Testing 249: Melee Weapons, Shields and Local Universes - continued

I doubt it’s possible to predict. From how it sounds, 90% or more of this was done in a few months and they hit a wall on that last 10%. Plus I think one dev was designing melee weapons for like years. They probably have a lot of future features in progress already then when they decide what the next update will be they focus in on implementation.

I guarantee they currently have an awesome titan concept that works on a single offline pc.


Ah, that manual install process is a lot closer to what I expected. Much less invasive.

I usually work in PHP & React, so LAMP and ‘npm start’ in git bash is plenty for what I do for my normal tasks. If I want an environment to test bash scripts locally, I’ll hit up that WSL VM, though.

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How does this comment get flagged in any way possible. Wow


How how is this flag worthy

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probably typical “I don’t like this opinion” or " I don’t like this person" kind of flag lol

thankfully content can be checked so compulsive flaggers can click that flag all they want lol

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Hey all, totally unrelated but apparently BG3 is getting patch 5 next week. My hope is that Wonderstruck has been working nose to the grindstone to crank it out and maybe once it’s released and stable they’ll maybe get a second to check in on Boundless and maybe push out this update? Here’s hoping!


There is nothing to predict here. We are way off pattern since more then half a year now. Something major happend (and it’s not the pandemic since they already released 5 updates during the pandemic):


Who are you talking to? Who are you talking about? Are you really trying to paint me joking about exponentially increasing gaps between updates as somehow toxically positive?

Thanks! That’s the one I was looking for!

It looks like I can’t make a copy of it, so I can’t manipulate the data myself, but I can grab the data I want and mess it and see if there is a predictive model this fits into. A lot of the time, even things like “slow loss of interest” or “declining funding” can fit into mathematical models, so it will be interesting to see if this does despite apparent anomalies.

Notably, though, looking at the chart, the gap between 247 & 249 is 300 days, and the gap between 243 & 247 was 120 days, which does follow the exponential gap I was proposing, but we would have to see a release soon to get that 2-data-point thing to track. Oh, and if you somehow think this looks like some kind of hope, note that the next point in that pattern would be 600+ days.

Also, here is my MS paint demonstration of it being roughly exponential.

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Nobody in particular, just the path this thread has gone down in a total tongue in cheek disbelief fashion.

This threads hit over 1k posts without anything actually happening in a long time

Since my post was flagged … I’ll add a little more…

I just play the game the update will come when it comes or it won’t. I’ll continue to play it regardless. This thread will continue with the positive and negative comments until an update comes. Then there will be a 249 is released thread and will continue the same thing there… and a 250 … etc etc.etc.

There is some uncertainty about the update, but one thing is certain this continual positive and negative about the game won’t stop. But Melee and Shields yay

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hes still mad he got rickrolled lol

No need to make big number when something gets flagged.
Flagged posts are just more interesting and people can anyway read it with one click :smiley:

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The update is so close I can almost smell the spaceships


One flagged post meh. 10 flagged posts oh well, highly likely that the same person flagging between 50-70 posts…yea

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No idea who flagged it. But I agree lots of flags on the play.

You don’t mind if I quote this in, say… a month, if the update is still not out, saying “that did not age well”?
Yeah 'cause at this point, I’m not convinced.


I reckon you can smell spaceships from quite a distance tbf.

Quote whatever you like if it’ll pop a smile on your face :wink:


I’d interpreted it as saying the update is so far away it’s in outer space. So if the update is not out in a month it would age just fine…? Maybe it’s just not a saying I’m familiar with and it means something else.