Testing 249: Melee Weapons, Shields and Local Universes - continued

Yeah sorry, I should’ve specified but I meant is it available in the resource generation. Wasn’t showing in the knowledge tab so I’m assuming not.

Yep, gotta go hunt on a planet that most likely will kill you again, which may or may not even exist at that time :joy:


I’m just looking forward to forging all of my swords with the random noises quirk. Oortian light sabers!


We are all living in 2021 while Radin is in 3021 :joy:. Good idea mate :laughing:.


I’ve always been ahead of my time…in my own mind, :laughing:

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Or the devil talking sword

Don’t revival brews protect you from penalty?

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For 15 min and hope you didn’t fall in lava


Oh yeah totally worth it… :roll_eyes:


Dipping one for every 15mins for the rest of your playtime? Good luck!


Sounds extreme situation :smiley: I only use revive brews while hunting, when mining it is easier to avoid death.


Well I actually was used to do that already so…

Just a preface. I have read through this thread and didn’t see a lot of conversation overall on the overall feature set. It seems to get bogged down in things like skill point trees and the like. Those are important but how this update plays from level one up is important too.

I have played up to level 11 so far on a multiverse world. So far, here are my thoughts. More once I have played the character further.

There needs to be a way to know what level biome you are heading into from the start. I chose a place in the sanctum, zoned in and found a nice place to start. I didn’t really see many critters running around nor did I think about it. As soon as I reached level 4 (I thought it was supposed to be 5, but oh well) the neighborhood filled up with stout everything trying to eat me. Luckily, I had built a bit of a cave by that point or it would have been bad. On a side note, the creatures shouldn’t go hostile on you until at least level 8 or 9. That gives you a chance to get some skills that will help with survival. And the tutorials should lead you in that direction. Not just spend skill points but spend skill points in these areas.

Sword should not be the first weapon you build. It should be slingbow. I know this from playing for a while but new players or those who have avoided worlds above tear 2 might not. A wooden sword is good against regular wildstock and spitters. They are useless against cuttletrunks period and mostly useless against stout anything. And please, a tutorial on using shields. Too often the tooltips in this game are really almost useless. Does a shield only work when it is actively used or can it help when you just have it equipped? Either way, these weapons are only appropriate for certain situations and that needs to be made clear.

Lack of resources is frustrating. In the main game you can always find someplace to buy things that aren’t spawning in your area. The rarity of things like flint when you are starting out means you have a hard time lighting your build, getting furnaces up, etc. The same with other resources - coupled with no place to get AOE tools. (Yeah, I know it can be considered a luxury but with people like Whitelet and DK running around equipping new players it has become an easy to come by luxury.) And some things aren’t available at all until you can jump to the higher worlds. The problem is you often need the gear from those higher worlds in order to survive and mine the materials on those higher worlds. I hoped that F9 Give Item would do something for me but it seems not to operate at all.

It is just too lonely. Even playing by yourself in the actual game brings you in contact with other players and builds if for no other reason than to get things you need. My family and I play on a sovereign planet but we have two connections to Brown Town and from there the rest of the universe. Unless guilds start up their own servers and manage to get enough people to build on them it just isn’t going to be anything but lonely. Perhaps create some NPCs we can access for things like harvesting and mining, some standardized “shops” that sell things like gleam, forged tools, etc. that we can plop down wherever we want on the multiverse world. Things that make them have some life and give us the opportunity to get stuff we need.

Finally, even with the multiverse worlds give us customization options. I hate the sheer cliff face places that require constant grappling. If it is my universe let me rule those out. The same with giant lava pits or whatever other sadistic features that the devs have dreamed up to make the game more annoying. (Yes, one man’s challenging is another man’s annoying.) Can we customize colors? If so, give us a world control beacon as part of a starting kit for each character and spell out what to do with it. Yes, give people the multiverse thing a “starter pack” with a world control beacon, a “store” as listed above, and a few other necessary items - ones that can’t be crafted right off so that you still need to make basic things. A starter pack of 100 random gleam, 100 random gems, 100 random exo stones, etc. would make it fun to start on this system.


I actually talked with James about this recently – his response was - There will be a feature that showcases more details on the Biome with the totem and atlas so you know about the level you are about to warp too. That just wasn’t in the test patch yet. Additionally, note that all new users aren’t bothered by any animals during their tutorial phase or a set level (think it was 5 or 10) - they ignore you up to a point so the Biome won’t affect you in that way.

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Don’t ask me why, this is a ‘requested’ feature from people that want to play solo :man_shrugging:
I find the two main contents of this game to be building and interacting with people, but they don’t want the latter for whatever reason.
I for sure won’t be touching the local universes.


I was being attacked at level 4. I thought they had said 5. It doesn’t matter, that is too low given the level of skills and gear you have when the cuttletrunks think you look tasty. And, as I noted, a sword is useless when it is a cuttletrunk (or stout anything at that level). And, well, I hope James carries through on that. It would be helpful to know what you are getting before you jump to the planet.

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I was trying it out because it sounded interesting and I wanted to see the implementation. I also figure the more people that give feedback the better they can make it. That said I will be sticking with my sovereign where I can see real people. I will still make to the beta just to be able to give feedback. And I have to say, the random colors on the planet I got were really nice.

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Don’t get me wrong, the beta is just a beta. Testing purposes.

I do look forward to the melee weapons/shields and the new skill progression, just not the local universe. I won’t be touching that when it hits live.

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I hope they change the implementation of targeting and fighting. As it is hunts can be frustrating when people run between you and your target. I tend to stand a decent distance and fire my slingbow only to have somebody run up and stand between me and my target apparently doing nothing. (I say apparently because I only recently discovered that I don’t see other people’s action animations. It led to a tiff with my wife when I asked her why she wasn’t helping fight. I finally looked at her screen and realized it looked like I was the one who was just standing around.) How many people are going to be able to crowd around a creature with melee weapons before everybody else is blocked? I am glad those who want them are getting them but I am not sure the existing game systems will handle it well without being changed.


those prob are people with multishot bows. But I feel you, It does get very frustrating when you’re trying to revive somebody and people just run between you and the body, cancelling the revive xD