Testing 246: Creative Worlds!

Oooh NV Mmmk that answered that lol

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I’m Just kurious if you can control flight speed and if invulnerable has a on and off switch I see Potential Mini Games coming to boundless

It’s why I’m wondering if Lua scripting is still a thing with Creative worlds…

@rossstephens/@james ??

In the current stuff flying just has one speed AFAIK.

Maybe off topic but if you have an idea for a mini game that variable speed would help, consider starting a thread. Nobody is in a rush for this release maybe they’ll work it in for you.


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They are not addressing color rarity at this time. I would bet we still have more work to do to prove why rarity is bad for the game and the current way colors are introduced needs to change or be balanced more.

Creative release is for pure creative release. People should be VERY VERY VERY happy that the Devs are allowing both “survival” and “creative” to flow back and forth. Some of the first calls I had with them regarding creative mode was that the environments should never cross or a preference that they don’t link. So it is very nice to see they are taking the suggestions and allowing some interactions.


Come give your vote! :slight_smile:

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They would wait and see at that point in time on why one was approved over the other. Then likely make the decision on if it is worth waiting for the fixes on the non-approved one or not. The go/no go type decisions usually have a large set of linked factors that are in consideration.

If it was a big issue and would take a while to fix then very likely it would be a two part release. But we just have to wait and see how things come together.

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I bad with starting Threads I just had a Idea of Cave Racing with Opsticals, but if everyone flying at Superman speed then that no fun lol

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What’s wrong with flying at Superman speed? :laughing:


I just seen How Fast Super-james Goes It like did I imagine him there speed lol

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Are there building tools planned for creative wolrds? Long time ago I’ve seen copy/paste in console

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I LOVE THIS UPDATE :heart_eyes:

Totally agree


I wouldn’t expect things like this at this time. That would fit more into the blueprint area which from what I know they haven’t dived into much.


I’m so happy.


This is an amazing step for the game and this should help with more players.

This and sovereign worlds is what is going to bring me back for more than a few mins a week or so.

Just wish we had some more detailed info on the process for obtaining them and at the very least a projected price point on them


What will prevent a creative world from buying all the portal tokens from a portal hub and opening all portals for free?

Or hosting a free planetary portal hub connecting to all players on the world it orbits?


I’m assuming that there will be a 1 portal limit from creative to survival.
Most likely to the survival planet it orbits to prevent abuse and making 100% free hubs for the entire known universe.

I could be wrong but that is the impression I get from @james patch notes


O boy, gonna make sure I get a creative world.

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It says here “portals”; it’s plural meaning more than one portal.


I read it more as a collective use for players as opposed to multiple portals but like i stated above I could be wrong. Just voicing what I took away from the notes.