Testing 246: Creative Worlds!

Yep. I was looking at the ground with a block in hand so the block placement little square would keep showing up to keep me on course.

I didn’t go far enough then I guess. Since they’re only 1 region big I assumed it was the equivalent size of the average public world region but it’s entirely possible I just didn’t go for long enough. I went until the world struggled to generate around me b/c of how fast the flight is and got bored and stopped.

Bit confused by this. When you first create a flat world the entire world is generated in a few seconds. (You can see it happening in the log). So the world isn’t generated as you explore or fly.

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I think he means for loading in chunks.

It sometimes struggles to keep up when you’re flying quickly at high altitude on the Creative worlds as well.

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Yes, I’m probably using the wrong terminology, sorry.

What I’m talking about can be seen around 1:50 and after in this video. In the beginning of the vid I did get the world to wrap.


What? Why would you choose to do that in creative instead of in survival too? I mean, surely it would be more satisfying for you to test that the ‘proper’ way too, with blood and sweat?

Yes, that was more sarcasm than anything else, and not to be taken seriously. But you do help raise the point that everybody draws their own lines and has their own preferences about what is good-fun-satisfying, and what would be fine to skip if possible.

At the end of the day, all I’m really saying is that creative and survival aren’t so different, and that it’s great they’ll be accessible in a shared universe.

This would be the #1 request I would make for BL. Cities could make such cool cart tracks! It would be especially nice for showing off boundless via massive creative builds in YouTube videos hint @Leahlemoncakes :kissing_heart:


this would be a nice feature… though it probably would need to not trigger foot fall… otherwise :moneybag: :bullettrain_front:


The more and more I see cool features suggested and brought up, and then see footfall as the reason we can’t have it, it makes me dislike the mechanic more and more.


If there were a reason we couldn’t have railroads, it would most likely be down to potential strain on the server and data requirements, not the fact that footfall could be abused with it.

Removing footfall gain when using a railroad would be fairly trivial in comparison I would imagine.

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A railroad shouldn’t stop FF in my view.

On a side note, yeah some of us have been trying to push for Footfall removal since EA… but not all see why the mechanic really leads to issues.

Given that people on creative worlds encounter lag when flying too far, too fast, I’d have to agree…

Unless it only traveled as fast as a unladen Oortian. Then it might be ok.

Edit: Not that I’m against railroad/travel systems. I think they could be really cool.

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I agree, since it is only triggered once every 24 hours - I don’t think flying or traveling by train would change that parameter. (this is all hypothetical of course) :slightly_smiling_face:

That is weird.

Does this always happen? Or only after the worlds has just been created?

Could you repeat the test but with the F1 -> Debug Information -> Chunks section expanded and visible? This will let us see the “Chunk Data” and “Chunks To Mesh”, “Chunks Loaded”, etc details. It’ll be interesting to see where the bottleneck is.

Additionally, is the server console generating any warnings or errors? It might be reporting something about being forced to run slowly?

How many cores does your machine have?

It’s very strange that traveling N-S is different to E-W.

/cc @lucadeltodecso

I can’t reproduce this.

Not sure what you mean with an unladen oortian, but I would love a train system that goes just a bit faster than the fastest runner can! (with grapple tho!)

I like the idea, but I prefer some kind of a moving conveyor belt. It does not require a cart and moving one-way only.

I’m kinda hoping it would still generate footfall.

It could replace the slides. The slide itself serves no purpose other than giving footfall to the beacon’s owner by spending a few min in the slides ( I do apologize, this is the only reason I can think of of why they exist. I don’t hate it btw)

Imagine getting on the Jungle cruise ride in disneyland, the boat carries the visitors around the area and bring them back to the entrance. Along the way, the visitors get to see the wonderful attraction in there.

In boundless, the moving belt could be used to showcase your build, like giving a tour on a guided path and back to the portal again. Could also make a few stops like the shops/market or view spots. People can hop off and back on again whenever they like.

@james @vdragon
Add a portal fuel item in creative world only, that can only be active and in use for 1-3 portals per planet at a time. So once they open their allowed amount of free portals, they have to pay normal for any extra until they close one.


It makes me sad that you Americans so often have no grounding in Monty Python.

But if the game could support faster than regular movement then it’d be great. I’d just be more than happy with a transport system that travelled at regular player movement speeds. It’d be great for monorails and showcasing what people can build.

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There are plenty of Americans that know Monty Python. Also I dont think @AeneaGames is in the US even.



I’m Dutch. I know off Monty Python, not a fan tho…

Slightly faster than the fastest player with 2 grapples would be rather neat tho and still something the game should be able to handle terrain rendering wise.

Maybe just fix all the creative planets to the same permanent planet? maybe even 3 planets one for each region. That way all creative planets can link between each other but wont be able to link all the live universe, they would always have to come back to one of the 3 planets that work as links.