I dunno how i Feel about this after People pointing out cubits gain and plot gain…
Personally i just need some dev To answer this… Why they chose those rates etc… Also To be added…
Wipe? I think Wipe should be talked about more now as Last time we wiped it was In launch and skill tree was changed heavily… I would say this is almost the same change so… Wipe?
OOOOOOOOOOOooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Within 20 posts of somebody using the word “Wipe”~!!!
I’m very curious to see how this plays out. I think only three or four of my alts have the XP to make the new max level, if they decided to alter character levels to match the new XP curve. It’s more than enough to play with though, of course. Especially since they mostly have their skill sheets (at least three) and under the new system when it’s fixed it should be the equivalent of using 1795 skill points under the current system, which has only been allowing us to use 500 until now.
It sure seems like a steeper curve but also it looks a lot more rewarding, and will encourage skill sheets in early character development. Of course, those cost cubits, along with the cleanse points required to use them if you want to evolve them as you level. And cubits, that’s another story here.
Anyways I’m also curious about the defeat penalty and it’s place in (adjustment for?) the new system as well.
I wonder if there’s (dev) discussion about adjusting some of the cubit prices along with this. If the core of the game is changing like this and cubits are becoming more scarce, shifting cubit prices on plots and extras might be a way to push the rebalance into a more desirable direction.
Well I would say if this was ever to be considered we would need a few more updates because I think there are some other core changes that “might” hit (like machines)… plus I’d want blueprints and likely that everyone is able to reclaim and at least starts with their stuff as it stands now. At least those two things would make it a bit less shock and hopefully able to get some of the cool builds. But like we have seen they really don’t want to do the “w” word unless it is a technical need.
As I’ve seen on other games that started with a lot of servers, they eventually pared them down. I think since there are so many sovereigns out there that maybe the main universe should be pared down a bit, so that more system resources could go to the ones that get used. 6 planets per region would cut that down by half.
Something to think about.
I have long advocated that people should get at least double the plots they get under the current leveling system. I particularly feel that should be the case now that there’s sovereigns and a tweak to the leveling system on the way. Seems like a good time to give everybody a little bonus. Happy 2 year anniversary everyone!
Also while I have your attention, I think melee weapons shouldn’t destroy blocks. I would really like to be able to equip sword and shield 24/7 in my base, since I can’t have pants.
My own $.02 on the cubits would be, the XP for leveling/skill points change is fine, but yeah, the cubit gain change is an issue - as somebody else pointed out above, there is also the issue of delay between gaining levels, even if the gain was increased to be proportionate.
How I’d do it (just a brainstorm) - tie cubit gain to active play. Get a certain amount of cubits for each hour that you are logged in… but the timer stops if you go inactive (no movement for 5 min or such). Yep, ways around the movement with various tricks but let it be known if detected is sanctionable. The amount of cubits is the trick - shouldn’t be as high as I’d get mining, but higher than what you’d get building, being a merchant, collecting and exploring, ect. Maybe 50-100 an hour? That way, regardless of what you do in the game - build, hang out, whatever - getting a consistent cubit reward for playing, no reason to have to go destroy a few mountains if you are just wanting to build but want some more plots… just keep playing the way you want, rather.
Edit: To amend this idea a little on thinking on it, if cubits ONLY came this way, probably need to go higher on the hourly amount so it isn’t much harder for newer characters to get going with building… so, probably more like 200-300 an hour. That, or a big bonus on the first few hours of play. OR just add the 50-100 an hour on top of the leveling cubits. That would give more cubits to early players to build with, and provide the regular cubit income for higher level players who will be looking at long gaps between levels.
So? Multiple times devs have listened small forum community here more than actually using their brains.
Whats 1 damage kai For the whole community… We have alrdy seen this… It means nothing if few People have something that could get nerfed Or whatever if it makes gameplay smoother etc.
I always like how People start listing their why should we not do Wipe things When i even mention Wipe.