Testing 249: Melee Weapons, Shields and Local Universes - continued

I wasn’t around for those updates, but… This doesn’t feel like a lot of content. It’s definitely a huge amount of value for the product, but I wouldn’t say there is much content.

Tbh, I don’t really know. It will make most things easier (including hunting, and a LOT easier on that) and the way I see it, it will also allow going through content much faster. I honestly say we need T8 planets and new enemy types with how much more powerful characters can get with the skill page changes.

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I don’t know what other word to use other then content for added elements to the game. With systems being redone I feel those are major content changes/updates.

Features may be a better word?

Added portal fuel and death penalty removal brew to the list. To me this seems like the largest update for content/features/items since I started in 2018.

From what I gather for this update it’ll include:

Local universes
Single player
New skills
Revamp skill tree
Revamp progression
Revamp goo
Portal fuel additions
Death penalty removal brew

Anything I’m missing?


I think I’m just viewing most of it as changes rather than features.

Major features:

  • Local single player
  • Self-hosted universes

Bonus features:

  • Swords & Shields

Other changes:

  • Removed skill cap
  • Adjusted skill sheet to remove non-combat specializations
  • Skill sheets no longer share skill pools
  • Color spray yield skills added

I think… Actually, I think I’m being pedantic. Yes, I think I agree that this update brings more to the game than any other update I’m aware of.


People said that the Sovereign / Creative worlds would cause more people to buy the game. It didn’t happen. This game has no marketing whatsoever. It is unlikely that many people will learn of these new worlds unless Wonderstruck suddenly gets a clue and starts marketing. I hope they prove me wrong but won’t hold my breath for it.

How do you know it didn’t?

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The details of the requirements to run the private server was not given out until people started having problems. My computer is turning 11 this year. It can’t run the private server and I’m okay with that.
But, I would have forgone making the effort if I had known that it requires a quad core at minimum.

The overall population of the game doesn’t seem to be any better than it was pre-sovereign. In fact, it seems to be about the same or less. What makes you think it did? You see sovereigns come and go at the hubs but only a few seem to have lasted. More people I know in game have given up their sovereigns than kept them going. (Granted, I don’t know a ton of people, so it’s a small sampling.)

I’ve met several new people that came to the game and bought sovereigns, have met them in game and also talk to some via discord. People come and go, that’s life for many situations.

Also I’m pretty sure there were thousands of sovereigns purchased from what I saw. Some people prefer to have an planet expire to get a new fresh one.


true, some marketing would do wonders compared to any major update.
maybe they don’t want to push an unfinished product - let’s not kid ourselves, the ‘v.1.0’ stamp is purely cosmetic. there’s stuff to be added (imho better to do it slow and under most radars than no-man’s-skying it, and be yelled at for years :smiley: )


Haha, NMS went full circle and people seem to have forgotten about those days now.

I think the majority of the older players took an extended break. Hopefully this next update will bring em all back. I mean, who doesn’t wanna chase after cuttletrunks with swords?!


I’ve had 3 small Sovereigns.
They’ve all gone to the wayside for one reason or another. I just don’t see the need when there are 50 worlds out there with plenty of space and resources.

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Chase cuttles with swords? I’ve done that on testing. It is fun! :stuck_out_tongue:


I joined in the kickstarter for Planet Nomads. I was playing it when I joined Boundless. When it did it’s official release with the ‘v. 1.0’ it was finished to the best of the Dev teams ability and released. It still has issues, but it was my first building game, so it has a special place in my heart. I even play it now and then out of nostalgia, but get bored with it easily.

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I don’t like chasing cuttles with swords. That said, if they can fix the way things are hit I will give them a try. They need to make it so that melee weapons don’t break blocks. I already get to much garbage in my inventory on hunts from other people breaking blocks. Also, since you can’t hit anything when somebody is between you and the target it will limit slingbow hunters or anybody who isn’t first to the creatures. I don’t know if the systems can be fixed for this but I would hope so.

Well on that note, I think it should be organized when hunting. Those with swords and shields, go after ground mobs and have those with slingbows go after the aerial units.


Whether some in the community felt that these things would grow the game or not really is nothing to be focused on. People have opinions on a ton of things in this game and feel one thing will make it great or make it horrible. The reality is the gap in features existed and needed to be closed because it WAS a complaint that had been communicated by some that either left the game or were not buying it.

At the end of the day, having those features will in the long run help more than hinder growth of the game. There is a long list of things that are missing that will come in time and help. We should never expect 1 thing to turn things around or crater the game.


Well we went from 50 planets, to over 1000, to - I dunno - about 450 - 600 right now? If your impression of the population is the same or a little less after the number of worlds increased more than 10x, that’s not too bad.

The same people do tend to congregate in pretty much the same places but plenty of stuff moved to sovereigns, etc… and I still see people in game every time I play. Unless I stay in my own base and craft like a hermit :rofl:

I mean, it’s not THAT bad.


Wait there’s more world’s then gyosha and circa…


In the future, all planets are Biitula …
