Testing [cplusplus] 1: Initial C++ build of Boundless

amazing 60fps, lag though is there max graphics no frame drop loving the new stone and dirst textures

okay so i went into a cave and i noticed there are a variety of new soils are these going to have link with farming for example i have Soil ‘Clay Base’, Soil ‘Silty Base’ and Soil ‘Peaty Base’

I was getting 60fps and little lag even on the EU servers (I live in the middle of the US). I did only stay on the EU servers for five minutes though.

So far the C++ build has been huge improvement on performance wise.

I’m basically having consistent 59 fps with maxed graphic settings and even when the game starts to load some of the further away graphics the fps does drop some times as low as 45 but it doesn’t cause any sort of jitter or lag, the frame feed is as smooth as if I were using a fancy G-sync/Free sync display, even though I’m not.

Does your engine have some sort frame pacer build in it or something of sort?

But anyway can’t wait you to get the C++ build to same level as the Java build, feature wise of course.

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JavaScript (only calling it out since it was such an awesome feat even before this C++ build!)


A post was split to a new topic: Testing [cplusplus] 2: Quick day-1 fixes

I’m wondering if it would be worth speeding up block breaking a fair bit while we’re testing this build. As it stands, it’s thoroughly frustrating to break a bunch of blocks (and we don’t have tool tiers just yet).


Came here to say exactly this

Good point. The balance is a bit harsh on that at the moment. Unfortunately I’ve only just seen this, and it’s missed the update we just did. I’ll get it into the next update.


Awesome, thanks!

Thank goodness! I spent close to an hour gathering just 5 stacks of stone!

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The stone tools are now more efficient, although it’s a bit of a hack and there’s a visual glitch.


phew I finally got it working(not because it was so hard I just have no idea how these things work :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)

Got 55 to 59 fps, except when walking in high grass, then it dip to 35 - 45.

I feel ashamed now. I havent checked on forums in months and now here I see this.

so late for hype train T_T


But now you get C++ without waiting for it!


I am going to try right now. :grin:


Anyone else gets “Beta access code invalid”?

I just installed Boundless on another computer (cough at work cough), but it seems I can’t get into the C++ build from here. Worked fine at my computer at home.

I just wanna give some toughts on the new C++ update.
Today I got a new fan for my CPU so I could finally play games without my PC overheating and crashing. First thing I played was the C++ Beta update for Boundless. First thing I noticed was that it was incredibly smooth. It was well above 60FPS at all times and that was on the HIGHEST SETTINGS. You no longer need a hardcore gaming PC to play Boundless. I walked around in the EU world and it just blew my mind. It seems like even after 2 years I still cant believe how good it looks. The render distance is HUGE and standing on top of a mountain at dawn looking down is just breathtaking. I saw a cave in the distance and I felt like I just had to go there and explore it. I got there pretty quickly using my grappling hook and I went in and got completely lost in there. The sounds really makes you feel like you are in a cave.This games makes me WANT to explore, and I dont need the game to reward me for it. This game is gonna be so awesome once the worlds gets filled with people and monsters. I can’t wait for 1.0!


Amen to that. I’m super excited about the game (and exploration in particular) as well!

And we’re just seeing what has been done with a test build and a test world :slight_smile: Really can’t wait to see all the goodies that can be hidden in the various worlds via the new world builder