Testing 245: Sovereign Worlds!

I don’t think we will be able to cancel either, but I also don’t know what systems they have in place. Maybe you don’t “pay” for a world until you finalize it. Meaning we can potentially despawn and respawn a world until we get a setup we like, then finalize it (initial color palette may stay the same even after a refresh). I know devs are giving worlds out on testing but maybe they are working on something that can automate the process. Making people pay for biomes they don’t want on top of not having all the available 255 colors is a bit too much rng when we’re talking about real money.

I have no idea how other games handle this but I wouldn’t be surprised if they came up with something good for us.

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Good point - hopefully there will be an option for an outright cancel. Cleaner, and that would save on their space. Make you do it like deleting a character, verify you are ABSOLUTELY sure, of course!

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Man do I really hope they are only $15. I’d do 8 off the get go :sweat_smile:. 2 t5, 2 t6and 1 of each tier 1-4

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It will eventually be deleted. They haven’t said how long it will be in limbo


I’ll take a Lush T4 for my appetizer, main course will be the Toxic T6, and if there is room for desert perhaps a slice of pretty pink Burn T6 with ruby garnishing! :grin::+1: (Edit: I hope that or lower even is the price point too, anything over $25 will start getting iffy, or definitely “just one” territory)

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The World works, i find no issue again. Good Work Wonderstruck.

I really hope there will be limits imposed on players (actually, unique accounts) in terms of how many worlds can be purchased at once and some cooldown periods before buying more (for those who keep dropping previously purchased worlds).

Otherwise our lovely Boundless universe will become a Giant Shredder. :open_mouth:

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If the system design encourages it, it’s not exactly going to be a surprise if it happens.


Will there be a cap on the # of planets a user can have active at any given time?

Will users be allowed to buy and toss as many planets in a row as they want to?

Will un-used planets be deleted or will they remain for XX days?

What if the player tells you they are 100% sure they don’t want the planet anymore? Will it still be saved for XX days?


i won’t get a sovreign world if it isn’t 5$.

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I have a hard time seeing it be that low, $10-15 is more likely. Even if it was $25 I’ll probably still get a couple.


i do too. i just want 1 world though.

they would remain


why not a trial period for sovereign worlds? 7 days sovereign trial so people can try out all the cool features with a single trial world.

Oh wow that’s fantastic, thank you!

After I did see updated warp interface I have been missing it on Live. This is my main reason why I hope update would come fast :smiley:

So I did not get on to build multiple named beacons with items in them…but looks like the first batch of worlds are offline. I had a single beacon with a world control in it and I’m not seeing the world control as something I can get from reclaim storage.

If worlds are locked and beacons don’t expire then this is fine but I thought the beacons were being forced to be reclaimed?

Still not overly worried since I think Luca wrote that the reclamation process can take up to a day?

I’ll check back on it tomorrow.

The Worlds are still Locked and haven’t been shut down yet.


I think World Control minting value is listed too high with current input materials.

If somebody is interested right now it is listed for 3 coins per control(4.2 with coils). mass craft recipe I: 54 stone, 18 gleam O: 25 control and craft time being 4m10s on table.


Yes completely agreed. This is asking for spark/gleam doors all over again.

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