Testing, keep getting server maintenance, servers unavailable

I’ve used Testing before today using Geforce Now but today no matter what I do I keep getting the message that servers are unavailable due to server maintenance.

If I switch back to non-testing it works again.

I’ve tried uninstalling and re-installing, not working :frowning:

Same issue here, tried it 2 days ago to have a look at what bricks made from the new rock colors might look like, but couldn’t connect

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Hmm, glad it’s not just me tho!

@james, @vdragon any ideas?

I happy you guys are looking forward to testing, however, there isn’t anything to really test right now until we have a good Testing version for the next 1.7 update

Ehh but I wanted to set up a forging environment and fiddle with forging methods…

I mean this Is not what normally happens so why now?

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maybe farming!!!

I figure the point of testing isn’t just to let us test new features, but to also test things like forging and block colors without having to waste materials doing so in the actual game.

Usually I’ve never had any issues connecting to test server even when there isn’t any new test features for the above purposes, which is why it would be nice to continue to do so.


Exactly, I finally got my workshop up and running again at the new place and started to forge again and only now thought it time to set up a forge testing environment but now I can not. Was a tad bummed out actually! Tho I thought it was me, that something wasn’t installed right, etc…

lol I was going to do the same thing today … for the first time ever.
you guys know what to do!


Grab your pitchforks people!!! :slight_smile:


I just made a blink pitchfork.

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Forged or not forged is the question!?

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not forged I was going to test out some methods on testing today :joy:



Well, no such luck it seems! Hope it will be fixed soon, need better methods ASAP!

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Is it possible to keep test up? There are some mechanics I think some of us look forward to trying to break/abuse (as well as test cosmetics like bricks and such).

You know, make sure the tools we’re given work as intended :laughing:

It never went down as far as I know between testing releases so this seems to be a booboo somewhere…

Any info on why we can’t go to Testing right now?

Would love a reply to this from the devs…

Like I mentioned before, the Test servers should be back up for when the next round of testing is available for the following update. Expect to hear some news maybe this week about what we have planned next!