Testing 249: Melee Weapons, Shields and Local Universes - continued

I still login every few weeks to make sure things are fuelled, but like Kelmat (and everybody else), I’m just waiting for this next update to drop.


Thanks, Funny enough I woke up at 5 in the morning here and couldn’t get back to sleep until I shared the idea that came to me in that moment lol. I didn’t even know I had a subconscious thought train running concerning the single player mode haha.

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I agree:

For what it’s worth, we know James was still reading the thread when I suggested that, so maybe that compromise is what they are working on? If they choose to use the starter world as a smaller custom-made tutorial world, that could justify the wait we’re seeing, but who knows.

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Sweet, cheers, @Nightstar!

While we continue the wait patiently can we get some Color Changing Exos mixed in with the Exos Please @james chan , Maybe, think about it, will see, got a :cookie: with your name on it (Q.Q)


I just got a idea for this update @james chan

Loading Screen Change
Maybe get a little Bit of Cookie Kingdom and Reapers Tower of Power on the Loading screen for this update
@georgegroeg chan would :heart: you To Boop


And maybe some of the Fancy Farms on Alder :grin:


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