This should not be a bannable offense anyway, at least not on a “first strike” basis. Still, I wish people wouldn’t do that.
Yeah - if it’s in a beacon then there is clear ownership. If it’s outside a beacon it will be removed by the game. So IMO this isn’t something we should draw too much attention to - the game will remove it as quickly as a manual “mod” process.
However I been thinking about giving players a regen action, that allows them to accelerate the regen in a limited way. This would allow people to rapidly clean up offensive edits to the world.
The problem with this is that it could be used to mess up roads that will normally not regen because of frequent or semi frequent use.
So, have it work as an anti-beacon. Have the players name appear and linger for a day or two to add accountability when used for nefarious purposes.
I would go one step more, if we keep the system to have the grid beacons, we should be able to see a history of beacons/anti-beacons placed.
I think this would be the ideal solution, and would even allow you to make natural regen slower.
I explored a few caves and I liked the feel of the caves, and the lighting. However, It seemed a bit odd that the placed torches (on the ground) had a smaller light radius than the held torches. I also would like it if not all caves had water at its lowest level (just my opinion). just a bit of insight on the cave system. Just bought the game today and still learning. Cool game so far!
i you go enough deep you will find water
Exactly. He’s saying he thinks that it’s not necessary to have this in all caves.
SO literally you cant build anything lasting until you find enough gleam to set up a beacon plot… and then your restricted to the dimensions of your plot… that’s it… I trust that will change in the future otherwise its not worth it… spelunking is only entertaining for so long. I had 60 hours worth of construction on the old servers… gone… I’m looking forward to building with the sloped blocks but again not until I can make something more than what my allotted plots will get me.
I think you’re getting a little salty over pure speculation. Firstly, the beacon alotment currently in beta is mostly for testing. Progression in game will unlock significantly more plots. Secondly, you’re not so much restricted to the dimensions of your plot, so much as the usefulness of what you build. Places that are frequently visited will not decay, so roads or paths connecting popular locations are safe from natural decay. Hypothetically, you could build an entire town without beacons so long as the population logs in frequently.
Once things like machine crafting, locks and storage are in game you’ll have a lot more things to make.
I think 24 plots is ok for playing around with. I initially tried to use mine conservatively by building a functional house, with only 12 plots - but tried to make sure it had room to house a bunch of machines, and room for storage etc.
If you feel like you’re restricted by the number of plots, why not try challenging yourself to build smaller… and functional?
I have a feeling there will be another server wipe soon anyway, to accommodate the resource regen.
I’m totally with you.
Challenge yourself to design functionality in smaller space.
i.e. I tried to create a bridge over a river. I wanted to use it as a bridge as well as a little house / storage of mine.
All in just 6 plots. It’s quite tricky to make it functional like this and also look nice, but it’s possible.
will you lose everything on that server when it gets wiped? even buildings inside a beacon?
Yup, unfortunately the generated worlds need to be reset occasionally to allow for major code changes to the game (basically code that changes the game on a core functional level). Usually, the only thing you won’t lose is the stuff in your inventory.
This will also happen prior to the official release of 1.0 to put all players on a level playing field at launch.
Gives you plenty of opportunity to practice different building styles in between wipes though
IMO that argument is a bit unfair, the way you say it the system is limiting rather than accomodating. I have said it before but I dont think these limits are healthy in the long term (Which is why it will be changed hopefully.)
I think if the game was all about creating big builds, then yes I agree, it’s currently limiting. In the long run though, you’ll need to go through progression to be able to get more plots etc so you will be initially limited.
My view is, build now with limited space and learn how to adapt your build over time
I think that being able to build massive builds is a high priority for the developers, but I think that is something they want you to progress to. I see this as a minor problem to your typical minecraft player because mc really has no barriers to building progression at all, now suddenly B< does. Ultimately, I think the decision to progress for larger builds is the most effective way to both combat large scale grief and provide for large scale builders and promote cooperative play.