isn’t true in every case but most of those are because of root issues that should be solved for effeciency instead of “quick wins.” People get lazy when they don’t feel inspired or want to do stuff. Make it so the action won’t matter to them or is easy so the “lazy bug” doesn’t show up.

I would have figured that at least people would have acknowledge how easy it was to change tools but at least been willing to admit they don’t do it. That would have felt more like I was being heard at people were willing to look at things like developers might when they need to balance QoL decisions with the amount of time some things take to do. Some of the things (like permissions) aren’t always easy wins for us and take time.

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The devs did just add a fix/tweak for people that were accidentally breaking open storage chests. If there was a beacon-wide-lock option as suggested, I assume it would have covered this issue since storage containers are placed in beaconed areas.

It seemed to me that a lot of people were showing humility/relating by admitting they had also made the mistake of accidentally breaking parts of a build - whether or not they had an opinion on the suggestion.

I think everyone here loves the game and wants good things for it.


I’ve been more than humble and said sorry in a few posts. In fact I’ve reached out to some in attempts to change perception and looked at how I post in efforts to do better. I don’t see that for many others especially during the fights, etc. In fact, many that constantly try to “remind me to speak or act this way” are some of the worst offenders. When I start seeing some people in this forum actually apologize and start taking ownership of their “mom” or “schooling” etc then I’d be more willing to not have to defend myself from unwarranted attacks.

Yes this was done because of the lag that would be created. James provided very good insight on why that change was done. If you notice old storage still can be broken. So either they missed that or it wasn’t something that concerned them compared to the larger count of items from the new storage.

Yes but those weren’t the people that started to argue with me (and not who I was talking about) otherwise I would have responded differently to them. It was those that keep pushing the issue so they can be right or whatever they were doing.

Keep in mind two wrongs don’t make a right. Also the golden rule.

If other people act like Richards (hey @morey523) and you act like a prince in return, you make them look like fools.




The 14 days cannot come soon enough


I don’t like going in circles, I’m not sure if you’re talking about me or… and my internet is wonky right now. So, have a good evening & ggggggguess what?

It’s almost Oortmas :open_mouth:


They already have the way to disallow block damage in a beacon, to me it doesn’t sound likeit would take too much effort to add a switch. But that’s just a guess.

I believe she was referring to actual farms, with crops.

I admit I don’t know all the details and would never even presume I did unless I had specifically asked for details like I have done in other areas (like Mineable Oort, Personal Worlds, Settlements, etc). But, the last time I investigated the permissions model was when I was trying to see the possibility of making the Guild/Faction permission systems be different and not have the Guild one overrule the Faction one.

During that discussion I do remember details that the permissions level was not just an easy flip switch type thing and needed a rework. My memory is somewhat fuzzy though on specifics and I don’t remember how bad though, compared to some of the other layers. But, being that we have asked for perms changes and things were not done it usually meant it was more than a few hours of work or just not important to them.

I do know that right now because of the new features they are working on which are very big that “time and effort” is VERY important to them. Plus they want to do full system revamps where possible instead of small changes. Being that this basic issue has come up and the only change they put in was for the “storage” and not “perm layer” that clearly the perm layer was more work than the storage option. So that is why I was pushing back and trying to get people to understand where the Devs are right now.


Not the entire forum… but definitely few passive aggressive people who always feel like they need the last word, and don’t know when to stop.

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