Testing 245: Sovereign Worlds!

I got in too but had to get there from sanctum and not from my home planet


Got on my planet woooooooot! Thanks for the suggestion to use the sanctum @Fante


They might find a way to still make that possible in the future. I’ve even proposed one, locked inventories, no items can be used in a creative world (well grapple can but not to break things), nothing can be taken back and forth, no dropping of items, etc.

Only exception I wanted was some kind of voucher you can get on a creative world with an unique id, you can get that after surviving some dungeon someone created, that item you can take back to the main universe. There you can exchange that voucher for the actual prize of your accomplishment but is then a Live Universe item…

That makes it all fair within the current rules. You can go crazy on your creative world (I will too because I can then script the heck out of it, want to make interactive stuff!), nothing can be taken back and forth, you can show off your builds, etc.

Sounds good tho, right?

I know, it’s slow going, this takes time to make, especially with a small team like WS, but they will get there am sure!


A few pictures of my Sovereign World Pi 3 Orios VI :smiley:
(Not done changing colors, but I love the colors already :heart:)


@james ? I know you said future date on prices but are Planets Rentable through Cubits or $

Interesting planet with huge caverns and crevices. . not one I would really want but interesting.


Looks like flying saucers! :smiley:


How do I go about getting one of these sovereign worlds in testing?

On the left most tab you can set the permissions ‘for everyone’.

I had set mine to everyone can visit. Did not check the can plot there. I did that on the Guilds tab!


Getting some rather new’ish looking palettes on this Sovereign T4 Lush!

I did change the sand and mud colours tho, sand was also in the red/orange range…

I will continue exploring tomorrow! For now tho I just wanna say to all the devs:
@james, @rossstephens , @lucadeltodecso , @Leahlemoncakes and all the others:



Can we visit?

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My menu keeps stopping after a couple of colors. I am trying to finish it so I can set it up for y’all to visit :smiley:


My World control is locked, restart did not change anything. World control show “loading world data”.


Switch to an alt, try on that one?

Worked for me once at least, other times a restart helped

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saw in earlier replies that removing the control and replace it would fix it.


didn’t work for me

restarting works
not using it for a while works as well (I went exploring for 10 minutes or so and it loaded when I was back to my beacon)

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So far what seems to temporarily fix it:

  • Removing and replacing the World Beacon
  • Using the Sanctum for Warping
  • Going to a different planet and coming back
  • Exploring for periods of time (last resort thing, been working for me pretty well now)
  • Restarting
  • Possibly removing extra beacons on your Sovereign World.

(This is a list compiled from all player’s solutions.)


@Gorillastomp restart don’t work, but I had 3 beacon and world control and have delete 2 beacon and 2 world control, so it works.
Thanks for help.

Sry don’t work again @james

My Planet works, thanks to the devs you do a great job!


For me personally, I think this would be the deciding factor in whether or not I chose to link my planet to the public universe or opt for a Creative Mode world instead. I could still justify having to gather and purchase materials, buuuut… I don’t have virtually unlimited plots like some of the more dedicated players, and the use of any private planet would hit a wall pretty quickly from plot restrictions.


Already did some exploring.
So far I am pretty happy with the biome configurations and prefabs on the planet
This one even has my favorite big trees.
The only thing I don’t like …
… are the Block colors used for this planet …
… and as it stands, I can’t change them in the colors I like to see for my Private Planet (namely the [Therka] color palette)
We will see what this is going to be, we are only stress-testing the system for now. :+1:

But he, you all at Dev-HQ are doing a great :boundless: job … thank you very much