Testing 246: Creative Worlds!

I agree this does not work, because as you said what happens when the central rental goes away. I am asking more if the placement of planets in the universe can be manipulated or has to follow rules that are built into the game.
As an example and sorry if this does not make sense

Public planet Apple is 10 blink seconds from Public Planet Orange
Public planet Apple has Creative planet Dog that is 1 blink second away in orbit
Public planet Orange has Creative planet Cat that is 1 blink second away in orbit

Can Creative planet Dog and Creative Planet Cat be 1 blink second away from each other or will then be 8 to 12 blink seconds away because the games internal systems determine how far they are from each other?

Ahh… Bummer, I didn’t ask directly this morning but probably should have but stayed focused not the portal and allowing planet biome selection.

Based at least on what I have heard it (but can’t confirm) would follow all the same rules on Tiers and distances. I’m not sure what technology changes are needed to shift blinksec. I guess ultimately it is just a “table value” because it isn’t like the servers are that far apart. :). In fact many worlds sit on the same server. So based on your example I’d assume Dog and Cat are 12 blinksec from each other.

I guess they could change up stuff but people would have to justify why Private planets get special rules over normal Universe setup and allow code changes.

It might give them a way to allow Creative planets to have unlimited portals by limiting the max portal distance to 1 blink second. If they place all the Creative planets around Tier one planets in each region then you eliminate large parts of the public universe from any portal network that could be constructed. It might mean all they have to do is program the limitation in portal distance that can be opened from a creative planet instead of a more complicated solution.

Edit: Since the Creative planets by definition have unlimited resources, it is not like a cheat that all the planets are close. If the planets are close or far there is no difference in resource cost since they all can be spammed and are infinite.

Yeah that might be an option. I’ll have to add the “distance” and Universe design to a list of things to learn more about. :slight_smile:

I do know there is a concern around too many privates around a single planet and expect only a randomization of planets based on Tier level. One is a tech reason on the amount of planets you can show in the sky. The other is an abuse/advantage path. I’d expect we just need to see how they solve the portal solution when it hits Testing “soon.”

Either way everything luckily can still change based on feedback.

I have heard the same. If they are placing them randomly around planets matching the tier picked, and if players are going to be asking for Creative planets mainly to build I would expect them to mainly pick tier 1 or 2 planets. So that would mean they are not going to be spread out all over the universe anyway. They will spawn around the planet at their tier which means tier one and two since those planet tiers exist in every region and are the most common planet. It makes no sense to ask for a gem or coal planet for the resources since there are no drops in creative. For Survival rental, it does make sense for colors and resources to get the higher tier planets, so I would expect them to be more spread out.

I still think that the simplest and most elegant solution to creative<->survival portals would be portals opened up from creative to survival last for long enough for the owner to pass through and apply fuel to it from survival’s side. This implements a change to allow portals to run off fuel from both sides, but disallowing that fuel slot to be shared.

The portals from creative currently require no fuel, and I believe it should stay that way. It would be less of an issue if you could set your home beacon to a rental world. If it were the case that they required fuel you could get locked out of your own creative world until you played enough survival to afford at least 50 oort shards.

Maybe a sanctum update that has a portal to creative world would do the trick :man_shrugging:t4:


This has been added I think.


Add one “public” creative world as a hub for all of the other creative worlds to link to. Let anyone warp to it from anywhere in the normal universe for free, add it by default underneath of your home on the warp list. Make it a superflat world with nothing to destroy.

From there, let players claim one and only one plot to create a portal to their creative worlds. Then you can allow creative to have infinite portals inside of and between other creative worlds. It would make it feel really detached from the rest of the game though. The only way to exit would be to warp home.

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I know that they’ve addressed the issue of setting a sovereign as your home. Perhaps in the spirit of creative it would be reasonable that it’s always free to teleport to the creative world if you’re the renter.

Completely independent of your home in the survival 'verse, I mean.

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If there was a designated area for “your creative planet portal” in the sanctum, then that would remove the ability to have creative/survival portal networks + inform people (advertise) that they can rent their own creative planet. And if you want to get to someone else’s creative world from a survival planet, just warp there? It would give life back to warp augments and warp blocks beyond exo planets?

Which means to get your creative planet you just gotta wait 10 seconds. If the concern against this is that it will break the immersion of creative being ‘apart of the universe’, I’d argue that the immersion is already broken when you can fly and your inventory gets changed upon entering a creative planet.

So waiting 10 seconds warping to the sanctum could fix the potential portal network issue?


Now that I think of it It would be cool if it was a galaxy that we could visit only vía warps like exo worlds.



I second that. I have always thought that there was enough room for upto 4 portals in the sanctum. 1 for home, 1 for where you was, one for your creative world and one for warps to anywhere else

That won’t scale very well. Unless they’re going to show every creative planet in the sky over the planet they’re orbitting (which could get really busy), then they will have to limit the number of planets that show up. And if they do that, there will be times where you literally can’t get to the planet you want to.

They already limited them to 5 at a time and they rotate out to show a different 5. Dunno what the intervals are at for switching tho

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More planets in the the sky the better imo, just make them visually clear that they’re creative. Like exos having that fuzz around then

However many there is, there should still definitely be a limit though. Good luck enjoying a beautiful sunset over a lake when you’ve got 30+ planets hanging in the sky and being reflected back up at your from the surface of the water, their colours all clashing horribly.

Maybe we wont reach that any time soon (given the size of the player base), but scalability is something you have to plan for before it becomes a problem.

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Again there is a limit already in place to how many will be displayed at a given time. It used to be 9 or 10 but has been scaled down to 5. So there could be 100 around one planet and you’ll still only see 5

And I’m not contesting that.

I’m saying that irrespective of whether there is or isn’t a limit currently, and irrespective of what that limit is, ANY forward thinking implementation needs to have a limit to prevent sky clutter. As such, I can only conclude that “Just warp to it” as the method to access other’s creative worlds cannot work as a solution, because you cannot be sure you can find the planet you’re looking for in the sky at all times.