Testing 245: Sovereign Worlds!

If there’s alot of planets you won’t be able to see the stars and sky very well, just hundreds of planets running into each other lol


People will be spinning not just for colors though, but also if they don’t like the biomes of their world (assuming we don’t get free rerolls). I’m actually also interested if a plan is in place for disliking the biome. Do we get a trial period of a couple hours for refund? Will those initial colors stay in the choosable colors if we can get refunds?


yeah i don’t know how they will manage that, it may look nice or pretty weird.

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If they can colide and explote I’m ok with tons of planets in the sky :smile:


I want to say there is a max of 10 planets that can be in the sky at a time. But am not sure where I got that information from :thinking:.

yeah but if they do so and the rest are like dot stars, you can’t warp to them unless you ahve already a location or a portal is open to it.


They may just speed up their flight and once one is gone another shows up. It will definitely be interesting to see how its handled. It helps that you can only see the ones you have access to.

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Also, goo farming has quite it’s challenges. And depends largely on the spawning of exoworlds with goo. And yields for seeds when farming goo are quite awful, I think the max you can get is 90% (or 95). And since it’s RNG, it doesn’t mean that for each 100 kernels planted you’ll get 90-95 back. It means you could get 10 back.
So I would really not count of goo farming or painting to provide more colors for people

Fantastic point I constantly forget. I myself will be biome spinning(if that is going to be a thing) as well.

My personal wish list goes by Biome > Prefabs > colors


Very good questions - this will be my primary consideration now the way my plans are going (doing a public gem mine world). I got the impression from Ross’ Arid World post that the biome type might be able to be stacked on the resource profile? (So, say a T6 Burn with Arid world type) That would be ideal for me - as people seem to want emeralds followed by amethyst most, what I’d be aiming for is a Toxic world as heavy on water as possible for the gem mine planet… so let’s say I can afford a few rolls, I keep the one with the best biome for that. And the possible colors I unlock are just icing - after all, once I buy, they’re unlocked, right? So if I scrap the world after the payment, I’ve still unlocked those colors? I look at my 3-6 worlds or whatever I do… ok, like this one best, finalize colors there adding any new ones I popped on the others that I like, then cancel the rest?

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Yeah, I would love to know this too!



Good question, I’ve added this under section 2 of my little compendium thing just so I can track a possible answer.


… Crossed my mind if the answer is a no here, it brings up a problem on the scarcity front that unlocking it for everybody attempts to avoid. If it removes it from the list when the world goes offline, unless it takes it off worlds it has been added to as well (which would REALLY anger people I think, can’t imagine them doing that), then a person who rolled a rare color could monopolize it for themselves pretty easily. Roll another world quickly, add it, cancel the first.

I wonder why people assume we can just cancel tbh. I imagine once the world is up that’s it for the next 30 days. You already paid for it to be up for 30 days so that’s what it’ll be. Not once have I seen a dev say we could buy and cancel. If you can cancel I don’t see how you’d get your money back. Otherwise why would anyone have to buy more than one planet to unlock all the colors if we did get our money back.

I didn’t like the way this dlc looked after I launched it. Sony well too bad you already bought it. It’s your now. Lol


Not cancel with a refund - for me, at least, that is my meaning, others might think differently - but pay the first month then cancel. Pay for the chance at good worlds to pick from, basically. So say rentals are $15 each, I might put up $60 upfront, do four, but only keep one after that, cancel the rest.


Yeah I think it’s like canceling subscription. If you pay for a month of WoW you can keep playing for the rest of the month even if you cancel immediately.


Yea that’s different. That’s just it expiring in my book. You’re not really canceling. You just don’t buy the next month so it dies/expires. Especially since James mentioned it having a fuel(life) gauge and giving warnings about it about to go out like a beacon. We don’t cancel beacons. :sweat_smile:

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I am also expecting there to be some initial setup fee like many services usually have. But I don’t have any experience on renting ready game servers and their pricing policies.

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Yep, but if there is a way to do it, if it might somehow save on their costs I’ll opt to remove the ones I don’t want right away rather than let them expire and keep them the whole month. Assuming I do this of course - if the devs in any way indicate they don’t want us doing this then I won’t (or if the price is too high for me of course).

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Wasn’t there also mention that the planet doesnt get deleted either? it basically just goes offline? Maybe I am making that up in my head but I thought I saw a developer comment that, so that people could bring their rentals back when/if the subscription expires.