Testing 241: Beacon Reclaims!

Normally that is the case but each spark item was using 0.8 durability each during testing… since you’re just transferring power rather than generating it I guess

Yes, converting peat to compact peat is not free, nor is converting compact peat to spark. But these things you have to do one way or another.

What is free is converting spark power into the the new spark item. You just break the generator and there it is. Now if this spark item is better then compact peat to produce spark, e.g. because it’s faster or produces less wear, you have upgraded your compact peat to the better spark item, for free. (The alternative to upgrade peat as a fuel sources needs these expensive plant thingies. Should the spark item really be better then enriched peat?)

But my main problem is: If this spark item is to good, the spark generators that produce the spark item, which will be the ones that get the heavy wear and run for a long time burning peat, don’t have to be connected to the machines anymore. Why not just get rid of the spark lines? Everybody hates them.

Not everone’s workshop is on one beacon. Mine is on two, my main and my crafter alt…


Why shouldn’t it be better? Whose to say how it was made? I don’t use peat. I use compact hard coal. So to me it should be at least that. And what about the people that use enriched?

Also one of my workshops is setup with basically no spark links at all already. Been that way since before farming update. I actually prefer one gen to each machine

Well converting spark into spark… I mean it’s already spark o.O it’s like charging you cellphone, sure some of the engegy is lost as heat but not a whole lot in comparison to when it was originally generated…

I also don’t see a problem with generating spark one place and using it another… it is sufficiently annoying to discourage doing it within the same beacon and yet enticing enough for players to generate it and sell it to others who don’t want to wait or have their own massive generators

Exporting power happens in real life all the time… it seems like a natural addition to the boundless economy


Annoyance should never be the driving factor because… we just do it anyway and curse the game.

Make the spark item very slow, slower then peat. Then combine it with combustion particles to speed it up. Why should this new spark item be better then enriched something? Why should you be able to upgrade fuel without the expensive combustion particles?

Because it is already once converted into spark.


Why should it take twice as long to use the new spark. Once to create it and then again to load it into a different generator? I fail to see how this is an exploit to the system.


The spark asset happened likely because of a conversation about people losing their “spark” during a reclaim that I had with James. They had the asset but don’t think it was on the books to use. So it was really just a 1-1 linking to what people had in their spark generator. So my assumption is that it was added back to try to equate that. I don’t think it should be used for anything beyond filling back up that generator.

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If there is a situation where using the spark item makes more sense then other fuel it is going to be used in that situation.

Per the notes and what the asset is going to be used for:

So people put it back into the spark generator to give you the spark that would have been lost in a reclaim.

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But someone has to create it first from another fuel source before it can even be traded.

Not sure what the problem is here puzzled look


Current situation: Adding spark to your system takes time, quite a bit time. It’s not possible to create spark just in time for a big workshop. But adding million of spark to a system is a commitment, because you have to use that spark up and you don’t have your more flexible fuel anymore.

New situation: Just load as much spark as possible into your system because you can always get it back, for free, in a superior quality. You have 20 million spark in one workshop and non in your other? Just break the generator and immediately refill it with 10 million and the other workshop with the remaining 10 million. Or even sell the 10 million if you like. There is no commitment anymore for putting fuel into your generator - it’s not the ideal thing to do.

This is, in my opinion, a big change to the game. If that’s not intended, the spark item should be nerfed before it’s released. If it is intended, then, we should have a better way to produce it instead of breaking the generator. It’s easy to do but not immersive and feels wrong. Add a recipe to one of the machines.

But why would you had to pay a time gap again for something you already did?


This will change the fuel market for sure, the new meta will be people buying the Spark item instead of actual fuel (for spark generation). Instead of buying a Compact Hard Coal and waiting 8m 20s to get 15,000 spark, people will just buy 15,000 worth of Spark and have it takes seconds to generate.

I personally like the idea of creating a market for the Spark and plan to take advantage of this by making a ton of spark with Peaty Soil and selling it as Spark. That being said, it will definitely have a knock on effect for the spark generation market. Depending on the price of spark you could be losing out if you use anything other than this Spark item for your generators.

But maybe that is the intended way to use this item? Either way, it will be interesting for sure :slight_smile:


And still some one will need to put a ton of sparkgens to work for hours depending on the fuel. It’s not like if we could get the spark thing from nowhere.

The price will be very important here, I guess we will have to see if it reaches a balanced price or not.

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Was that reply meant to be at me? If so I don’t understand it. But I agree with the last sentence for sure

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Oh I should have quoted instead.

I agree with what you said just tried to make it clear that some one has to generate the spark item, and it’s not taking the commitment out of the game.


Ah I see, yeh I agree, the commitment isn’t being removed as the spark has to be made still, like you said, but it will encourage people to buy Spark rather than buy fuel to make spark - whether that is a positive or negative I do not know. But I will be using a bunch of Compact Peat to make the Spark as to get the most out of this resource :ok_hand: I’d feel it a waste to use the Hard Coal for example (thats getting turned into Enriched Hard Coal for the furnace :drooling_face:

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I’ve always used peat anyway lol
I like to use coal on furnaces for faster burning :laughing:

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