Testing 249: Melee Weapons, Shields and Local Universes - continued

I’m pretty sure it’s just part of a running joke about getting spaceships because spaceships.


I likes teh space shippers


I got excited. Was 100+ new posts since the last time I looked at this post. Thought maybe there was an update from the devs. But alas is just community members bumping with things I don’t care about lol.
goes back to playing other games


Traitor! On a serious note, you can play other games and in my opinion I suggest it (not that anyone needs me to say that). It helps to break up those times when you might be frustrated or getting a little burnt out on Boundless.

I have no reason to stop playing Boundless there is so much to do as it stands, 3 shops, constant hunts, helping DK Mall, forging, giving @KArios most of my coins, managing 3 sovereigns, helping @Larky and so many other projects in my head… fun stuff.

I do however, play some Final Fantasy at times along with some Planet Coaster fun stuff.

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I hate building
This has been ur completely useless daily announcement


Autumn Dell still alive?


I thought the polu kkjjLL

No idea what you meant. :rofl:

Hibernating. But if this update doesn’t drop soon not sure if my side of AD will make it.

So with Baldur’s Gate III Getting Big Update Patch 5 on July 13 is is is is Boundless gonna get some attention with our update James-chan :cookie:

local universe update is very important!!

in line with social distancing; it’s safer than global MMO universe

but it’s not ready, so till then hang out on your private worlds peeps!! stay safe!!


Baldur’s Gate III is still at least a year out. There are a lot of classes, features and story that need to be dealt with. Also, even when it is out of “Early Access” there will be DLCs, updates, etc. that will keep a full staff busy for years… If you saw the notices many of the devs that left posted it seems they are now officially part of Larian, not Turbulenz or Wonderstruck. There has been no indication that they will ever be coming back to Boundless. More than likely they will end up working on whatever is next for Larian given that they have done a good job of continuously putting out good quality RPGs.


Yeah, I genuinely think that a hitty thing (and a stop-a-hitty-thing) are not as important as the integration of private worlds, running them, and that full, sandboxy, type of thing … that said … I’m not sure whether I’ve got this right in my head …

Is the change to skill levelling only applicable on private worlds? Or will we finally be able to do a bit more with our characters?

Which reminds me of an idea I had for suggestions …

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The only answer I’ve seen to this is that the test servers did also include the skill changes, so I assume that yes MMO will get it, but there is definitely ambiguity in the phrasing of the notes.

Maybe @james could clarify this?
If you do pop in to answer questions, I’m also curious how level/xp/skill point conversion will happen - for example, do level and skill point get recalculated to the new system, or do we get to keep our current skill point count?

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I mean … I get it, it might be a bit of a sea change for some … but I think overall it’d be nicer to not have 15 characters just so that there’s one can open that can of beans for lunch. :wink:


The skill change was needed for several reasons. It’s the whole game, you won’t have a different skill system in a private universe from the MMO universe.

I thought a dev had responded to this specific question directly but didn’t spot it in the few minutes I was willing to spend looking.


Wasn’t the whole point of having “pressure” on the skill trees that it made us interact with others in an MMO environment? I dont want to be tank, healer, AND dps. I wanted to play with others. Put pressure on my skill tree if I want to use melee weapon and shields, but design it in a way that I am happy I made the choice to do so. Reward me for specialization.

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I’m guessing that enough people just change a few points back and forth for this to look like it needs a better solution?

You could meet in the middle for single player mode. for instance, have either one or a number of pre downloaded worlds during update/install and that be the starter planet, the rest of the planets could then be procedural generated while they were going through the early game on the “starter world”.


Great idea

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