Don’t worry, that plot can easily be grinded out with 274400 XP. If you use a teaching pie you only have to put down 34300 machined titanium blocks to qualify for this single plot. Totally F2P friendly, you can work for your plots.
Did you forget a “0”
That’s for 10 plots.
this takes a lot time to place, and a lot more time to collect all material for this amount on machined titanium ^^
and yes he do ^^ i need 2.744.000 xp ^^
Yeah James asked @Apt to do a small simple sanctum or something to that effect (can’t remember the exact words that were shared with me). Imagine if James had asked for a grand intricate one.
lvl 2900 now is ~ 583m xp and is new level 333
if you say me your exact xp i can say you your new level, i have created a sheet for this with the new level system from the testing
Cubits award between Lvl 50 and Lvl 190 should also continue to increase.
Local Universes can be configured without requiring Plot purchases.
The purpose of Plots is:
- To provide a permission system so that character access can be controlled.
- To differentiate between wild and claimed plots for regeneration (and meteorite spawning, etc).
- To have a fair balance between players in the shared MMO sandbox.
The #3 item is not an issue in Local Universes - so it could be relaxed.
I’d expect some XP and balance revamp at some point around this stuff… just not sure when and honestly I’m forgetting many of my past calls - getting old I guess. We need a whole balance pass there and a mob balance pass and especially a loot table redo. I keep telling James many times that it is crazy being on a T6 planet and finally killing a super hard cuttle as a level 80 character and I get - “tallow and a bone” or whatever. If they are going to scale XP they need a revamp to scale other things (which honestly I’m sure they know just don’t have time right now).
I think it needs to be a sliding scale on XP and not a direct linear one. I agree with James overall on why him and the team feel the game needs this. I opted to not do a call this month so I don’t have an understanding on where their mindset is so I’m a bit concerned too. The skill points are linked to the level so I agree you should scale into it at 2 a level. That makes sense since it allows you to fill your tree slowly with progression.
Personally I’m going to likely stay focused on the plot issue. I don’t agree that plots should be linear like this and that the game should get exponentially harder to Build. That makes no sense because there is no increase or growth progression in building. You don’t get “more rewards” for higher levels of building completion like you would when you face higher mobs. So I’m going to try to really focus on changing their mindset there if I can influence anything. But, I really need to understand @James and the Devs mindset since most of these complaints, etc they always know about but have decided to not do something for reasons - 9 out of 10 we just don’t know the reason.
Ultimately I’ll need to understand more about this:
On a side note, I’ve been trying to influence the ability to have “portals” to local universes like we have with creative ones instead of using a GUI list but not sure if it will be successful with them coding it. Any other people providing input and that they see value in this would help. I think we should use portals everywhere for this stuff to keep the emersion and only have GUI menu when needed.
Does this mean at higher levels you will receive more than 300 cubits per level?
just as reference on testing at level 506 it shows still getting 300 cubits for 2,744,000 xp which was also the same as at level 180.
So I created a new character and noticed that when you level you get a stone cofer that only gives 100 cubits?
currently opening coffers from Level 1-11, level 11-12 is 9k xp.
Level 11 shows giving 105 cubits.
Level 12-20 is showing and increase of 5 cubits per level.
level 12 (110 cubits)
level 13 (115 cubits)
Level 14 (120 cubits)
Level 40 Gem feet coffer: (XP and Coin)
Level 49 Coffer: (295 cubits)
Level 50 Coffer: (300 cubits)
Level 51 Coffer: (still 300 cubits)
More Level coffers:
It appears that the cubits do not continue past 300 per level after level 50.
Level 100 Coffer:
866,000xp to get from level 100 to level 101 and have earned 22,800 cubits since level 1
Now i have hit Level 180:
Cubits total: 48,300
XP require to reach 180 in total: 167,031,200
Plots able to purchase with cubits earned (with cheat loaf): 1,610
At level 180 you have enough skill points to max an entire skill page. I did purchase a additional skill page after reaching level 180 and made it active to see if it’ll allow for more skills to be earned but it did not. So with this if it isnt a bug will we no longer be having additional skill pages?
Also noticed you don’t receive anymore skill points or cleanse tokens after level 180?
190 ? prescribed, should this not be 180 ?
i hope the increase would be enough that it will not change to much on the overall you need to do for new plots
at the moment you can say that ~666xp give you 1 cubit, new we need ~14 times more without increase of the amount cubits we get out of the chest.
but if you say the award change for 50-180/190, what is with after this ? did we get after this level again the same like now or did it increase and hold the the increase than?
That’s a nice thought. Though it seems to me that having to make 2 744 000 xp to get access to whatever the amount of cubits to buy plots or a wearable or a new paint seems like an insane amount of grinding. I can imagine myself working on a build and coming up short on plots and having to stop everything and spend all my time in game mining or getting materials to craft them to gain the XP point necessary to levelling up.
That’s what it is for me currently. I cannot imagine playing this game if plots are just a bit rarer.
Bringing back the defeat penalty discussion started in another thread:
It was a 50% penalty for 10% of the XP required to reach the next level.
- With a 200,000 XP requirement it’s 50% of 20,000 or 10,000 XP lost
- With a 2,744,000 XP requirement it’s 50% of 274400, or 137200 XP lost
This means at max level (180 vs. 50) there would be a roughly 14 times increase in experience lost per death. Assuming you clear the penalty each time before you die again
Hopefully this will just have a hard cap. If not - these guys who like always running the reaper buff will be looking at 5.4m XP per level.
- The Generator will use all the cores (minus 2) for the vast majority of the generation time. (Although there are a few stages that use a single core.) So it’s not really recommended to generate multiple worlds in parallel.
- You can run servers + generators on other machines. These processes can be controlled by the currently undocumented HTTP APIs. The DUI is currently setup for the vast majority of players who will run the game on a single machine. The client uses the HTTP API by the DUI.
What is I want to generate multiple worlds in parallel on this machine? Or will it actually use all 22 cores across both CPUs? If it runs some of the stages on a single core, I feel like doing 4-6 cores per world and doing 3-4 worlds at time would be faster.
Also, are there plans to release Linux binaries for all of the server side stuff? I know everything currently runs in AWS so I assume they exist. Unless you use mono for everything.
We generate worlds on 32 core machines - so it can use all the available resources.
I’m very concerned with the xp 2mil can the devs confirm that is a bug cause that is gonna be extremely hard to even earn.
you mean the 2.744.000 xp for go from 179 to 180 max level ? thats not a bug, and that should not be easy, or did it should bea easy to reach level 1000 (thats near the new level 180 from the complete xp you need) at the moment
i have ~3900 hours in this game and i am not level 1000
It’s about 1,000,000 xp to go from level 120-121.
164.226.900 xp <= from 0 to 180
1.227.000 from 120-121
1.010.000 would be from 109 to 110