April 20, 2020, 2:36pm
Updated OP with details of 241.5. The main change is the addition of a new set of emojis that can also be used on Signs. Oh, and Glass Pane signs. So you can write on windows.
Note: If you want to test the emojis on Testing you need Gleam Club. If you PM me I will gift you GC on Testing. GC on Testing is not linked to GC on Live.
Testing 241.5:
Crafting + Resources + Equipment:
Added two variations of Glass signs, the signs appear otherwise the same as Glass Pane voxel blocks and will render seamlessly with them, but will allow text to be displayed like as with the other sign types. The two variations are for non-glowing and glowing text.
Note: Recipes are currently missing.
Tweaked the pure Spark to have an 8s conversion. This is still over 2x the speed of the fastest other fuel.
Added a full set of crisply rendered vector emojis to the rich-text renderer in-game, including on Signs. The previous emoji set were low-resolution bitmaps which were disabled on Signs as they looked truly terrible. We only include the single-codepoint emoji, which for the most part excludes any gender variations, non-yellow skin-tone emoji variations and all country flags.
Processing of rich-text codes makes emoji processing case-insensitive now so both :sad: and :SAD: will show the sad-face emoji, as well as use of the unicode hex values directly like :1F61E: for the same sad-face emoji. This also fixes things like emojis in beacon names breaking when displayed as all-caps in hud etc. Dialogs such as deleting a beacon which request you provide the name of the beacon are forced to not substitute rich-text tokens so that the exact string to be typed in is displayed.
The emoji’s continue to be accessed by Gleam Club (in the case of signs, based on the mayor of the Beacon), and can also be used in Beacon names, Settlement names and Location and Portal tokens.
Color code rich-text now supports short-style :#f13: equivalent to :#ff1133: , and also palette-short-codes that are 2 hex digits mapping to a 255-palette color which are used when inputting named colors, so typing in :#yellow: will convert to :#ff: (it is number 255 in the palette); this was already done for signs (but mapped to longer hex values instead), but is now done for all bits of GUI that allow inputting emoji and color codes so that any newly inputted text will not hit issues where users using a different language setting don’t see the coloration correctly in beacon/settlement names etc.
GUI assets are now offline-processed as part of the game’s asset-build step meaning faster start up times (up to 20% on PS4 due to the large number of assets that no longer need processing now).
Bug fixes:
Fixing concatenation of coloured strings for Beacon and Settlement names so that the coloration does not leak into proceeding text in messages, action logs or the HUD compass location.